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Vote for the New Government Party of the Reichstag

Vereinigte Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (Radical Socialist/Syndicalist)
- 6 (23.1%)
Gemeinschaft Deutscher Stahl- und Kohlekonzerne (Corporatist Centrist/Social Conservative)
- 6 (23.1%)
Alldeutscher Verband (National Populist)
- 4 (15.4%)
Gedankenjustierer Partei (Populist)
- 3 (11.5%)
Social Republican Party (Social Democrats)
- 6 (23.1%)
Mittelafrikanische Nationale Befreiungsbewegung ( Seperatist)
- 1 (3.8%)

Total Members Voted: 15

Voting closed: June 04, 2013, 10:37:26 am

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Author Topic: Realpolitik IC-Thread: 3rd February 1936: Reichstag Elections Open!  (Read 6605 times)


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1st January 1936: New Year Report
January-March 1936: Election Opens!
1936 Election Results

Current Parties

Vereinigte Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (VDA)
Radical Socialist/Syndicalist

The VDA is one of the Few Leftist Parties in The Kaiserreich. They Support Universal Suffrage and a Centralized Economy lead by Trade Unions. The intend to dismantle Mitteleuropa and are supporting a strong Isolationist Pacifist Policy aswell as seeking reconciliation with the Syndicalists.


Gesellschaft Deutscher Stahl- und Kohlekonzerne(GDSK)
Corporatist/Social Conservative

The GDSK is a party representing the interests of the great Industrialists inside Germany. Supporting Realpolitik, They support the Anschluss as long as it's profitable and seek a Economic Foreign Policy by affirming Trade Agreements with Potential Allies but not commitment through a real Military Alliance. Obviously they have an enmity to the Syndicalist States and similiar leftist Nations.
Militarywise they propose a new Military Doctrine of Mobile Warfare instead of the old Infantry and Decisive Battle Doctrines.


Alldeutscher Verband (ADV)
National Populist
The Alldeutsche Verband is an Ultranationalist/National Populistic Party. Supporting Jingoism, they are actively promoting the eradication of the Syndicalists. Suprisingly (for a rightwing party) they support Universal Suffrage and the integration of women into the military. Their Foreign and Mitteleuropa Policy is centered around expansionism of Mitteleuropean and especially Germany. Their Military Doctrine is in support of Heavy Use of Artillery and Airforce.


Gedankenjustierer (GdjP)
The Gedankenjustierer, ignores any system of Social Theories and can't be but in one Political Corner. With a Wide Array of National Populist,Syndicalist,Liberal and Conservative Standpoint, the party is truly for those who have no idea what they actually want. They are promoting Universal Suffrage but stand with the Old Doctrine of Infantry-Based Warfare and Decisive Battles. While Promoting Expansionism and Increasing Mitteleuropas Power and Territory they actively support reconciliation with the Syndicalists. Finally their Viewpoint on the Anschluss and German Viewpoints is based on peaceful integration of Austria and The Baltikum. IF there ever was a party embodying Realpolitik...i think you have it here.


Social Republican Party (SRP)
Social Democrats

The Social Republican Party is a pretty new party on the political stage, being Social Democrats they represent a toned down version of the Syndicalists, tending more to the Democratic midst and thus are generally more liked by the Nobility and the Kaiser. Supporting Universal Suffrage, a moderated Foreign and Mitteleuropean Policy and a neutral Opinion on the Military Doctrine, the SRP seems to represent the POlitical Center of the Reichstag these days.

Digital Hellhound

Mittelafrikanische Nationale Befreiungsbewegung (MNB)

The MNB is a movement of Colonials seeking independece from Germany.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 06:09:01 pm by Ghazkull »


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Re: Realpolitik IC-Thread: 1st January 1936: New Year Report
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2013, 03:13:11 pm »

1st January 1936: New Year

Happy New Year Gentlemen, i hope you all enjoyed last night. I hope you are not too hung over because i have a lot of information for you in the New Year Report. The Earlier we Start the Sooner we can go home so let's start shall we?

