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Author Topic: Marooned in Morrowind (FINISHED)  (Read 428239 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.48
« Reply #1500 on: January 21, 2014, 06:45:18 pm »

"Born under a certain star?" He probably has one. It may even be Magnus, which would be interesting.


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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.48
« Reply #1501 on: January 21, 2014, 07:14:21 pm »

I think the current interpretation was that the certain star was the sun.


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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.48
« Reply #1502 on: January 22, 2014, 01:46:33 am »

I read there was correlation between our real months and those in the elder scrolls. So Michael, what's your birthday?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.48
« Reply #1504 on: January 22, 2014, 03:26:56 am »

I'm not entirely sure being born under the sun counts. I'm sure plenty of people were born during the day time without gaining special magic powers because of it. If we qualify because of it then most of the street urchins of the Empire do to. Which I'm not going to entirely discount.

Now I'm getting an image of hundreds of competing Nerevarine-hopefuls scouring Red Mountain for the artifacts in a race to get there first, utterly destroying everything in their path.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 03:28:56 am by HugoLuman »
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.48
« Reply #1505 on: January 22, 2014, 05:07:18 am »

Ok. I gather Michael doesn't have a birthday seeing as how he didn't exist before he walked through the door. I figured since he had all the other stats it might be.useful to know what sign he was under to benefit from that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.48
« Reply #1506 on: January 22, 2014, 04:55:33 pm »

My guess would be that if Michael has a sign, it is one that is added by a mod that enhances Luck, since that is Michael's best stat.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.48
« Reply #1507 on: January 27, 2014, 06:20:16 pm »

Just read through this.  One of the best lets plays on this board I have to say.
GENERATION 9: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
I wish my grass was emo, then it would cut itself.
Quote from: Jesus
Quote from: The Big Fat Carp
Jesus, you broke the site!
Sorry, Bro.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.48
« Reply #1508 on: January 28, 2014, 04:00:09 pm »

Thanks. :) Good to hear that after 8 months this thread is still getting new readers.

Next update is in process. Possibly might be up tonight, more likely tomorrow.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.48
« Reply #1509 on: January 30, 2014, 07:34:58 am »

(GM Comment: This was a difficult episode to write, and required a couple rewrites for various reasons. A lot of suggestions were made that weren't acted upon because they didn't end up reasonably fitting within the flow of the narrative. This probably should have been a short, quick update, but it just didn't work out that way.)

Episode 49: Tel Fyr

dry up before going in, get any sand out of your hair, that sort of things

You're healed to full and your swim seems to have washed all the blood off your armor. Though it does have a couple gouges in the torso that could stand to be repaired. You try to straighten your hair a bit, but with no mirror and no brush all you can really do is shake the water out and slick it back. On the bright side, having lost your fluffy hat in the water, at least you won't have to worry about helmet hair.

ask Cinia if she's willing to give us ride back to mainland
asking boat captain how long she will stay in port and whether we can take passage back.

You turn to go back to the dock, but it seems that Cinia is off the boat and walking up the path towards you already. Hoping for the best, you pretend to be looking for something in your backpack while she walks up, and greet her when she gets close.

: "Hello again."

: "Hi."

: "Did you...need me for something?"

She raises an eyebrow.

: "No, I have business in Tel Fyr. You're standing in front of the door."

: "...oh, sorry. Umm, so occurs to me it would be a lot nicer to ride back than to swim. Any chance you'd be willing to take me back to the mainland?"

She shrugs.

: "My next stop is Sadrith Mora. If you're at the dock when I leave I can take you with me. 20 gold ok?"

: "Sure, I can do that. When are you leaving?"

: "It will probably be a few hours. By dawn if I'm lucky."

: "So, you're not a regular ferry?"

: "I do passenger and cargo transport from time to time, but I don't offer regular service to/from Tel Fyr if that's what you mean. This whole island is restricted."

: "We're not breaking the law just by being here, are we?"

: "You are, outlander. I have council authorization."

Let's go in.
Go inside

While you struggle to come up with a suitable reply, Cinia opens the door and the two of you step inside to the sound of two dunmer women, one in  armor the other in clearly magical robes, arguing. Cinia waits to be acnowledged rather than interrupt. You follow her lead and do the same.

: "-of the Council. Someone must act."

: "Divayth does everything he can to avoid involvement, but you're welcome to ask him."

: "You know he won't listen to me."

: "I also know you haven't tried talking to him. How long has it been? Five years? Ten?"

With no immediate response, the woman in armor looks up and smiles at Cinia.

: "Cinia? I didn't expect to see you back so soon."

: "Foreman said the enchantment on the crystals I brought him wasn't good enough. So Llunela will need another set."

: "Oh, I'm so sorry. I think Alfe's upstairs. But surely that can wait. Will you be staying for dinner? Who's your friend?"

: "Thanks for the offer, but I'm on a schedule and Alfe will probably ask me to help her cut the crystals. As for him," she glances at you, "just some outlander here to plunder the dungeon, I suspect. He arrived a few minutes after I did."

