The pack has received a rare double-update, r57 and r58 on the same day!
Following the upgrade to dfhack-r5 - the main point to r58 - an older version (r57) is available
HERE, on dfhack-r3.
Later packs do not include some plugins (notably stonesense), and until they are updated to match dfhack some people may wish to keep using the legacy version - this should only take a few days. Note that this pack will not receive ANY upgrades and is thus behind on several other fronts.
I would really appreciate any feedback (good or bad) on the new launcher, and any incompatibility with dfhack-r5; I try to check for bugs but there's limits to what I can do alone.
The full changelog:
- updated Picturefort to v2.1
- removed Chromafort
The big one:
- updated dfhack to r5, the long-awaited update.
See the DFHack changelog here. This has a number of consequences - mostly dfhack-dependant components are removed until they update over the next few days.
For this reason Starter Pack r57 will remain available for now, as the last dfhack-r3 version, to prevent anyone losing their favorite tool
- some scripts are no longer listed; they are now included in dfhack by default and the dfhack readme covers them
- dfterm3 (utility+plugin) removed, until the plugin is updated
- Isoworld will not show any detailed view until the plugin is updated. The large maps still work.
- Stonesense removed until it is updated for dfhack-r5 (ETA "next few days")
- DFfusion removed (legacy dfhack inclusion)
- growthbug plugin removed pending update; provisionally replaced by fix/growthbug.rb
- slight downgrade to Falconne's UI plugins; the ones included in dfhack-r5 are a month or so out of date
- new plugin "embark-tools" uses 's' on embark screen, keybindings adjusted slightly to compensate (move with 'waxd' now)
- upgraded the launcher: "Starter Pack Launcher" uses new icons, more space for graphics and utilities, clarified some names and info. The old GUI is still available for now, because it also requires .NET 4.0 instead of 3.5 and there may be other bugs. They should be completely interchangeable.
- updated Falconne's UI plugins to v47; dwarf monitor now shows current date and weather in the border, buildingplanner allows you to assign a room to a position rather than person (eg will assign to the new mayor if that changes)
- added dfhack script feeding-timers; experimental but it's meant to fix the common failure to give lifesaving food or water to unconscious dwarves