Situation in Europe

Gentlmen the Pax Germania after World War I is all but gone. To the West the Commune of France and the Union of Britain have formed the Internationale, an Alliance of Syndicalist States.
In the South the Italian Federation under Pope Pius XI. has turned into a Theocracy bent on fighting the Socialist Republic of the Sicilies, which also is a member of the Internationale.

The Kingdom of Spain has to deal with heavy Internal Syndicalist and National Populist Unrests, while Austria-Hungary is still struggling under internal misgivings and the Ausgleich it's Protectorates of Croatia,Bosnia,Galicia and Bohemia are all clamouring for Independence. The Balkan as always is a blackpowder charge waiting to be blown.
 The Iron Guard Romania is still adhering to the Treaty of Bucharest although already Rumours of movements towards the Demilitarized Zone of Oltenia are reaching us.
In the East Mitteleuropa stands strong, our memberstates of Ukraine, the United Baltic Duchies, White Ruthenia and Lithuania have all Members of the German Nobility installed as Heads of States.
Russia however is an entirely different manner. The Failed October Revolution is still causing problems in the Young Democracy and the Elections in May will show whether they will stay democratic or fall back into civil war.

Militarily the Reichswehr is already not the strongest force in europe anymore. French has increased the size of its military steadily already exceeding ours by 55.000 Men.
The Syndicalist Threat is indeed grave and several elements within the Reichstag suggested that we instead try to reconciliate with the Syndicalists. On the other hand more conservative members issued the opinion that we should seek bonds with Ireland and other Monarchic States. While the Entente is still plotting against us, the Syndicalist Threat might make at least a temporary Alliance possible. However both National France now in Exile in Africa and Royal Canada need subsidizing and help to retake their country.


Africa is strong in German Hands. Mittelafrika, our semi-independent Colony governed by Reichstatthalter Herrmann Göring is steadily growing. The Union of South Africa has declared its independence from Britain and since then has turned into the only other major power on the Continent. The Only worrying thing right now in Africa is the increased military presence of Portugese Troops in their Colonies. Indeed Both Mittelafrika'S and Portugals relationship has become increasingly strained the als tfew years.


Recently Asia has been in flux, Many new developments and all of them...worrying. In Mongolia a Russian Nobleman with German roots occupied Mongolia with his own personal army. He is reigning the Country with an Iron Fist, and is referred by many as the Mad Baron, due to his aspirations to restore the Golden Horde and claim the title of Genghis Khan II. Mad Man if you ask me. What should be more of a concern for us however is the situation in China. The Qing Empire has a new Emperor, an ambitious Emperor. One we should watch closely. In other News the AlgOst GmbH has notified us about increasing Civil Unrest among its chinese population. They added howeve that everything is under control. Most worrying however is Japan which recently developed imperialistic ambitions and wishes to carve its own empire out of China. They Already claimed Korea and Taiwan, although both Countreis are straining against the yokes of oppression.

Well then Gentlemen this is the Current World Situation.
As for the Upcoming Election these are the Issues we are currently facing:

Universal suffrage
In the last few years feminist movements have clamoured for Universal and Equal Voting Rights. It is up to the New Government to decide whether to include Women in the Elections for 1938.

Military Doctrine
While Infantry Based Warfare and the Decisive Battle Doctrine has proven successfull during the Weltkrieg, it has been stressed during the last two years that the German Military Theory has to be renewed, on the other side, World War Veterans are claiming that our current Doctrine is successfull and doesn't need to be changed.

Mitteleuropean Policy
On the Mitteleuropa Summit in April the new Government will have to decide whether it wishes to pursue a isolationist or expansionist towards its neighbours. While Countries like Finland, Hungary and South Africa would make great Allies, many insist that Mitteleuropa should stay a closed European Alliance to prevent Germany from having to take a too aggressive position on the world stage.

Relations with the Syndicalists
Many of our Leftwing Politicians have expressed their desire to seek reconciliation with the Internationale and indeed the Internationale has expressed it's support of the Syndicalist Parties in Germany. Especially a Syndicalist Coalition Party might be key to retain German Democracy and  Reduce International Pressure.