At that, the one in armor looks motherly and concerned, while the robed one looks you over and laughs.

: "At least this trip won't be a total loss. Do you have anything valuable on you? Your armor's worthless. Anything good in your bag?"

: "Freyte! That's not polite!"

: "Actually, I'm here to speak with Divayth Fyr. And Yagrum too, if possible."

: "Oh? Pity."

: "For Yagrum you'll have to pass through the corprusarium. I don't advise that. But Divayth's in the upper tower. You're welcome to see yourself up."

: "I'm headed in that direction. I'll show him the way. Thanks, Beyte."

The two dunmer resume their argument while Cinia leads you up a ramp and through a door.

: "What was that about?"

: "I learned ages ago to not ask. Divayth's relationship with his daughters is...complex."

: "They're clones, right?"

: "Is that public knowledge now? Yes, outlander. They're clones. And daughters. And wives. And probably some other things that aren't any of my business. Some of them are more accepting of it than others."

: "What about you? How come you know so much about the Fyr's?"

: "Business brings me here from time to time. Beyte's a real sweetheart. We talk occasionally."

Cinia stops in the middle of the corridor and looks up.

: "You can levitate, right?"

: "I have a potion."

Cinia waves her hands and is engulfed in a swarm of purple lights, then begins floating up the shaft. You drink your levitation potion and immediately feel lighter. Weightless, even. You stand there for a moment before it occurs to you that you have no idea what to do.

Your feet have drifted slightly off the floor but you're not sure how to move in the direction you want to go. You reach your right arm down to put the empty bottle back into your coinpurse and the motion causes the rest of your body to rotate slightly in the opposite direction. Your toes are now out of contact with the floor and your body is tilted with the left side closer to the ground than the right. Maybe if you try to fly like superman?

You reach your arms up above your head and the motion pushes you back down onto the floor. You try to sink down with your knees to jump, but instead of sinking, your knees lift off the ground and your head and chest rotate forward. In a panic you kick downwards with both legs to get back in contact with the ground, then once you are, you push as hard as you can with only your feet and ankles. This propels you upward...slowly.

: "Ok, I've got this."

Since it seems like any motion from one part of your body causes the rest of your body to rotate around your center of gravity, you try not to move too much as you ascend the shaft. This isn't at all what you expected, but at least you're going in the direction you want to go. Curious, you try tilting your head up and inhaling, then tilting your head down and exhaling. You can't tell if it makes any difference. Then you reach out with both hands and press against the walls of the shaft. This stops your ascent. Pushing upward to make your body move down, you then pull down and let go, propelling yourself at a reasonable speed to the top of the shaft.

: "First time?"

: "Yeah. How did you do it? I didn't see you jump or grab anything like I had to."

: "It's different with a spell. More like flying. Potions are levitation only with no way to control where you go. Try never use one outdoors. You'll get airborne easily enough; in fact it's hard to stay on the ground, but once you're in the air there's nothing to push off of to get back down. Until the potion wears off."

: "I'll try to remember that."

: "Divayth should be down the corridor across the hall."

talk to Divayth Fyr
talk to Divayth Fyr
talk to Divayth Fyr and find out what happened with Clover.
find out what happened to Clover

Cinia disappers down one corridor, while you walk around to the corridor she pointed out for you. It seems a bit more spacious up here than you remember, but once you're clear of the support structure Divayth is immediately recognizable in a full suit of daedric armor. You're reminded of the set that Vivec conjured for you so long ago. How heavy did he say it was? 300 pounds? Divayth doesn't move like he's encumbered at all by it.

It seems a bit strange that he has his back to the corridor, but you suppose there aren't many things on Vvardenfell that could do much more than inconvenience him. When you step into the room he turns, and you see that he's holding some sort of small box with both hands.

: "Greetings, trav-"

He doesn't finish his sentence.

: "Hello, Divayth. I'm-"

He sets the box down on his table and as you speak he walks up and looks you up and down, examining you.

: "Excuse me for interrupting, but would you remove your armor?"

Divayth Fyr is cool and completely deserves our utmost respect and honesty.
be careful about is minding our manners.
be careful and respectful in what you say.

You suspect this is not what the voices had in mind, but you also suspect he asked because he chooses to be polite...not because he was giving you the option.

: "Umm, ok."

You set your backpack on the ground and begin removing your armor. As you do, Divayth walks in a circle around you, examining you. After a full circle he lifts your chin with a finger, leans in maybe six inches from your neck and looks around at it. Not merely staring, but moving his head and eyes around as if to see your insides from various angles.

: "You appear to be an Imperial."

He takes your left hand into his and inspects it, turning it over a few times, individually examining each finger and your wrist, continuing to speak, as if to himself as he does.

: "...not...seeing...anything."

He takes your right hand into his and give it the same treatment.

: "What did you say your name was?"

: "...umm...Michael...sir."

: "Michael. You're not a daedra."

Now he's hunched over, staring at your chest with a frown, giving it the same treatment he gave your neck: bobbing around as if trying to see your insides from all angles.

Don't lie, but be careful

: "...not so far as I know, no."

