Brood, Mesor you see, with your cross-voting thing 6 projects automatically receive the minimum number of votes required for processing, Add several projects your team likes (+3 votes to each) and + few that got enough votes without your alliance and that's a dozen+ of projects, something GM doesn't want to process every turn and I very well understand why. That's a huge workload and takes all the fun of making updates away
Besides, the fact that you never failed to support each others proposals make me think it's just a "you vote for me, I vote for you" deal
As for subrpoposals, I think you blame me here. I use those either as
a) Turning project I strongly dislike into something I dislike less or even like ( sometimes, probably, my subroposals wander too far from original, but generally those are related things. )
b) trying to make proposals that I like even better , by adding some details. (developing good ideas is what makes suggestion games fun)
It amuses me that you think that GM considers stopping the game because UR's proposals aren't voted
As for solutions of the GMing problem... I don't know... Hard limit on approved projects per turn is how I would GMed that (taking X top voted proposals, using dice in case of ties) even if that isn't an ideal solution it's better than doing too much projects and burning out