No, not yet. I first want to find out exactly what caused Urmane's problem (here: before I upload a new version. And while the crates should be easy to fix, the slag problem will be more difficult.
There are two different types of slag: slag bars, which are created through the vanilla smelting reactions and are considered metal bars, and massive slag bars, which are created through the modded reactions and are considered tools. The metal slag bars need a reagent quantity of 150 to fully be used up, while the massive slag tools only have a quantity of 1. So if I set the reagent quantity to 150, you will need 150 massive slag bars for each reaction, while if I leave the quantity at 1 the reaction needs to be run 150 times to use up each slag bar.
I could remove the massive slag bars, but because the metal slag bars are much lighter this makes the Linux version slightly easier. I could duplicate each reaction, once for the metal slag bars and one for the tool slag bars, but this will only complicate everything. Or I could add a simple automatic reaction which converts metal slag bars to massive slag bars.
Each of these options alters the Masterwork experience, but I'm afraid that is unavoidable. I personally lean towards the first option. It has the smallest impact on the gameplay.
I think SoundSense is already included (./MasterworkDwarfFortress/Utilities/soundSense). It includes both a .sh and a .jar file, so it should work on Linux.