: "And you don't appear to be...much of anything, really."

He stands back up and looks into your eyes, still inspecting.

: "You look like an Imperial. A rather ordinary one. Not even a caster, I'll wager."

: "Well, no...not really. I can see magicka. And I can channel. But I haven't learned any spells or anything."

: "Hmm."

He frowns then shrugs and goes back over to his table and picks up the box and resumes playing with it while you put your armor back on. Now that you're up close, you can see that it's a metal cube about four inches to a side. He seems to be twisting and it and pushing at it. It kind of looks like a rubik's cube made out of dwemer metal.

: "So what brings you to me, Michael?"

quick update that shows Divayth's attitude towards us, and what happened to Clover.
find out what happened to Clover

: "Well, if you have time I have several things to discuss that might be of mutual interest. But the purpose of my visit to to discuss a visitor you might have had recently. A dunmer by the name of Clover the Clever."

He doesn't look up from the cube.

: "Yes, last I saw her she was in my study in the lower tower."

Not really an answer you were expecting.

: " she's not dead?"

Now he looks up.

: "No, why would she be?"

: "I...well, she has corprus, right?"

: "Yes, but it's not immediately fatal. The inflicted routinely live for years and so long as the growths distribute in such a way as to avoid necrosis of crucial tissues, there's no need for death to result at all. I have a very few patients who are centuries old, possibly older than they could reasonably have expected to live without it. It's actually a very interesting condition, with a number of beneficial side effects. I hesitate to call it a disease at all."

: "Clover came for a cure. Were you able to give her one?"

: "I offered an experimental treatment contingent on performing a small errand for me. She has yet to complete it."

So that's it, then. Clover came, spoke with Divayth, he sent her on a prerequisite quest before giving her the potion, and she hasn't completed it yet. The question is, what to do now? You brought only one levitation potion assuming that you'd use divine intervention to leave. You can probably get down to the ground level without one. That vertical shaft you levitated up is small enough that you can touch both sides if you stretch your arms out, so you could drop your gear and armor down, then plant feet on one side and hands on the other and get down that way. But it's about 30 feet each way and you doubt you'd be able to get back up like that. You could of course stay here and talk to Divayth a bit before go, but whatever it was that captured his interest about you when you arrived seems to not be keeping his interest. You doubt you'll be able to get away with a full game of 20 questions like you did with Vivec.

Spoiler: Stats (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Attributes (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: skills (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Equipped (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Faction standings (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Spells known (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Alchemy Knowledge (click to show/hide)

What do you do?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.49
« Reply #1510 on: January 30, 2014, 09:50:43 am »

First: Mention regularly important bits that might catch his interest -
that we have arrived from another world,
Our advanced technology (demonstrate to him the phone)
that evidence suggests we may be the Nevarine,
the fact that we have died and lived through it by rewinding time
That we want to contract corprus and then be cured of it alongside Clover (because if it fails on either one of us, then we can rewind time and inform him of it)

Now we need a good list of questions to ask them, but let's keep them limited to important questions - questions whose answers we can get some direct and powerful benefit from, questions that illuminate some very important information we know he knows. Let's talk about them and bring them up as suggestions to each other BEFORE bolding them - this is one of those times where everyone just throwing things out there is likely to end poorly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.49
« Reply #1511 on: January 30, 2014, 12:35:31 pm »

Agreed. The corprus bit might come off as a bit... weird. Or megalomaniacal.

I think explaining our predicament is very important. And contrary to what was said earlier, I believe the best way of getting his attention is with the so-called "alarming" information, which random people ought not to know. Like asking "This errand wouldn't happen to be taking some dwemer boots of flying to get repaired, now would it?"

Speaking of which, also I suspect asking about that dwemer puzzle box might get him talking. If the game's anything to go on, he's quite chatty about subjects of his interest. In fact, I think we just narrowly avoided a full-blown lecture on Corprus. I know 2 of his major obsessions are the Dwemer and Corprus.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 12:42:01 pm by HugoLuman »
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.49
« Reply #1512 on: January 30, 2014, 08:01:26 pm »

If we are going to show him the phone, we need to make sure it has battery at first at least. 

So I would suggest checking if the phone has power.
GENERATION 9: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
I wish my grass was emo, then it would cut itself.
Quote from: Jesus
Quote from: The Big Fat Carp
Jesus, you broke the site!
Sorry, Bro.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.49
« Reply #1513 on: January 31, 2014, 07:00:43 pm »

Last time we checked the phone had half power left, so let's just assume it got about half it's power left still.

EDIT: Wait, did the phone get wet from the swimming? Bye bye phone!
« Last Edit: January 31, 2014, 07:45:39 pm by ank »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.49
« Reply #1514 on: January 31, 2014, 08:18:20 pm »

Last time we checked the phone had half power left, so let's just assume it got about half it's power left still.

EDIT: Wait, did the phone get wet from the swimming? Bye bye phone!

Episode 48:

At least your cellphone still works, though you notice the battery is low. Even turned off like it's been it doesn't look like it's going to last much longer.
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