> it seems a little strange that the dye plants all seem to say "useless" and have such a negative debug-value.
I penalize only plants that produce dye and nothing else,
because they annoy me to no end when gathering plants and I would never want to farm them. They clog up my plant stockpile next to brewery, unless I specifically disable them, and have to be either atom-smashed or milled into small stacks of dye using up sacks. When I want dye (and I usually don't), I can get stacks of 10 from caravans. It is kinda the same with flour, but at least flour can be cooked all at once (for a valuable food stack) and the plants can usually be brewed instead.
Another annoying product is Extract to Flask. I had my
pony dwarf soldiers pick up
heavy flasks with golden salve to use as waterskins, because hey, they're more valuable than empty flasks.
> Some of the speciality uses in custom reactions are not captured of course, there's no way the raw combing script could know about those, so in the wiki there will be at least one more column for manual notes.
I can add an option to add an extra column, but you might as well use my "Hints" column for this.
I only read plant data and without analysing reactions too (which is out of scope for this script), I can only look at REACTION_CLASS tokens. I only found 3: BITTERROOT_POISON (but the extract is already called poison), SHADOWLEAF_POISON (same) and UNSEASONED, which I think means this is used for better alcohol reactions. I could add an extra column "Seasoning (Yes/No)", like I did for FoEs biofuel.
While I'm still tweaking the rules for colours and hints, sadly it looks like they will remain somewhat wonky and the code to handle them is a mess, so they're just a suggestion.
BTW, here is what I print for $ perl -w crops.pl -h
This program reads Dwarf Fortress RAWs for plants and prints commands for
dfhack getplants commands for easy designating of trees and bushes to be cut.
More importantly, it also prints formatted tables with crops. This is useful
for DF mods and was originally developed for FoE mod. Usage:
$ perl -w plants.pl <options> files
-o=<arg> --o=<arg> --<arg> where <arg> is txt|csv|bbcode|html|wiki.
Sets output to that file format. The default is txt/csv.
Wiki doesnt work for this version. Bay12 forum uses bbcode.
-h --help Print this help and exit.
-d --debug Print much more information.
--nodebug Dont print debug information.
--nogetplants Wont print getplants commands for dfhack.
--nocrops Wont print crop tables
--yield Print yield per year.
--freq Print frequencies of crops for plant gathering.
--align Print alignment of plants (Good / Evil / Savage / All)
Since this is "All" for almost all plants, it is off by default.
-- End options. Everything else is treated as a RAW file.
There is no option to set output file, so just redirect output stream for that.
$ perl -w ../../../Scripts/plants.pl --bbcode *plant*.* > ../../../Scripts/out.txt
Will process all files in the current directory matching *plant*.* and write an
output file suitable to paste on the forum.
$ perl -w ../../../../Scripts/plants.pl -o=html *.txt >../../../../Scripts/out.html
Process all *.txt files in the current directory (raw/objects) and write
the output to a html file.