Does that mean we're going to have to worry about spoiled food making our soldiers sick?
Hehe. Come to think of it, I should add some kind of racial perk that allows you to consume spoiled food without negative side effects. Now why don't humans have that one?
Well in fact we do have it, we can eat spoiled food, keep whats good and throw away the remaining, sure there is bad side-effect but we can actually survive out of it when you have nothing else to eat. And by spoiled im not talking moldy thats another story. Some mans are better to keep it inside than the others. Background also play a good role in it too, if you are used to live in the wood and eat only product of the wood without processing as everything is today your digestive system with strenghten and allow you to eat stuff that are less edible or harder on your stomach.
Today we cannot tolerate anything slightly out of date why? Because our digestive system has been conditionated like that today product are processed more and more to make sure everything is taken out of it and that its perfect clean. The stomach is like an immune system, if you always live in a pristine/clean/antiseptic/sterilisate area, the smallest anything might kill you. Same thing for food, if you always eat clean-processed bah you get the idea.
Myself i can eat pretty much anything up to moldy, worst case scenario? 55min later i have to sit somewhere you get the idea. Now if my GF would have eaten the same... would most likely be an hospital story. Why? Because i did live hard in the past and i did eat stuff i wasnt supposed to, am i proud of it? nope, am i shy of it? neither, its part of what made me today and im proud of who i am today.
So LD its something you can train so yeah human can and have it, its just not *trained* enough with our industrialissationthingsomething.