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Author Topic: You Are A Kai Queen, 2.0: Week 3  (Read 56738 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are A Kai Queen, 2.0: Day 5 - Beautiful Lasers
« Reply #300 on: May 28, 2013, 08:53:03 pm »

If we are facing Space Marines, then we need to be the Genestealers. With guns.
Cthulhu 2016! No lives matter! No more years! Awaken that which slumbers in the deep!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are A Kai Queen, 2.0: Day 5 - Beautiful Lasers
« Reply #301 on: May 28, 2013, 10:43:57 pm »

Space marines really aren't that scary, I mean, you frequently get to actually see them before they kill you. This is not really a realistic depiction of extremely advanced technology combat. Our predators should be able to carry automatic counter-fire turrets on their armour without much issue. Our weapons should have a capacity to automatically aim themselves if they are pointed in the appropriate general direction. Our indirect weapons might have the potential to choose their own targets mid-flight, but that might be a tech-queen thing. I wouldn't really see the need to have a tech queen for anything short of autonomous vehicles and self-repairing equipment. A simple "combine passive infrared, visual, and magnetic signal reception with a predictive and learning database of likely targets to automatically aim for vital components shouldn't require much effort at our technology level.
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I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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Re: You Are A Kai Queen, 2.0: Day 5 - Beautiful Lasers
« Reply #302 on: May 28, 2013, 11:24:46 pm »

Space marines?  Fuck that shit.

There there....

I know they're high in cholesterol and we're out of catsup, but we'll manage.

We'll get the right fixin's and before long we'll have Bob just like momma used to make.
The kinda human wreckage that you love

Current Spare Time Fiction Project: (C) 2010
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Please don't quote me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are A Kai Queen, 2.0: Day 5 - Beautiful Lasers
« Reply #303 on: May 28, 2013, 11:29:18 pm »

The real problem with space marines is that they leak more than most tinned food...

Speaking of which, we should start stockpiling concentrated, spoilage-resistant, and portable food, possibly in space-marine themed tins...
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I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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Ukrainian Ranger

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Re: You Are A Kai Queen, 2.0: Day 5 - Beautiful Lasers
« Reply #304 on: May 29, 2013, 12:14:16 am »

Next time when we get a royal jelly, I'd prefer weapon designer and a mate to a scout. Or alive batteries. Or buffing "mobile flowers". Or buffing queen once more and so on
But turning someone fertile before day 14 is very important

Seismic scouts aren't bad, regular scouts with some tech assistance shouldn't be bad, either. Still prefer to crack enemy radio communications
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.

Ross Vernal

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Re: You Are A Kai Queen, 2.0: Day 5 - Beautiful Lasers
« Reply #305 on: May 29, 2013, 12:25:55 am »

As it stands, the proposed course of Day actions are as follows:

Queen, Pollinators
- Tend to Flowers
- Attempt to create another Floral Hybrid

- Inspect Kai/Flower Hybrid
- Revive L2 Soldier
- Analyze Kai/Flower Hybrid Flowers

- Produce Flower
- Avoid Dying

Bore Worms
- Gather Elements

Tech Drones
- Assemble Weapons Assembler
- Assemble Suit Assembler
- Design Agricultural Assembler

Everyone Else
- Dig Secondary Base

If this is correct, expect a post sometime within the next day or so.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are A Kai Queen, 2.0: Day 5 - Beautiful Lasers
« Reply #306 on: May 29, 2013, 01:32:06 am »

I would like it if the bore worms were converting sand into soil, but that all looks good.

It would be nice to have a running count of royal jelly proposals, as folk could miss it and they are kind of important. I would like a fertile electric predator or commander mate(can commanders be made fertile?). Or possibly an industrious digging mate, to get our engineer core working. And in the long term I want a reclusive, intelligent tech queen to hide away somewhere making new toys for us. Do we have the designs for an intergalactic passenger vessel? Do we have the designs to construct an extraplanetary vessel using materials that we can readily synthesise? Or are we basically stuck on this rock until we reinvent the wheel or steal from the natives?
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I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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Ross Vernal

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Re: You Are A Kai Queen, 2.0: Day 5 - Beautiful Lasers
« Reply #307 on: May 29, 2013, 01:41:58 am »

If I briefly scanned the thread properly, suggestions for Royal Jelly include:

Hybridize Pollinator with Flower of Life
Camouflaged Surface Scout
Improve Tech Drone to L2 Weaponry Drone
Promote L2 Soldier to L3 Soldier
Methanobacterial Modification for Electrical Energy Conversion
Fertilize Kai

You anticipate the next Unit of Royal Jelly will be produced on the day-cycle of Day 7, and again on Day 11. It is strongly recommended that at least 1 of these is put to use on fertilizing something; otherwise, the You are basically producing 5 Units of Food for Yourself.

