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Author Topic: [DWARF] - Bug reports and known issues.  (Read 191206 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [DWARF] - Bug reports and known issues.
« Reply #1965 on: April 03, 2014, 09:57:13 am »

It should.

Redownloaded from the link and installed, still having the same problem.


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Re: [DWARF] - Bug reports and known issues.
« Reply #1966 on: April 03, 2014, 10:11:51 am »

And you regenned your world, didn't change stuff like tileset afterwards etc?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [DWARF] - Bug reports and known issues.
« Reply #1967 on: April 03, 2014, 10:40:22 am »

Redid everything, didn't even change any settings this time around. Still getting layers of adamantine and bifrost. :(


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [DWARF] - Bug reports and known issues.
« Reply #1968 on: April 04, 2014, 05:11:43 am »

What OS do you use, what version did you download, how exactly did you install the thing? It is difficult to help you if you don't say anything except your problem.

Edit: And have you checked your errorlog yet? It sounds like raw duplicates.
"Having been equipped with tracking collars so their migration and survival in the wild can be measured, the young Sea Serpent is released into the wild.  It is hoped that this captive breeding program will boost their terribly low population numbers and eventually see them removed from the endangered species list..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [DWARF] - Bug reports and known issues.
« Reply #1969 on: April 04, 2014, 01:07:21 pm »

Right so I'm super new to Masterwork and just getting back into regular DF so I'm rusty there. The reason for this pre-amble is so that everything that follows is topped with a healthy heaping helping of "I don't even know what's going on."

Anyway, my fortress received, mixed in with regular immigrants, some jerk immigrants who didn't want to actually come join the fortress. They just kinda derped around at the edge of the map until something bothered to kill them. Except that sometimes, my game thought they were proper immigrants. Dwarf Therapist would sometimes let me change their jobs and titles and etc, so I'd have Omni-Dwarves (my name for a catch-all job class that does skill-less labor) controlled by the AI.

Things got /stranger/ when I accidentally recruited two into my military. They grabbed some gear including steel and then reverted to being uncontrollable, and just stood around hauling a bunch of clothes and weapons. Yes, hauling, not wearing. I wasn't about to let perfectly good steel out of my grasp, so I ordered the rest of the squad to turn on them and kill them. After they killed the first one, all hell started breaking loose. Apparently it wreaked havoc with their IFF capabilities and one of other soldiers started attacking civilians. And it's nigh-impossible to kill that soldier a.) because he's got great stats and b.) the game barely acknowledges his existence. He shows up in the basic unit list (U menu) but I can't give him any meaningful orders (noble menu, military management menu) and Therapist doesn't recognize his existence at all. Yet I can see him, and he's making combat logs. I can even order him to join a squad directly from his 'v' screen. The order doesn't DO anything except generate a new randomly-named empty squad, of course. I can't order troops to kill him because he doesn't appear in any of the kill-list options, list or rectangle. I could sorta get them to fight by ordering them to station next to the poor engraver he was choking.

Eventually the situation resolved itself when he ran up to a mastiff who promptly ripped his head off. Situation resolved, sorta?

So I'm not sure on how the pseudo-immigrants started showing up. I think everything else came from the fact that I got two dwarves to fight and that made the game think he was beserking or tantruming.

Hypotheses on the pseudo-immigrants: Evil Dwarves were my first guess, but I checked the Masterwork config screen and they're off. There aren't even any rival Dwarf civs in my civilisation list.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [DWARF] - Bug reports and known issues.
« Reply #1970 on: April 04, 2014, 01:23:07 pm »

There's a bug with some migrants, I think the ones with the appraisal skill.  They essentially show up as friendly traders instead of fort members.  I think there's a way to fix it with DFhack, fixmigrants or something similar.  I approve of the very dorfy way you took care of it, though.
Likes nether horror for their ability to turn people into eldritch horrors. Seriously, what is wrong with that dwarf.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [DWARF] - Bug reports and known issues.
« Reply #1971 on: April 04, 2014, 08:53:29 pm »

« Last Edit: April 04, 2014, 09:08:38 pm by Vherid »


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: [DWARF] - Bug reports and known issues.
« Reply #1972 on: April 05, 2014, 07:41:48 am »

windows version

found a bug in workflow.  If you set buckets to reproduce in workflow then no problems, buckets get made as they are depleted.  However, if you make a fishpond and set 'fish with bucket' on repeat, the job is restricted by the totally unrelated workflow constraint!

I checked this in dfhack by using the 'workflow list' command.  It looks like this:

constraint BUCKET amount 30 (gap 10)
items: amount 10: 10 stacks available: 1 in use
job 10410 FISH_CRAB :o


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [DWARF] - Bug reports and known issues.
« Reply #1973 on: April 05, 2014, 12:43:58 pm »

Its not quite a workflow bug; That reaction takes a bucket and has a 95%? chance of producing a bucket (i.e. get on average 20 uses of the bucket); When workflow looks at it it thus sees there is a 95% of producing a bucket, and that is why you see the bucket constraint.

