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Author Topic: The Banners of Heart: ☼Masterwork the Fortress☼  (Read 34122 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Banners of Heart: ☼Masterwork the Fortress☼
« Reply #165 on: July 06, 2013, 06:20:55 pm »

Nifty, but just a note.  Immobile critters outside of cages DO cause lag.  If you'd like to test that, embark with a large number of sprites, then cage them; if it's enough (a hundred does it on my system) you'll see a significant effect.

Oh, guess I'll stick them in a mass cage somewhere then.
The blood of our enemies is but a symbol.  The true domain of Armok is magma - mountain's blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Banners of Heart: ☼Masterwork the Fortress☼
« Reply #166 on: July 07, 2013, 01:01:04 am »

With a heavy heart, I assign the position of chief medical dwarf to our new lifemancer, Citadel Familyoar.  Abyss Razorghoul has had a coffin assigned to him, and should be entombed without any trouble.

Now to see to dealing with the undead.  We could of course cut them to pieces, but the humans have found a far kinder method of dealing with such dark magic.  We will send a diplomat to obtain their secrets.

6th Hematite

The cover over the volcano is complete.  There will be no more unintentional magma deaths.

Unless of course someone jumps off that little tunnel I'm building into the volcano from the inside... I plan to put a screw pump at the end, and use it to dump magma on invaders in a more proactive way.

12th Hematite

We have wounded dwarves, but the chief medical dwarf is to busy resurrecting the casualties from killing off the last few warlocks.  This will not do.

Rim Spiretool, Diagnoser will be the chief medical dwarf instead.

17th Hematite

I've been ordering a lot of animal training, and it hasn't been getting done, so now we have a dedicated animal trainer.

Also, we had an ettin corpse laying around, so I built a slaughterhouse and butchered it.  Now we have two platinum souls.

18th Hematite

I dumped some warlock junk to put it near the temple, and it went to the wrong place.  Why do we have more than one dumping zone?  Also, the dumping zone they went to had miasma, so I unforbade everything.

26th Hematite

Metal Anvilpulley is throwing a tantrum, probaably because her husband (the first lifemancer) died three times this year.

Apparently she's also unhappy about not having her own dining room.  Well, at least I can fix that.

13th Malachite

I have completed the simple magma flooding device.

Might have to test it to see exactly where the magma goes.

27th Malachite

Anubite attack.  I called out the military, and one of the military dwarves was caught unprepared; he met the anubites on his way to pick up his equipment, and died quickly.  The rest of the military killed the anubites without too much trouble, though.  The dead dwarf was resurrected shortly afterward.

I've disabled the mining labor on all military dwarves, to prevent this from happening again.

11th Galena

Eight gnomes, and a war unicorn.  Is that all?

They're just milling around outside, not really attacking.  I'll call out the military when I get around to it.

The diplomat supplies are almost ready:

16th Galena

The gnomes are all dead.  We had some injuries, but no deaths.  They actually came pretty quickly once they got oriented, and they had guns, which could at least do damage through some of our armor (though they still weren't especially effective).  I thought I could have the diplomat finish his work before they arrived, but that wasn't the case; they scared the diplomat just as he started, and managed to shoot his arm for nerve damage.

I tried to figure out the drop bridge during the attack, but according to dfhack, the lever that opens the inner bridge to invite the enemy onto the drop bridge also opens some floodgates, and I couldn't think of why I'd want to open any floodgates.  I did manage to toss one gnome into the air by opening and closing a bridge, which was sort of amusing.  I dropped a baby drake into the magma when I did that, but whatever.

16th Galena

The diplomatic mission to the humans is complete, and we have the Tome of Life.  However, it appears someone has toppled the Fountain of Youth.  Nothing to do but rebuild it, I suppose.  Delays, delays...

1st Limestone

The Fountain is rebuilt, and Palisade Wraithlens is on his way to become an Earthbound.

That's the halfway mark for my turn, and I'm done for today.  At this point, I'm worried that I might not have enough time to finish this weekend.  I guess I could continue playing next week, though.  We'll see.
The blood of our enemies is but a symbol.  The true domain of Armok is magma - mountain's blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Banners of Heart: ☼Masterwork the Fortress☼
« Reply #167 on: July 07, 2013, 10:02:51 pm »

4th Limestone

We have four caged undead.  Time to put them to rest.