German Territorial Claims
Many World War I Veterans in the Opposition believe that Germany remained much to moderate in the Aftermath of the War, resulting in our weakened position today. Indeed many of the rightwing parties both in Germany and especially in Austria seek an Anschluss. The Joining of Austria,Bohemia and Germany to a Greater Germany, seeing this opportunity come as the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary is falling apart. Some of the most extremist even stress german claims on an Ostland out of our allies to allow us to enforce the Pax Germania and even going so far as laying claims to Switzerland. Should a right wing party be elected it might seriously change the way of Germanies Neighbourly Politics.

Many Opposition Parties have called for the abolishment of Realpolitik, the political theory that unified our country and led to our victory in the Weltkrieg. The Debate has been pending between Pacifism mainly upheld by the leftists, Realpolitik being held high by the conservative Parties,  Reactionary Democrats who claim that force is needed to spread Democracy over the World and finally militaristic Jingoism promoted by the Radical Right, who think that the Iron Fist is better to assert German Dominance than the Velvet Glove.

Gentlement that is all for today. Good Luck in your Election Campaigns.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 04:51:00 pm by Ghazkull »


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Re: Realpolitik IC-Thread: 1st January 1936: New Year Report
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2013, 06:17:52 pm »

With the election day drawing nearer, the Vereinigte Deutsche Arbeiterpartei emerged from the woodwork and begun spreading their ideas primarily through the use of newspapers and pamphlets. Many members of the party were still rather nervous to hold any kind of rally in public just yet, as the riot incited around their last public rally one year ago nearly had half the party arrested and thrown in prison. Not to mention the more conservative members of the government, who'd be more than happy to find an excuse to send the police at themhe s.

Excerpts from Die Arbeiter-Zeitung, a suspected VDA backed newspaper currently undergoing investigation.

"With the elections drawing near, many hardworking citizens are now looking upwards to the men promising them of great prosperity and security. But are these promises truly real? Or are they a fabrication created by the very men who's best interests are ensuring that the general populace doesn't grow too prosperous. The status-quo ensures stability and wealth, the conservative says. Let the free market do all of the work, the liberal says. Expand our borders to ensure the prosperity of the german public, the nationalist says. Rapid imperialism, belief in the so called "Free Market", and the unwillingness to change is the very poison that will cause the slow painful death of this country. The German people must look forward, to a new future, a socialist future!"

The pamphlets handed out by the party seem to sum up the party's majority opinion on the current prevailing topics of interest, and although this method of advertisement may not be as effective as it could be, it's a much safer alternative at the moment.

Excerpts from "An Equal Germany", a commonly distributed pamphlet amongst the German syndicalist/socialist circles regarding the election stances of the VDA.

Spoiler: Stances of the VDA (click to show/hide)

Well, you do have a busy life, what with keeping tabs on wild, rough-and-tumble forum members while sorting out the drama between your twenty two inner lesbians.
Your drunk posts continue to baffle me.
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Re: Realpolitik IC-Thread: 1st January 1936: New Year Report
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2013, 01:04:36 pm »

Election time is drawing near, and as always, the socialists come creeping out of the woodwork, whispering their lies into the ears of the workmen. The nationalist march through the streets, inspiring a false and dangerous sense of patriotism in the people, a misplaced, overly proud pride, the sort of which is always experienced before the greatest tragedies. The GDSK does not partake in these activities. Compared to the election campaigns of many, it is fairly modest. There's only one issue they act against with great vigour, which is the nationalization of the economy, something which a suprising amount of parties seems to propose.


On topic of the VDA, I have little to say. They claim to be fighting for the rights of the people, but actually, they want the people to fight and die for them. They want to replace germany's loyal soldiers with farmers and factoryworkers. It's a tendency we have seen in more syndicalist countries, and while these armies might be good at parades, they will get slaughtered in war. These untrained soldiers, fulfilled with misplaced pride, will be obliterated by the enemies cannons, cursing the VDA in their last dying breaths.

