Is meph still working on this?
He's in Africa for his day-job as a cross-country biker, most of the areas he's biking through don't have reliable internet so official updates have to wait until after he gets back and comfortable. The tour before this one he went from Moscow to Seoul so long slow periods like this shouldn't be unexpected.
yeah I sent him a message a little while ago, hes yet to respond, generally he drops all "contact" with the game realms during these travels.
Is meph still working on this?
Well the answer is I'm still working on it. I've been cleaning bugs out of the old bell tower for quite a bit. I tweaked the setup to 43.05 x64 and fixed many issues that plagued 1.21 through 1.23. I am currently working through issues with TESB and warpstone gems not functioning properly.
as of this morning I fixed the warpstone gem bug, they now appear as they should in layer stone and in weak warpstone veins. It was a complete rewrite(around 80%) as the old script was severely out dated and overtly verbose, it was based off TESB, so TESB should be easily fixed.
TESB(The Earth Strikes Back!) is 90% fixed, I have hidden gems appearing correctly, tributes work, invalid altar and tribute workshops deconstruct properly, TESB secrets can be discovered correctly( and copied, read, relearned) and units spawn appropriately. The last issue is fixing the create-unit issue it has (it operates on an older version of create-unit, so I have to fully update all the calls, which means that I'll probably just rewrite the call sections, as the current process is again an overtly verbose process based on DFHack 42.06 structures).
After that I was told that random creatures was not functioning correctly... I don't know what's going on there yet, I haven't looked. After that I'll twiddle a bit through some error logs and see if I can figure out why certain other DFHack scripts are spitting out errors (right now the errors are actually rather minimum unless you are operating on the fringes of the code. the standard options function with almost no errors).
I may look into TWBT:no custom XXX issues. I'm not sure about it but thats one of the things on my list.
So you can find the work I'm doing on the project at the link in my signature. I plan for a new release of whatever fixes I've made this Friday.