19th Limestone

However, the Earthbound's "put to rest" interaction did not cause Treaty Claspabyss Sandalsing Celebrate to stop being hostile, or even undead.

Guess I'll just have to use the military.

Looks like it took away his pain immunity, at least.

(The enemy might be a bit hard to identify in the first screenshot, since he's flashing unconscious - he's the white X.)

21st Limestone

Tried resurrecting his corpse - he came back, but he's still undead.

23rd Limestone

After stationing the military near him for a few days, I finally noticed...

Well... that's what it means to have your soul missing, I guess.

26th Hematite

Saw some trees sticking out of the magma.  Went to investigate.

Oh right... I gave the order to test the magma flood device, then forgot about it.

Well, at least now we have a pretty good idea of what this thing's range is.

6th Sandstone

I noticed some military dwarves with permanent wounds and no military castes, so I assigned them garrison training.  The first one just transformed into a military recruit.

10th Sandstone

I stuck a corrupted spellcaster saboteur in a small room with three zombified ants.  The ants won.

11th Sandstone

Migrant wave.  I mention this because a werecreature showed up next to the migrant wave.

There's no way it's reaching the fortress in time to do any harm, but I think I might be getting some werecreature migrants.

No one had time to move before...

12th Sandstone

The werecreature attack is over.  Two dwarves killed, one dwarf most likely infected.

I suspect I am going to wind up testing whether a lifemancer can revive a sacrificed dwarf.

Lance Connectterror hasn't made any progress toward claiming a workshop.  I better check up on him...

Showmood says "bowyer".  What the heck?  Oh well, one bowyer's workshop, coming up...

20th Sandstone

Lance has stopped gathering materials, and is asking for crystal glass.  Fortunately, we have both pearlash and rock crystal.

25th Sandstone

1st Timber

I'll deconstruct the bowyer's workshop now.

14th Timber

I set most of our caged prisoners loose in front of the military.  The two drow assassins escaped out the front gate, but the rest died.  One chaos dwarf thief and all of the voracious cave crawlers are still ing their cages.

Also, I used those two platinum souls, and Meph and Brilliand are now legendary armor users.  (Well, almost - Meph only reached grand master, but that's pretty close.)

19th Timber

There were a couple of orc ambushes, and I had a chance to use the magma pump on actual live targets.  It only managed to hit one orc, but I enjoyed watching an orc shoota burn to death.

27th Timber

I keep trying to "please Armok with a massive offering", but the temple is to far away from the stockpiles that the priest can never finish before he becomes too tired/hungry/whatever - then the other dwarves haul everything he gathered back up to the stockpile.

If the dwarves would just leave everything at the temple while he sleeps/eats/whatever, it would eventually work.  I'm going to try setting up an unusable stockpile to "take from" the temple, and see if that works:

9th Moonstone

Attic Humorbronze has done the reaction for marskdwarf training twice, with no effect.  He's extremely slow due to his armor - perhaps that could be the problem?

Anyway, that's all for today.  I'll finish up tomorrow, or maybe the next day.
The blood of our enemies is but a symbol.  The true domain of Armok is magma - mountain's blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Banners of Heart: ☼Masterwork the Fortress☼
« Reply #168 on: July 09, 2013, 12:06:24 am »

4th Opal


That bloody armor of Armok was really weighing him down.  I think I'll have to hoard all the good armor - I mean, reserve the heavy stuff for the skilled armor users.  I wonder if we have enough welded mithril to armor the marksdwarves in featherweight stuff?

Hmm, 59 mithril, 13 titanium and 17 welded mithril.  Not bad, but it won't last long once the armorsmith gets to work.

(I checked the raws - bloodmetal weighs as much as slade.  Whoa.)

While I'm messing around with the military, I notice that Meph has more than one weapon.  I'll let him keep his extra shields, but extra weapons are pointless.  He can keep the bloody battle axe of Armok.

I see I have one more armor of Armok than I have skilled armor users.  I'd give the last one to Navatar and plan on boosting his armor user skill with the next platinum soul, but I see he already has an artifact guardianplate.  I'll give the last one to "Ink Fenceboard Splatterfamily Will", who as a guard dwarf will at least build up the needed armor user skill faster than most.