Not only do they want to take the workforce away from our factories, they want to dismantle our alliances, they want us to watch powerless while our friends are eliminated ,and then shackle the remainder of our economy in an endless bureaucracy that will only profit the syndicate leaders themselves.

To this I say no. We must stand up, and defend our land from danger.  A danger coming from within, a lying shapechanging monster, and a dangerous one. We will not watch idilly while they sacrifice germany for the sake of their glorious revolution. We will stand, and defend the country.

I must stress however, that we don't seek war, or tiranny. The GDSK stands for a greater germany, build upon the power of our industry, not the ashes of war. We ask everyone to take up their responsibility, and to vote for the GDSK; for our party does not represent the inevitabe decay of bureaucracy, nor the oblivious destruction of war, but the glory of reason.

Spoiler: Election stuff (click to show/hide)


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Re: Realpolitik IC-Thread: 1st January 1936: New Year Report
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2013, 09:45:09 am »

The elections are coming, and as with all the other elections, the political propaganda machines of the Syndicalists and liberals were put into action, whether through newspapers or pamphlets. The AV instead marches in the streets and goes door-to-door to drum up nationalistic fervor and support for the ideals of the Verband. Many prominent leaders of the AV organize speeches and public rallies taking advantage of the absence of the VDA in this area of the election campaigns.

Excerpt from the newspaper, "A Greater Germany":

"As with all the elections, the Syndicalist Scum have taken to spreading their Red Poison through newspapers and pamphlets. They claim to be representing the common worker, but, truly, they seek to rule over the German people with an Iron Fist through their so-called "syndicates". They wish to have the common worker replace the loyal German soldier on the field of battle, but to this we ask: 'Who will man the factories then?' If the workers wish to work in our glorious German factories, then let them. Every German is a valuable cog in our great society! We cannot just simply replace a cog with a different cog!

Not only do they wish to destroy our industry; they also wish to abandon our allies and succumb to Syndicalist influence. We echo the GDSK in response to this. We will stand with them against the Red Death!

Take up your duty! Protect the German Empire! Vote for a Greater Germany! Vote for the Alldeutsche Verband!"

Spoiler: Election Stances (click to show/hide)


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Re: Realpolitik IC-Thread: 1st January 1936: New Year Report'
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2013, 12:56:47 pm »

Spoiler: Speech (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: English Translation (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Summarized Standings (click to show/hide)
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
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Re: Realpolitik IC-Thread: 1st January 1936: New Year Report
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2013, 10:33:22 am »

January-March 1936: The Elections Begin

Good Morning Gentlemen, with the Opening of the Voting Booths in a few Hours the Hot Phase of the Elections will begin. On another Note i have several News which might or might not be beneficial to your Election Campaign.

Viktor Kerensky assassinated! Duma occupied by Denikin, Bolsheviks and Whites take up Arms!

Finally it has happened, the weak and fragile Russian Federation has broken apart with the Assassination of Kerensky by an unkown Assassin. In response to this both Rightwing Monarchists and Leftwing Bolsheviks accused each other of the Deed ending in fights breaking out among the Parties. The whole affair reached a boiling point as the fighting spread into the surrounding Streets causing General Denikin to bring in Military Units and occupy the Duma. In response both Monarchists and Bolsheviks left the Duma and started gearing for War. Even as i speak the Red Army is assembling.

Red Army Soldiers on the March

The Situation within the Federation is explosive to say the least. Not only the Red and the Whites are on the March, rumours of Wrangel's Sudden Disappearance gave fuel to his suspected involvement in the crime. In the East Sternberg has used the instability of the Federation to declare war upon Xibei San Ma, in order to restore the Mongol Empire of Old.

Indeed worrying. The question is, do we support any of these factions or close our embassy and wait what will happen?

Heavy Criticism for VDA - Both Centrist and Rightwing Parties decry "Syndicalist Traitors!

