I was cleaning up my desktop and found some old notes for a LCS mod I intended to make one day. The idea was that if you got public opinion high enough, you could upgrade L+ social positions to L++ positions, which would generally have strange effects. Exactly what they might be, I don't know.
I also wanted to add Computer Rights as a social position. Hacking might scare some people into cracking down on it, but if you keep a good public face, you could eventually make it impossible to (legally) punish your hackers!
I particularly like the Death Penalty modification, because it'd be hilarious trying to "upgrade" someone from a vandalism charge to several counts of murder so that, instead of going to jail, he's set free.
I'm not going to be working on this, so go for it if you're interested.
Abortion Rights Abortions are mandatory
Animal Rights There are major welfare programs for wild animals
Police Regulation The police have been outlawed, and outlaws are police
Privacy Rights People are carefully monitored to make sure they don't infringe on the privacy of others.
Death Penalty The death penalty- alone- has been replaced with amnesty.
Nuclear Power Nuclear power plants are being converted to playgrounds
Pollution Cars are banned.
Labor Laws The minimum wage is $100/hour.
Gay Rights Straight people are second-class citizens
Corporate Law Corporations are outlawed
Free Speech Every 30 minutes, someone has to yell "fire" in every crowded theater.
Flag Burning Flags are a major source of fuel
Gun Control All guns have been confiscated
Tax Structure The tax rate is 100%. (Only illegal income produces money)
Women's Rights Men are second-class citizens
Civil Rights White slavery- alone- is legal.
Drug Law There is LSD in the water supply
Immigration Spanish is now the official language of the US
Election Reform It is illegal for conservatives to run for office. Not that they don't...
Military Spending The U.S. Military has been disbanded, causing an immediate occupation by canadian troops.
Human Rights
Computer Rights
Computers are banned for civilian use.
Computer use is tightly regulated.
crime on the internet is restricted.
Internet free speech is protected.
There are few restrictions on computer use.
There ARE no laws on the Internet!
Computers are citizens!