11th Opal

He claims a craftsdwarf's workshop and begins gathering materials.

20th Opal

Crypt Joinmachine begins work.

Also, since I'm starting an armorsmithing project, I'm taking Talanic off all minor duties.

I've also built a couple of scriptoriums, for a bit of extra smithing training:

The unskilled scribes aren't working very quickly, but they should come in handy to give the weaponsmith a bit of extra training before his stint in the weaponry.

21st Opal

I put a warpstone landmine outside earlier this month, thinking it might cripple an orc invasion.  Today a rattlesnake man wandered near the landmine:

The rattlesnake man walked away from the blast and died about 25 steps away.  The landmine was completely obliterated.  I hope the frag landmine that I posted elsewhere fares better...

24th Opal

That's it for today.  Slightly more than a month to go... I should be able to finish tomorrow.
The blood of our enemies is but a symbol.  The true domain of Armok is magma - mountain's blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Banners of Heart: ☼Masterwork the Fortress☼
« Reply #169 on: July 09, 2013, 07:14:19 am »

cool Brilliand! I especially like the magma flood mechanism and the pictures!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Banners of Heart: ☼Masterwork the Fortress☼
« Reply #170 on: July 10, 2013, 01:26:55 am »

4th Obsidian

Took the manager out of the military.

5th Obsidian

I want to make some Cobalt to transmute into silver.  Fixed the cobaltite and chromite reactions in the raws.

14th Obsidian

Frost giant ambush!  Things are picking up.

Some civilians happen to lure th frost giants in front of the magma pump.  I'm pretty sure magma doesn't work on this guys, so I won't use it unless I can get a really clear, safe shot.

Navatar ran into combat with a *steel battle axe* and lost a foot (one of the frost giants has a hellwood zweihander - nasty weapon), while doing no damage in return.  Brilliand followed up with a (steel pike) and managed to sever the swordsman's weapon arm after a few tries.  There are two more zweihanders among the frost giants, but they're made of less effective materials, so we probably won't lose any more limbs this battle.  A few axedwarves with volcanic battle axes are showing up now - they'll do the lion's share of the damage, I'm guessing.

15th Obsidian

A drow caravan arrives.  There are still a few surviving frost giants, but that probably won't be a problem.

Frost giant thieves are popping up all over the place, but after that ambush, they hardly deserve mention.

16th Obsidian

The last of the frost giant ambush group runs right past the military and into the fortress.  Meph gets a hit in as he runs past, forcing him to drop his zinc glazed zweihander.  Disarmed as he is, he probably can't do any real harm to civilians.  I wonder what he hopes to accomplish?  It looks like the old "flee through the caverns" gag, but the caverns are sealed.

17th Obsidian

The fight with the last remaining frost giant rages on.  He didn't even make for the central staircase, leading me to believe he was trying to do the building destroyer thing.  I'm apparently the fastest dwarf in the squad (once my legendary+5 armor user is factored in), because I appear to be the only squad member capable of outrunning this frost giant.  My steel pike is capable of getting kills (I did score one kill this battle), but someone with a more devastating weapon will probably get this one; most of my shots are bruises.  Now, if I could just get my hands on a volcanic pike...

...And the kill goes to the Axeman Hatchet Worthyghoul Steel Tin!

Hmm... what'm I gonna do with all this bifrost?

22nd Obsidian

I let a dwarf thief out of a cage to let a military dwarf kill him for a bit of practice, but a little layer, a lifemancer resurrected him.  Then a pet killed him, and he got resurrected again.  We only have two lifemancers, so if the dwarves are quick about burying him (or whatever they do with enemy dwarves), then that'll be all.  If not... target practice?

23rd Obsidian

I've started building a magma golem forge for the heck of it.  It won't get used during my turn, though.

I've also started building the colosseum.  The hole dug for it was pretty obvious.  That's another thing I won't be the one using, though.

28th Obsidian

Just noticed that Navatar is listed as the creator of "Evengrizzle", which doesn't exist.  I guess that data is saved before the artifact is actually made?