With the beginning of the Election Campaigns the Vereinigte Arbeiterpartei had to endure a smear Campaign initated both by the GDSK and the Alldeutsche Verband. Are both Parties going to form a Coalition?

Black Monday: German Stock Market Collapses!

...I-i-i just recieved this Message. Gentlemen. the German Stock Market has crashed. Utterly. Even as we speak hundreds of Factories are closing. The Workers are on the streets...We don't know yet how deep this crisis is looks grim.

By the Power vested in my by the German Empire and his Excellence Kaiser Wilhelm II. i hereby declare the 1936 Reichstag Elections OPENED!


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A speech was issued by one of the politicians of the Verband.

Brothers.... Sisters... Mothers, fathers, daughters and sons of Germany. As you all know, the German stock market has crashed. Factories are going under as i speak. Businesses are closing down and many of you will lose your jobs. These are dark times. Vulnerable times. To our East lie the Syndicalist Scum, to our west lies a war. Germany, we must remain strong. People such as the Syndacalists will prey on you for your votes. Take advantage of your weakness with honeyed words as they plot in darkness for a Syndacalist Germany, all national pride, love of the Fatherland and any chance of a strong Germany defeated. You will be worked like dogs, beaten with rifles by the military, crushed underneath their boots. Germany, this is not your true destiny. We can rise from this setback to a great Germany! We can rise above this! Our party is strong, and you are strong. Together, we shall take hands and pull out of this sick pit of Syndicalism and economic downturn. We will make Germany strong, and you strong! Let us rise together, into a future free of slavery, of Syndacalism! A future of happiness, hope, and joy! Take our hand, rise, and vote for the Verband!

The speech was published on the few TV's of the nation, and on Radio, and excerpts were published in papers and leaflets distributed with a single coin, as a sign of well meaning. The leaflets were given to workers and families, bold and brave.
I honestly thought this was going to be about veterinarians.
Ermey: 26/4/13


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Dear Citizens of the German Reich

I come to you today not with empty words, but with a plan. A crisis has hit our land, whose size has never been seen before. Yet I have a plan. In other countries, this crisis is met with nationalizations, austerity and general panic. Not here, not in Germany. We will weather this storm, and arise even greater. This crisis is not the end of times, as some will most likely say, nor is it the beginning of a new era. It is however, a sign of disease. A deadly disease, which has infected other countries, and now threathens to affect us too.

Our plan rests on 3 pilars. The first pilar is germany itself. The country, it's ethics, and it's infrastructure. The Second pilar is our knowledge, our capability to invent and discover. Finally, the last pillar, and the most important one, is you the people.



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Excerpt from a speech held at a local workers' rally, one of the first open speeches the VDA has held in years.

Fellow workers, an economic crisis has befallen Germany. The stock market has crashed, an event that our party feared would happen sooner or later. Do you see now what this "Free Market" entails? Do you see now the weaknesses our current economics bring? Things will not get better from here if we follow the same path, I foresee rampant unemployment and the further deterioration of German working man!

If you do not believe that we need change, look to our neighbors to the west, in the Commune of France! Do you hear of the unemployment there? Do you hear of any stock market crashes? No! While the rest of the German-supported world struggles from the shock waves of our economy. But yet, you do not see the Syndicalists and Socialists worrying. They're as functioning as they were a few days ago! Will we not learn from our errors and change?

I have one last warning for you all, and that is the sickly poisons whispered by the Nationalists. The Verband seems to have quite the hatred of us Socialists. But then again, the oppressors always seethe with anger as they see the next wave of revolutionaries relinquish what control they could of had. We want every worker here to have a fair shot at life, we're tired of this dog eat dog world we live in. We simply want to make it easier for the working man! So please, vote for the VDA. Do it for yourself, your family, and for the future of Germany. We will rise from this crisis like a phoenix, and bring about a new better age!
Well, you do have a busy life, what with keeping tabs on wild, rough-and-tumble forum members while sorting out the drama between your twenty two inner lesbians.
Your drunk posts continue to baffle me.
Welcome to Reality.


