The Stomping Land (such an odd name) is a 3rd person action game, where you play a mostly-nekkid primitive living in a land before time. Your goal is to live with a fully belly. To do this, you must hunt the many dino species that roam the game space, from smaller, man-sized looking herbivores to brontosauruses, triceratops and of course, the T-Rex. While smaller dinos can be hunted with your bow and arrow, larger dinosaurs are immune to such trivial tools. In order to take down the really big game, you'll need to devise hunting traps and coordinate with other players.
There's also a second bit of meta-gameplay at work. Food is the resource of note in the world, and the more players hoard food stocks, the less there is for everyone else. (i.e, more food held in reserve, the fewer dinosaurs to hunt.) The plan is for this to drive inter-tribal warfare. After all, in terms of the most effective survival strategy, theft is often more resource efficient than hunting for stuff yourself.
The game looks like it has a lot of promise, and met its paltry $20,000 funding goal in just two days. They obviously low-balled their funding goal. Unfortunately, their stretch goals are rather practical instead of interesting.
$75k : Part-time designers who will help progress the game's content.
$175k : Dedicated artists for creating an immersive gameworld. These guys will amp up the game world with better visuals, as well as ensure technically optimized content.
$200k : Full Oculus Rift support. What better way to complement a beautiful environment than to get completely immersed into it. The Rift was made just for that.
For a first stretch goal at 3x the initial funding, you'd
think they'd have more to say than "will help progress the game's content." Those aren't exactly goals that get people motivated to pledge/increase their pledge.
Still, dino hunting and cooperative hunting games are themes that I don't feel like have really been done to excellence. So I'm looking forward to this.