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Author Topic: Adventurer's tale: Vagabond  (Read 831 times)


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Adventurer's tale: Vagabond
« on: May 23, 2013, 02:28:59 am »

   Breaking forth from cover the dark clothed man sprited forth to advance his place and risk facing whip or worse, squashing face flat into the wall he clung onto it with clenched teeth and held breath. The young man feared he'd been spotted, the guard he'd long known for sharp eye and unforgiving disposition stood perched in lookout; surveying the night for anything and anyone.
Looking carefully outward the man spied his goal, the sewer hole, his exit to this city and his passage to the open world. Creeping gently from the wall, our would-be vagabond edged slowly toward his escape, fear and excitment growing with each step; heart beating loud enough he thaught it would give his quite aproach away.
Reaching the hole he dove in having no further cover and no hindsight he hit the bottom with as noisy a clammer as one could make; scrambling down the stonework sewer in just about a run he burst out into the night like he was shot from a gun, and ran straight on through the feilds and into the woods. Coming to a stop only when he was out of breath and out of sight of the far off lights of the city of his birth.
Looking to himself and his pack of food and tools he made ready for tonight he made a promise to himself, the man he was and would have been force to be is dead, and in his place stands a new man... who happens to need a new name, and somewhere to go.

Our adventurer needs a name.

Ross Vernal

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Re: Adventurer's tale: Vagabond
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2013, 02:35:20 am »

Wayward Vagabond


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Re: Adventurer's tale: Vagabond
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2013, 02:54:33 am »

Eric the Cabinet-Maker

Harry Baldman

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Re: Adventurer's tale: Vagabond
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2013, 09:26:53 am »

Eric the Cabinet-Maker

Yes. This is desirable.


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Re: Adventurer's tale: Vagabond
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2013, 02:25:43 pm »

"Yes of course, from hense forth I shall be Eric the cabinet-maker." said Eric Looking about the dark woods he puzzled about where hense he should go.
Knowing as much as north being the way towards the City Cranesdown from which he fled a life of forced service to the evil regime whom would make him craft nails and spoons for the rest of his life and but a rumored tale of far off cities he desided he should simply set out in any direction until he set his feet upon a road.
Dusting some of the coal dust from his face set forth south and into the woods; traveling by touch as much as anything else. After quite a long time of feeling his way forward the morning light of the sun did brighten the woods and quicken his pace onward deeping into the ever thickening wood. After quite some more time he stumbled into a clearing, not of a road but of a wide opening of the trees, rumblings from his empty stomache did tell him he should stop and make breakfast, quickly he desided to set up himself and made about to build a fire; gathering dry sticks from the edging of the clearing.
Setting flint to steel did make camp and survey his equipment, he had brought dry meats and breads, had packed a skin of wine and flask of water, he rummaged a hogs worth of vegetables and nearly a whole cheesewheel, had stolen away a flint and a steel sword, and even made off with some coinage and a smithing hammer and tongs.
Breaking off a portion of bread and throwing some meat near the fire to warm, he sat down and celibrated his first meal as a free man, and soon enough having finished his feast of meat felt the sleepless night take hold and the soft grass of the clearing becon him lay and sleep. Feeling to tired to resist he fell into sleep and dreams of adventure in the wilds of the world.
Having slept his fill found himself awaking to the midday sun shining down upon his sootcovered self, making himself aware he noticed his stay in the clearing had not gone unnoticed and his fire which he had forgotten to put out was being tended by a skeleton of a man with naught but a flowing cloth of greens and browns.
"You shouldn't sleep in the graves of others boy, its very rude." pinned in the man upon noticing Eric had indeed awakened and was now plainly staring at him.

What should Eric do?