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Re: Realpolitik IC-Thread: 3rd February 1936: Reichstag Elections Open!
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2013, 03:59:47 pm »

"Greetings, fellow countrymen. I come here to speak on the issue most pressing to the nation at this moment: The economic collapse which is putting thousands out of work. Simply put, this is not a problem we can expect to fix without great effort of the government and the people, but it's also not one that we can simply throw money at and hope it works. We must take a moment to consider what the proper solution is. We must consider this in two parts: How we will fix Germany and make it stronger in the long run, and how we will keep Germany functioning in the interim.

"As to the first part, we must create more jobs to replace the ones lost. Industry, modernization, innovation--these will be needed for the Germany of tomorrow. We must remake Germany as best we can, as fast we can. And it will be a great nation, for the German people not only live but thrive on adversity. Who rose from the ashes of the Great War? Germany. Who united itself against adversity not a century ago? Germany. Who will become the leading nation in the world? If we can roll up our sleeves
(speaker begins rolling up sleeves) and work together, as one, then Germany will again take her rightful place at the top of the world.
"But even as we thrive, we must survive. This is hardly a guarantee these days, these days of unemployment with no more jobs. Hence, where the Free Market cannot provide, the government must. As noted in a recent English book, when the private sector does not spend sufficient funds to employ a nation, the public sector must be willing and able to pick up the slack. The government will need to provide employment. This will allow families to have free money, which they will spend. The businesses that they spend money on will be able to hire more people; these newly-employed will join the spenders, leading to an upward spiral that brings a nation out of recession.
"Quite thankfully, these two goals are not unrelated. If elected, the Gedankenjustierer will be hiring workers and purchasing in bulk to revolutionize our nation's infrastructure. German coin will be spent on German workers and German business, forging a working Germany and a better Germany. This is what we shall do, for it is what we can do."

"Sir! What have you to say about the revolution in Russia?"

"It is a war of Russia, by Russians, against Russia. Until the soldiers threaten to march on Germany or her allies, we have nothing to fear."

"Are you aware that the GDSK has made a similar speech not long ago?"

"The 'Three Pillars' speech? Quite. I support much the same plan as they, even if it took the Gedankenjustierer longer to decide it was the right course of action, draft a speech, and get a time to make it. However, I can't help but question their suggestion that we waste money on the military. At this time, when Germany's enemy is not War but Famine, it seems foolish to build up arms and armor to rust and become obsolete and not to save that money to spend on making Germany mighty once more. Instead, we support improving the infrastructure, industry, science, and economy of our nation, so that if enemies do come, they find that we are not an impoverished nation with old cannons and rusted rifles, but the most prosperous and knowledgeable nation on the planet, capable of funding and making an army of war machines before they can harm us."

"What do you have to say about the Vereinigte?"

"They are neither good nor evil, perfect nor irredeemably bad. That said, while I agree with some policies, I can't help but fear that their if their apparent goal of an isolated Germany, with the old methods destroyed because they are old, were to succeed, that that Germany would be a greatly weakened say nothing of their fearmongering and false claims that the French are living like kings. But then, the campaign against them is using improper methods as well, and they make poor choices as well."
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.

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Re: Realpolitik IC-Thread: 3rd February 1936: Reichstag Elections Open!
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2013, 07:04:44 am »

Excerpts from SRP rallies, 1936:

The young face of the Social Republicans, Mathias Ebner, takes the podium. There is thunderous applause.

Fellow countrymen! I thank you all for coming here today. Our nation faces dark times, and we must be ever vigilant for threats to our freedoms and our beloved nation. Many would lead you astray, my friends - not out of malice, but they are only human, and afraid.


What is the capitalist, then? The stock broker, the banker, the factory owner? Our more radical brethren would tell you they are inhuman monsters, defined only by their greed. But we must remember that they are only men, like us. Men make mistakes. Men can be petty, and cruel, and become blind to the needs of others. They will still be men, not beasts, and we have no right to deny them the inalienable rights of men.