1st Granite

Spring has arrived, bringing with it the end of my turn.  Looks like Ring Netbolt didn't actually get infected from his werelizard bite (or at least I haven't gotten any transformation message from him in over a month), so no need to sacrifice him.

Navatar is hanging out outside the walls with serious injuries and "No Job".  If he doesn't start resting soon... it'll be the next overseer's problem.

Fortress population: 200

Here's the savegame:
« Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 01:35:14 am by Brilliand »
The blood of our enemies is but a symbol.  The true domain of Armok is magma - mountain's blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Banners of Heart: ☼Masterwork the Fortress☼
« Reply #171 on: July 10, 2013, 02:33:35 pm »

Unless I miss my guess, that makes it my turn. Downloading now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Banners of Heart: ☼Masterwork the Fortress☼
« Reply #172 on: July 10, 2013, 04:28:07 pm »

Good lord this fort is sprawling, I've no way of figuring out the reasoning behind the design decisions, there are corpses littered here and there, and deep in the bowels of the earth is an area that appeared to have been dug out for bedrooms, but is completely unfurnished and vacant, which is creepy. I think my goals will be to cut down on animals and colonize that huge bedroom area. Maybe do some more exploratory mining, at first glance it appears ore supplies are low.

I'll figure out something ridiculous I can do to ad to the chaos as well, gonna be a day or so before updates while I get my bearings.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Banners of Heart: ☼Masterwork the Fortress☼
« Reply #173 on: July 11, 2013, 12:13:03 am »

The temple is far out of the way - I mentioned that I had jobs there failing due to hunger.  I probably should have moved it, but it was so thematically appropriate where it was.
The blood of our enemies is but a symbol.  The true domain of Armok is magma - mountain's blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Banners of Heart: ☼Masterwork the Fortress☼
« Reply #174 on: July 11, 2013, 05:44:03 pm »

journal of Panopticon Sealice, Miner

Some major shake ups here in the fort, we went through something like 5 overseers before Brilliand took over, but now he apparently has to go too, before he retired back to whatever his original job was he informed me that I am now overseer, apparently it is my "turn". I hadn't realized there was a list, or that I was on it, honestly I barely even know anyone here, when I immigrated it basically went: "Got yer on pick? Good! Get in to the depths with you, we are mining in a spiral around the volcano for some Armok-damned reason... so that has been my life for the last couple years. I didn't even get to look around a bit except for when they need all hands on deck to haul crap from the trade depot, guess I have time now though, better look around.


I... I just have no idea, sometimes I think our tradition of changing leaders every year or so is pretty stupid, we have half completed rooms and projects everywhere, including a frankly spooky empty area completely carved out and ready for furnishings. I talked to the priest briefly when I met him near the temple for guidance, but he wasn't much help, something about the temple being too far away, and being "So, so hungry". A couple of the lads passed by carrying assorted items away from the place, and he just broke down into tears, poor guy.

Now that I think about it, I guess I could order a new temple built, maybe one a bit closer to the stockpiles, I'd order the old one torn down but frankly I can't even figure out where it is anymore.

OK! I need a plan, the stocks show that we could have more Hematite, other precious ores are fairly low as well, we'll start some exploratory mining. Let's get those bedrooms furnished too. And find someone to crack open these cases of steel bars we have lying around. The mayor came to me and demanded a dining room so I suppose we'll find him one too.

Hmm, I guess I could use a nicer suite of rooms more suitable to my new position as well.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Banners of Heart: ☼Masterwork the Fortress☼
« Reply #175 on: July 11, 2013, 07:39:55 pm »

(OOC) Made it through mid-spring, things are running at about 30-40 fps, which while tedious is not that bad, this will probably take me until the end of the weekend to complete but my updates will happen everyday and consist of 1/2-1 season each.

Mining operations hit the second cavern layer, I've ordered it walled off for the time being, we have enough to deal with on the surface.

I figured out the creepy area I thought was bedrooms is actually the tombs, now everyone thinks I am a freak for ordering beds put in there, boy is my face red, well not really, it is pale taupe as always.

Metalwraiths! So many Metalwraiths! Brilliand may save us, he has a volcanic pike and is quite skilled, the rest of his squad are slackers and haven't arrived in the mines yet.

