First is administrivia, then the reply.
I think we need more info on the bore worms
They're built similar to You, but the abdomen doesn't narrow. The back end is slightly thicker and flatter. The "hair" that is normally on Our bodies is thicker and has more control to allow for more efficient movement. This comes at the cost of the legs it usually has, with stunted back legs that are more useful for pushing dirt back at an angle than anything. The front arms remain similar to Yours for raking soil, and as expected, the head is the largest, with a mouth and mandibles designed for digging. Their excretions are balls of concentrated useful elements, mostly iron and silicon.
As far as control, You would have no problems so long as they remain fed beyond whatever assorted bacteria the Humans seeded in the ground/came from Us or the Flowers they pick up.
The M-scouts are called seismic scouts wich implies they scout specificly for under ground related things
I would like to think they emit seismic frequencies, as to find minerals and people whether they be above, or below ground
It's mostly reflection seismology, but there's some amount of electric and thermal conductivity to it as well. While sensing magnetized objects is possible for the Scout, said function is deliberately stunted because Mars lacks a magnetosphere.