The state is there to guide the capitalist, to ensure he does not stray, to ensure his moral judgement is not clouded. And if he falls, the state will be there to punish him. The German worker will not be his servant or his tool - he will be his partner and equal, in all matters.

In union, under the guiding hand, we will persevere, even in these dark times. I guarantee, the Social Republicans will never allow another Black Monday to befall our beloved nation.


Thomas Kästner, speaking at a town hall debate

That the question of Universal Suffrage needs to be debated is in itself laughable. Is it fear? Is our government afraid of women? (scattered laughter) If so, they have every right to be afraid, afraid of the people they would try to suppress the freedoms of. I say, let Germany show the world true progress! The vote to women, to the blacks and the orientals, and yes, to the Reds too! They are all citizens - if we cannot guarantee that they have their say, what right do we have to call ourselves a democracy?


To my honoured Verband opponent's claims that the Syndicalists are an enemy of Germany - rubbish! It speaks of a terribly reactionary and narrowminded view of countries that we have needlessly antagonized and driven to this state of hostility. You could just as well claim that the freemasons are enemies of Germany, or that Jews are... oh, wait, I hit a sore spot there, didn't I? (mixed laughter and jeers) I think, think it's pretty clear that the AV does not have the best interests of the German people and their allies in mind. I find it hard to believe it has anyone's best interests in mind.


The SRP believes in the right for self-determination. I've heard the arguments for claiming this territory and against it, arguments that it would be good for the economy, that it would be good or bad for our prestige abroad. These concerns should be secondary at most - what right do we even have to make these claims? It is the SRP's wish that free referendums will be held for the people of these disputed areas. If their governments try to stop it, they have failed their democratic ideals, and some consideration can be given to - to definitely diplomatic pressure, but perhaps even military intervention to make sure the people do get their voices heard. We have pledged to defend the will of the people, in Germany and abroad.

To propose that Germany isolate itself, perhaps even dissolve its alliances, is a very unrealistic opinion, though. We have the chance to become a power for good and progress on the world stage. We must not throw that away, but we must be vigilant to avoid the threats of authoritarianism and imperialism that seem to plague some of our fellow parties. Under our guard, the 20th century will be one of peace and prosperity.

Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Realpolitik IC-Thread: 3rd February 1936: Reichstag Elections Open!
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2013, 03:32:58 pm »

He is tall and well dressed, though somewhat portly. He is flanked by a number of men and women of varied ethnicities; some from colonies in the Far East, some from Alexandria, some from Germany itself, though the majority are African. He surveys the small crowd of passers-by that has congregated in front of him, staring at him with curiosity. He clears his throat and speaks with a high, clear voice.

"People of Germany and her colonies. I am François Boganda, Chairman of the Central African National Liberation Movement. We stand for the liberation of the Free State of Central Africa, along with the provision of social welfare, education and labour to her citizens. Though the Reich has provided us with much capital in a bid to industrialise our lands, the intentions of the establishment are centred around our exploitation. They will create a powerful, productive colony that is within the interests of Europe, not our own. To do this they shall be forced to destroy our culture, something that they achieve through German-language education, a measure taken to eradicate the native languages of our lands. This "Industrialisation" and "Westernisation" has been forced on our people; it is not compatible with our way of life.

We must also consider that this decade shall be a decade of great change; the winds of time shake the barley in the fields of Europe, and... one day... the black man and the white man shall live together in peace. I can feel it in my bones. How, though, can we reach that Utopia when we remain unrepresented and controlled? When one race has the whip hand over the other? The independence of African people is the only way forward.

The time has come to take our future into our own hands and regain our independence from our Colonial oppressors! Free yourselves and your brothers and sisters from Imperial rule! Join us, people of the Empire! Join the Central African National Liberation Movement!

