Okay Gentlemen, the Leftists won because you didn't officially declare your Coalition in time, besides GWG never agreed to join it and even if he did, we'd have a stalemate, which would lead to reelections or something similiar. The Close Election Result will certainly have a effect on the State don't worry about that one.
Next, The Parties who didn't win no need to disband in the Opposition you have several things to do:
a) Comment on the Governments Actions (support it, decry it, whatever floats the boat)
b) String-Pulls. String Pulls are basically how you Influence the World. For example the Russian Civil War going on. With a String-Pull Petition one of you decides that the Blacks (the Anarchist Forces) should win/or make major gains in the Civil War. For that to happen you need at least 50% of the Opposition's support. If you have that, PM the Petition to me and it will be integrated into the World's Events.
Sorelians win French Elections? China defeats the Norther Chinese Rebels and demands the AlgOstAsGmbH? American Union Party wins Elections? Royal Canada Invades Union of Britain? You can decide whether you want to help or hinder the Government and Ultimately Germany with String Pulls.
That's to that.
Now about Elections. For the Next Elections we will amend the Rules a bit:
1. Coalitions have to be announced BEFORE the end of the Elections in Bold Size 14- Letters
2. The Party/Coalition with the most Votes will win, not the party with most Votes over 50%
3. In case of a Stalemate, National Dissent will rise by 30% and a Coin will be thrown to decide the ruling Coalition/Party.