So, I have this thread to thank for showing me a game with a concept that I had been looking for since ages ago. Saves me having to develop one myself.
There are some balancing issues, though. For example (and others have found overly potent spell combos too), right now, you can make short work of a boss of any level, even up to Doctorate (I presume; I'm on Master's and they're laughably easy) with a specific combination that I found:
Spell 1: Phil. Stone - Fire Crystal - Execution - Any
Spell 2, Enchantment: Caustic (I forget the name; that thing that boosts attacks) - Phil. Stone - Phil. Stone
Wand: Seashell - Rock - Ectoplasm - Optics
Even with C or D level stuff, you can get the Caustic bonus in Spell 2 to be in the range of 600-800%. Casting that immediately before casting the damaging Spell 1 can get you a preposterous amount of damage; 1500-2500 damage, which can kill a weaker boss in one stroke and stronger ones in a couple more, in exchange for most of your mana bar. Note that this is still with just the D level materials I have access to - I can't even begin to imagine what the A level combo would generate.
But with the sapping wand, that's no obstacle. The branching Seashell essentially makes it as many times faster to sap mana as there are branches, so you can refill your mana bar again in a few seconds and deal a surprising amount of damage. The Rock lets you disregard obstacles and makes the Wand a great weapon for smaller critters, especially when it's a Seashell A.
The result? You get to deal damage not in the hundreds per second, but in the thousands. That's so high it's not even funny. If the enemies had more health it'd be fine, but they don't - and as it stands ~1000dps makes short work of, well, everything. Either the developers need to boost creature difficulty or nerf materials further.