« Last Edit: June 03, 2013, 02:57:41 pm by Owlbread »


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Re: Realpolitik IC-Thread: 3rd February 1936: Reichstag Elections Open!
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2013, 05:04:56 pm »

An Open Letter to the Most Honorable Members of the MNB

Members of the MNB,

Although I respect your fervor, I must say that it is a little bit misguided. First of all, Wilhelm Solf has already established social security in the Free State of Mittelafrika. Are you already throwing away his legacy by calling his reforms nothing more than a sham just because he's dying? Never have I heard such non-sense. Without Wilhelm Solf, you Central Africans would still be forced to work in the expansive mines of Mittelafrika without pay or job security making you nothing more than slaves. Second, the German Empire has provided the Africans with education, as the Honorable Chairman Boganda has already admitted. Although we do not teach your native languages at our schools, I hope that you will see the reason behind this. First, there are thousands of languages native to Mittelafrika. If we were to teach all of them, there would very little children in each class. If you truly wish to unite Central Africa, then you must think up of a way to communicate with each-other rather than having all of your children speak a hundred different languages. The reason the colonial administration only teaches the German language is to ensure that all Mittelafrikans may communicate with each-other and other Germans.

Second, there is little reason to teach any other language than German. As far as I see it, our education system is just following in the footsteps of the American education system which has taught many immigrants and descendants of immigrants. They did not require any person to learn any language besides English. Do you see masses of people protesting in the streets of America because the government doesn't teach German or French? I don't. We are not eradicating any native languages, if you think that we are; you are just too lazy to teach your children how to speak their native language.

The Empire does provide labor to its citizens. Are you not informed of the "Iron Rice Bowl" program(s) taking place in the AOG? We gave the Chinese stable employment and income to feed their families. We seek to implement these programs within the German Empire.

Yes, I agree with Chairman Boganda that whites and blacks will, one day, live together in peace. But, if the white man and the black man live separately, then how can whites and blacks live together?

Hermann Ebner.


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Re: Realpolitik IC-Thread: 3rd February 1936: Reichstag Elections Open!
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2013, 05:50:42 pm »

An Open Letter in Response to Members of the ADV

Members of the ADV,

It is all too typical of a right-wing, Ultranationalist, Imperialist party such as the ADV to tell us that we should be "thankful" that our colonial rulers have even conceded to raise us from the status of slaves. We should be thankful for the paltry sums given to us, passed off as "social welfare". We should be thankful that you educate us in the European way without regard to our traditions, culture, beliefs or way of life. What Herr Solf has done is simply not enough.

You propose the question "if the white man and the black man live separately, then how can whites and blacks live together?" The answer to this question is that any white man is welcome in the Central African Confederation. We will simply have greater representation in our own government, elected by our own people. All we request is that we be given the right to elect our own government and take control of our own future - not suffer under the rule of civil servants appointed by a foreign goverrnment.

Your labour proposals are inapplicable to Central Africa. You will force tribesmen, people far more suited to the lives of hunter gatherers than labourers, into the European concept of "jobs". The concept is alien to us, and any attempts to impose it upon us is doomed to fail. If successful, the MNB would respect the rights of existing tribesmen to live as their grandfathers did, though we pledge to create more communal, nationalised agricultural/industrial enterprises for our brothers and sisters that have been urbanised.

Your comparison with the United States is nonsensical. The United States is a nation of immigrants, none of whom are native to their land barring the Native Americans. We, however, are the native people of Central Africa. The land rightfully belongs to us, not you. You are the foreign invaders, imposing your culture upon us with astounding arrogance and without our consent.

I am utterly astonished that you have the gall to accuse us of being "too lazy to teach our children"; the only reason why I can speak Mbaka, my own native tongue, having passed through the oppressive German education system (in which we learned far more about the history of the Reich than our own countries), is that my mother immersed me in the language. I was taught through song, through stories, without the use of books or pens. The survival of our languages rest purely on our own efforts. Though we do indeed have hundreds of languages, we believe that this simply requires radical reform, specifically localisation, of our education system. With independence we shall create our own, constructed language to unite our peoples.

You address us respectfully, you refer to our members as "honourable", yet you insult us terribly.

Chairman François Boganda.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2013, 05:54:56 pm by Owlbread »
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