If you want mods like that, Mech#4, google Nraas Industries and get some of Twallan's mods, it actually makes TS3 playable.
My original Sims 3 guy, my forum avatar, was planned to be a busker, living by moving from park to park playing his guitar for tips, charming the pants off the local girls and staying at their place overnight. But in TS3, you cannot play without first choosing a place to live. I choose the smallest plot, built what was essentially a cargo container with a fridge, toilet, shower and stove. He rarely spent any time there and visited only to pay bills.
Without warning, somehow, he ended up with a three storey mansion, 65 children, {only one living with him and that one child came out of the time machine}, using a couple of Nraas mods, I crammed twenty people into one house, although I controlled only four. There were enough simoleons to break the display and he was friends with everyone in town. I might just spark up the game and shift him to a new neighbourhood so he can start over afresh, {skills notwithstanding}.
But, yeah. Each expansion broke the game, needing a progressively larger patch to fix, and thank Armok that they eventually rolled it back to the base game running things, otherwise you had to fetch two patches. So much aggravation that caused me to stop playing TS3 altogether, I also will wait for the dust to settle on TS4.