>Reality Integrity: 61.3%
>Attempt Repair? [Y/N]
>Reality repairs complete, data loss estimated at 47.5%
>Restore to last known good? [Y/N]
>Closing diagnostic mode
You feel as though a great fog has stopped clouding your mind and look around at what you have done. apparently you're on a strange alien planet populated by clowns and with flora primarilly composed of bananna trees. You seem to be wearing some kind of rock or gravel dragon body armor. it also seems to have somehow taken advantage of their gravelly nature to provide ammunition for a set of four chainguns mounted on it, two on either side. finally, you also feel the slightly oily feeling of having red paint on your scales under the armor suit. oh, and the suit appears to be on fire, although without anything worthwhile to burn, the fire is dying off quite rapidly.
although the current situation seems quite odd, you try to make the most of it, and begin to talk to the locals to try to get your bearings.
The clowns all turn to face you, rapidly honking, and begin to pull highly improbable weapons out of the pockets, ranging from already-running chainsaws to pistols with 10-foot-long barrels to flowers that you shortly find out, firsthand, apparently shoot out bouncing balls of fire.
in desperation to clear the immediate area around you, you being to kick over the clowns, although you try to avoid needless murder, you think some of them wont ever be getting up again. the situation is just to chaotic for you to maintain proper control.
What now?