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Author Topic: All of you do revolutionary game design RTD  (Read 2908 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All of you do revolutionary game design RTD
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2013, 01:03:12 pm »

About 5 of you should form 1 company each.
Is there a reason for that plan? Five people are all going to want to be doing something, and 10000C isn't really enough for that.
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Re: All of you do revolutionary game design RTD
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2013, 01:05:24 pm »

The Hatter's Gaming Inc:
Funds: 4000
Actions: complete magnetic research. Simplify the rules A BIT (not too much) (-2000)

Spoiler: to CheckerCon. (click to show/hide)

I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.


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Re: All of you do revolutionary game design RTD
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2013, 03:09:24 am »

About 5 of you should form 1 company each.
Is there a reason for that plan? Five people are all going to want to be doing something, and 10000C isn't really enough for that.
I'm not sure I understand your complaint. Surely a 50000C total allows them to do more than just 10000C period? (I only took 5 people because I didn't want this game to turn out like Defense Contractors, or Revolutionary Design Bureau*) BTW, you guys can do any sort of deal with that money or share technologies (even before they become public knowledge).

Also also, if one of the companies will go out of business , that player will become "the loser" and, more importantly, we will get a new company from the waitlist at the beginning of next turn. So Sensei, you can sign up for that.

(*)Dead on arrival and a horrible mess respectively.
I tried to play chess but two of my opponents were playing competitive checkers as a third person walked in with Game of Thrones in hand confused cause they thought this was the book club.


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Re: All of you do revolutionary game design RTD
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2013, 08:57:56 am »

So I've received 2 orders (out of 5), and I'd really like to update in the next day or 2. So please update your orders.
I tried to play chess but two of my opponents were playing competitive checkers as a third person walked in with Game of Thrones in hand confused cause they thought this was the book club.


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Re: All of you do revolutionary game design RTD
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2013, 09:11:46 am »

You could punish those who have not answered, and if they still dont answer after that, fire them. :p


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All of you do revolutionary game design RTD
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2013, 09:44:59 am »

Go to the delinquent players thread, let the community short them out.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All of you do revolutionary game design RTD
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2013, 10:32:09 am »

Company Name: DarkEntertainmentArts (DEA)
Funds: 4000C

Spoiler: Orders (click to show/hide)
(Sorry for the wait)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 08:00:41 am by javierpwn »


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Re: All of you do revolutionary game design RTD
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2013, 03:14:37 am »

Company Name: DarkEntertainmentArts (DEA)
Funds: 4000C

Spoiler: Orders (click to show/hide)
(Sorry for the wait)
None of that is possible. Basically imagine you live in a world where no one ever heard of a decent board game (the top 3 games in the entire history of this world have been chess, craps and war), it does not occur to people how to put backstory into a game ("Wait, so cards are like soldiers? Woah, man, is that why the call it "war"? Mind blown!"). Same deal with random encounters.
I tried to play chess but two of my opponents were playing competitive checkers as a third person walked in with Game of Thrones in hand confused cause they thought this was the book club.


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Re: All of you do revolutionary game design RTD
« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2013, 04:34:06 am »

Exactly the more reason to be the first to innovate it?  :P
Gotta think of something else then....


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Re: All of you do revolutionary game design RTD
« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2013, 04:39:34 am »

It would be too much of a mindblow for some people, imagine giving a backstory to chess or checkers.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All of you do revolutionary game design RTD
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2013, 07:05:29 am »

Funding rebels because seriously, fuck those guys.
((They're basically the new Mongols.  I gotta say, I have a newfound respect for the Jamaican police force after playing this game.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All of you do revolutionary game design RTD
« Reply #26 on: May 13, 2013, 07:46:52 am »

It would be too much of a mindblow for some people, imagine giving a backstory to chess or checkers.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Sorry, just had to.


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Re: All of you do revolutionary game design RTD
« Reply #27 on: May 13, 2013, 08:55:05 am »

It would be too much of a mindblow for some people, imagine giving a backstory to chess or checkers.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Sorry, just had to.
Nice but I would not exactly call that rich backstory.
What are the countries names?
What started this war?
What is the bishop plotting?
What affair does the knight have with which queen.
Who summoned the colossal towers?
Who are each of the peasants and why should we care if they fall in battle?
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 08:58:01 am by Ultimuh »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All of you do revolutionary game design RTD
« Reply #28 on: May 13, 2013, 02:55:43 pm »

But I have to leave some mystery....
If I don't, people will not be inclined to hear the next part of the story relevant to the second edition...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All of you do revolutionary game design RTD
« Reply #29 on: May 14, 2013, 11:40:06 am »

Update time!

Turn1, Phase II results:

Company Name:  Headshot games
(Having received no word from the CEO, your VP, mister Chase, decided to send your game into production, without applying to any competitions- it is after all about games, not magazines.)
Current Company Money: 6500C

Your good game enjoys limited success, but the sales keep slowly increasing throughout the quarter. +1500C

Company Name: UltimSoft
Current Company Money: 6000C
Extra Tech: Character Sheet.

You add more rules to an already overcomplicated game of dice. Results are predictable, though as the game was abysmal, it does improve a tiny bit. -1000C

Prototyping the Character Sheet goes well, you now have a convenient way of recording character information. -2000C

You too decide to forgo competitions (since you know you can't win).
The sales are low at first, but then your game gets featured on a prominent blog as the prime example of "How NOT to design games", ironically this gets most the first printing bought up by readers. Though sales go down to nothing by the end of the quarter. +5000C, -1 reputation.

Company Name: Nopuns IntenDo Software (NDS)
(In your absence the Board of Directors votes to change the game and develop the handheld.)
Funds: -4500C
Extra Tech:
poor handheld, poor digital programming, poor text based

You alter the checkers type game to include a "falling" mechanic. That makes it more fun, and way more original. Success! -1000C

You take out a business loan at 20% APR to develop a handled console.
Well... I guess you can hold it with your hands, and it does have a console. The prototype you get is about the size of a briefcase and has no native graphics (or even text color) support. Well at least you have it. On the bright side you get the lowest levels of Digital Programming (the guy showed you how it's done), and Text Based Display (it was kinda already there).

Your good game enjoys moderate success, and the sales keep slowly increasing throughout the quarter. +2500C, +1 reputation.

DarkEntertainmentArts (DEA)
funds: 5000C

You confuse the daylight out of your designers with your innovative ideas. They don't have any epiphanies, nor do they ruin the game. -500C

Your game enjoys moderate sales throughout the quarter. +1500C.
(What is it with you people and not entering contests?)

Company Name: the Hatter's Gaming Inc.
Funds: 4500
extra tech: superior magnet boards.

You divide the designers into teams, and offer a 1000C bounty for the team which produces the best simplified ruleset. Everyone works extra hard. Team Victor finally presents the perfect ruleset- the game is saved! -2000C

Team Mike gets back at them by making really awesome magnet boards, they put their fake patent on the fridge. -1000C

You win CheckerCon compo +500C +2 reputation
You get 1st place in the Boys' Magazine Compo +3 repuatation

With those wins under your belt you make a lot of sales. +3000C.

new pase I coming soon.
I tried to play chess but two of my opponents were playing competitive checkers as a third person walked in with Game of Thrones in hand confused cause they thought this was the book club.
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