A Tech Queen could make an intergalactic vessel, yes, but it might be a good idea to conquer Earth, Earth's Moon, the Asteroid Belt, and Titan before setting out across the galaxy.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2013, 01:44:17 am by Ross Vernal »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are A Kai Queen, 2.0: Day 5 - Beautiful Lasers
« Reply #308 on: May 29, 2013, 02:16:48 am »

Suggestions incoming tomorrow.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are A Kai Queen, 2.0: Day 5 - Beautiful Lasers
« Reply #309 on: May 29, 2013, 02:39:31 am »

Well, I suggest that fertility be applied to a commander(tech drone if fertile commanders aren't possible. I wouldn't mind if it just prevented it from producing eggs.). Such a mate would hopefully provide coordinated, intelligent offspring that would be well suited to maintaining our facilities. This should hopefully produce a somewhat controllable predator mate that can produce effective and warriors for the pacification of our environment. We could then send our former mate with a tech queen to a secure location to pursue refinements to our equipment.
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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Ukrainian Ranger

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Re: You Are A Kai Queen, 2.0: Day 5 - Beautiful Lasers
« Reply #310 on: May 29, 2013, 04:41:36 am »

My list of ideas for royal jelly

1) Upgrade LVL-2 soldier to turn it into a dedicated weapon designer and make him fertile... That way we'll get a nice mate with some basic aid in weapon tech... Probably boosted tech drone would be better dedicated weapon designer but my idea here is to get S-caste more proficient with weapons, able to repair them mid-battle, easily adapt to enemy technology, be able to control vehicles,  and produce improvised weapons from everything.

2) Upgrade queen to make her produce more eggs and\or have shorter cycles... Would prefer to do that on the new queen because such move may lead to reduced quality of the eggs

3) Choose a nice M-larvae and make the second queen that will be sent far away with some flowers to build tech independent deep hive elsewhere

4) Upgrade\fertilize nurse

5) Upgrade a bunch of Larvae...

and many more....

As for this turn, I think that we need to start analyzing radio messages of the enemy, that's more important than telemetry computer that we'll not need for ages
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.

Ross Vernal

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Re: You Are A Kai Queen, 2.0: Night 5 - We'll Own The World
« Reply #311 on: May 30, 2013, 06:12:36 pm »

The first order of the Day is to order the construction of a deep, highly reinforced hive chamber underground. You order the installation of several Armor Plates for additional protection from orbital assault, and begin the process of digging by rapidly expanding underground to the ideal location. With this being done, You order all of the spare Pollinators into the Biolab and instruct them to perform a Dance to assist your efforts with the Spined Nectar hybrid plant. This time, instead of merely placing the plants next to each other, You actively take samples from both, and finally decide to graft the Spined Nectar Plant onto various spots of the Flower stalks. Much to Your surprise, this process works almost perfectly, with all but one graft beginning to show signs of new growth and recovery by the end of the process. You make a mental note to save the pollen of this plant to apply to the Queen's Flower stamen at some point in the future, turn up the grow lights, and join in with the Dance for the remainder of the day.

During this time, the Tech Drones download the instructions for various Assemblers and begin their construction, as well as studying assorted agricultural components for the design of an Agricultural Assembler. While the design process works excellently, there is a bottleneck in production for parts, causing the production of parts and assembly of the Assembler to be delayed until night. As all of the Drones cannot work on the same two projects simultaneously, two of the Tech Drones begin the replacement of the most damaged parts in the Telemetry Computer, reducing its status to Damaged. You greatly suspect that the damage will result in loss of certain software, however.

By this time, the Kaiflower Hybrid has started to go into the Active stage. Under the watchful eyes of the Nurse, the Kaiflower Hybrid begins to open up several Flower buds. These Flowers are undersized, and only a quarter of the usual amounts of Flowers are produced. After careful consideration, the Nurse harvests and ingests the Flowers; these prove to provide as much nutrition as a Half-Unit of Food. The Nurse notes that concentration of trace elements are notably higher, and that it is mildly toxic to regular Kai, but less so than the Queen's Fruit that only You can eat. The Level 2 Soldier is recovering well, having regained its intelligence. Its motions remain sluggish and jerky, but You anticipate that the Stasis sickness will have ran its course by the next day-cycle.

Night falls. The new Assemblers are tested, and prove to be functional, providing You with a Heavy Energy Machine Gun and a Heavy Superalloy Combat Suit.

Now what?

Spoiler: You Are: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Your Eggs: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: You Own: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Your Food Supplies (click to show/hide)

Your Nest
Location - Here
Visibility - Hard To Detect
Spoiler: Inside (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Deep Inside (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Outside (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are A Kai Queen, 2.0: Night 5 - We'll Own The World
« Reply #312 on: May 30, 2013, 09:01:12 pm »

Lets make another flower room, if we have a larger farm then we get more food, which means we can support more Kai.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are A Kai Queen, 2.0: Night 5 - We'll Own The World
« Reply #313 on: May 30, 2013, 11:56:34 pm »

Stockpile some food and mineral supplies, begin producing a tunnel to a second hive at least 20 kilometres away, focus on preserving our information, have the tech drones work towards providing the same services in our hive as we had in our ship, set up some concealed monitoring posts around our hive, focusing on concealment, and fast forward to when we next get some royal jelly.
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I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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Ukrainian Ranger

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Re: You Are A Kai Queen, 2.0: Night 5 - We'll Own The World
« Reply #314 on: May 31, 2013, 02:22:11 am »

New farms are out of question as we have no flowers to plant, except those that we need for future space based hydroponic version.

I think we should do some queen's recon trips now to learn more about the surroundings\find fun stuff. She is cold resistant, (and that should  be boosted by the combat suit), got a nice weapon and can burrow when needed. I am a bit worried that combat suit will make her somewhat slower but that shouldn't be a large problem

She can use that time to will her grub eggs and drone eggs to scout eggs. Developing scouts when scouting is just logical, scouts later may turn to soldiers, soldiers to predators\nurses\commanders.

Once again I propose Radio analyzing facility + military planning room. Now when the soldier regained his intelligence he can aid in that

Moving essential resources, like dormant flowers, food and pollen fuel into the new deep chamber is advisable
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.
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