Lost some miners, but the lifemancers are on their way and Brilliand and Hatchet have stopped about 8 Metalwraiths between them. Now I know why those sections of the gold vein were unmined.

(OOC, really guys? Why have harder mining unless you actually subject yourselves to the dangers of it?)

Migrants, totally ignoring em, they can find rooms and we'll chuck em at chores if we need to, all the dead from the Wraith attacks are raised, and with the migrants we are up to 202 dwarfs here.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Banners of Heart: ☼Masterwork the Fortress☼
« Reply #176 on: July 11, 2013, 09:05:21 pm »

Note that you can get a list of rooms with shift-R, and the list is searchable thanks to DFHack.  The full series of keystrokes is R-s-<type name of building>-enter-q; I relied heavily on it to find things, especially near the start.
The blood of our enemies is but a symbol.  The true domain of Armok is magma - mountain's blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Banners of Heart: ☼Masterwork the Fortress☼
« Reply #177 on: July 11, 2013, 09:17:11 pm »

Pshh, my overseer doesn't know how to use these keystrokes! He will live in mystery.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Banners of Heart: ☼Masterwork the Fortress☼
« Reply #178 on: July 14, 2013, 12:33:59 pm »

Noticed booze stocks are drifting low, ordered more made.

Several dwarfs have expressed their anger to me about the death and subsequent ressurection of their loved ones. I told them that we are lucky to have our Lifemancers and that they have assured me there is basically no chance of them having been brought back as soulless abominations. It didn't seem to help much. I told them they should talk to the psychiatrist but apparently that post is also held by the mayor, and he has been in meetings for like 5 months or something, I found some random peasant who wasn't doing anything in particular to give the post too, what could go wrong?

The Elves are here, guess we can do a bit of trading.

We have a new hammerlord! Sling Contestatoo, good for him.

Looks like the elves are in turn ambushed by elves mounted on giant hamsters, I'll send out the Legion, though I don't really care much if the elves die it will be good practice.

Well, there were a lot more elves than expected, but numbers and sanity mean nothing to brilliand and crew, he now has 53 kills to his name, 32 with names.

The coliseum has been completed, now to do something with it.

Summertime now, and the living is easy, except for those who are dead, which includes a Lifemancer... for now.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 04:18:28 pm by Panopticon »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Banners of Heart: ☼Masterwork the Fortress☼
« Reply #179 on: July 16, 2013, 09:55:03 pm »

My new quarters are moving right along, we lost an Engraver to magma but other than that no casualties.

A moody crafter has made a wooden Baritone, which I am informed is actually a type of instrument, not some sort of animal.

Someone found a dead baby the other day, apparently it was being carried around by one of the miners, though not a parent, and died of thirst as no one gave it water, people tell me they see its ghost haunting the mines, I've ordered slabs made just in case.

We have an abundance of baby animals, I have ordered a cull. I desire Unicorn veal.

Summoned a Balrog in the Colisseum, Brilliand thought it would be good training, I suppose he is right, if by training he meant "rebuilding the fantastically expensive Colisseum". The kill was made by Hatchet, who is an Axelord appropriately enough with a kill list even longer than Brilliands, the fight took all of 6 seconds before he severed its lower body.

It is about a week since the Balrog fight, and Brilliand suddenly bled to death while drinking in the dining room, a nearby Lifemance took care of that right quick, but it was pretty strange.

We got more migrants during all this, I suppose they'll sort themselves out.

Human's have come, a batch of riflemen think they can break our strength. Suppose we aren't getting a caravan this season, oh well.

Sent the crew out to deal with em, this probably would have gone better if the squad hadn't decided to do things honorably and head out one at a time, the first to go got his head shot right off, Navatar was next, and took down three of em while cutting many limbs off, but after they managed to shoot a foot off it was his turn, everyone else is still "Collecting equipment" and won't go out there.

Navatar did enough it seems, the Bandits retreated leaving their wounded behind, who we killed, I've sent the medics out and we should have everyone back on their feet (Or foot) soon.

I've been told the kid who went mad last season died of thirst, his name was Witch Terrordominate, I can't help but think we dodged a bullet there.

Navatar is back on his feet, lokos like being ressurected grows your feet back at least, he doesn't seem particularly upset by his experience.

Fall is here, this overseer gig isn't that bad really.
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