Might be a specific request to the workflow guys that if an item in both an input and an output, and output is smaller than the input it does not appear as a constraint.

Note there are serveral other masterwork reaction that are difficult to control with workflow due to the reaction producing more than 1 output (e.g. ash contraint will stop coal production as a small ammout of ash is produced when burning wood to coke)
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  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: [DWARF] - Bug reports and known issues.
« Reply #1974 on: April 05, 2014, 06:43:45 pm »

I'm running masterwork 4j with DF 0.34.11 on Windows 7 and I'm using the Ironhand tileset.

The Colosseum is causing loyalty cascades seemingly at random; I've tried to find some rhyme or reason behind it but there doesn't seem to be any consistent patterns. HOWEVER I do have several possibly useful observations.

First, my setup. I station the dwarves I want to fight in the arena, lock the doors behind them, and then cancel their station order so they can activate the task at the garrison to spawn the desired creatures. Once the creatures spawn I give either a station order or a kill order, both seem to result in the dwarves attacking the spawned creatures.


-The changeling sometimes disappears when the creatures spawn (I believe this is the desired effect), and sometimes the changeling does not disappear and is near instantly killed by the spawned creatures
-When the loyalty cascade ensues (which in my experience has been well over half the time) the teams that form don't follow a logic that I can determine; I've had squad vs squad, 2 from 1 squad and 1 from another against another group of 2 from one squad and 1 from the other, mages vs everyone else, and even had familiars kill their mage owners.
-In one test I sent an earth mage and a cleric with their respective familiars against Desert Creatures. The basilisk and unicorn turned on their masters after the first creature was struck dead. The unicorn and some desert creatures survived, and they did not fight among themselves. The unicorn only ever stabbed his wizard friends in the battle so somehow the creatures were not aggressive toward it despite the "Opposed to Life" flag.
-If I have my dwarfs run around like pussies for a couple seconds after the creatures are spawned before giving them their kill order loyalty cascades don't seem to happen afterward.
-The loyalty cascade never occurs until a dwarf strikes one of the spawned creatures, and usually doesn't start until the first creature death. It doesn't end when the fight is over either; half the time the survivors of the cascade are rebels to the rest of the force and go on a murder spree on all the poor peasants. It seems the first dwarf to strike another dwarf is doing so for the good of the fort, though I will have to do some more testing to determine if this is the case.
-Spawned creatures occasionally loyalty-cascade among themselves as well. My latest cave creature fight started with an umber hulk attacking the dorf who activated the arena, at which point a green devourer immediately turned on him. Before any of my dorfs were issued any orders to attack some creatures were fighting among themselves. The hulk and the dorf therefore had to be considered part of the same team in someway at spawn.
-My wizdorfs refuse to cast their spells. While I appreciate the effort, my ever faithful level 3 Geomancer, you will never bludgeon that grimeling to death with your staff and I got about 40 combat pages of evidence to back that up.

I believe I have determined the underlying cause based on these observations: despite being opposed to life, spawned creatures are still considered to be part of an allied civilization.

 The "Opposed to Life" tag only seems to set everything that isn't in the same civilization as a target. Other creatures treat opposed to life creatures no differently, meaning. If a creature from an allied civilization (say a dwarven caravan guard) was marked as Opposed to Life it would still draw the ire of your fortress to attack him. However, if he were to attack someone first he would become fair game. This is consistent with the observation that delaying my kill order for a few seconds does not cause a loyalty cascade, as all spawned creatures have taken swings at my dorfs and become fair game. It also explains my familiars never attacking the arena creatures, though they are quite willing to gore my soldiers (note, this would mean Opposed to Life creatures don't attack pets from allied civs, possibly from neutral and enemy civs as well).

This annoyingly also prevents mages from being effective in the arena; they will not cast offensive spells (spell casting is dont automatically when a mage is aggro'd by an enemy creature, while issuing a kill order resuls in dwarves that use their magic missiles then bludgeon things with their staves) and their pets sit around doing nothing.

Spawned creatures need to be tagged as part of an opposing civilization (gobbos or frost trolls or w/e). This would prevent loyalty cascades, cause soldiers to aggro against the arena creatures the instant they spawn, and allow my mages to actually be useful so I can roleplay out my "Fellowship of the Ring vs Balrog and Friends" with a white mage who behaves properly. Also spawning all creatures at the same time can royally screw the dwarf who activated the spawn task; separating the spawns by just a few frames would allow the rest of the soldiers to close in, though I am not sure if this is possible with the modding tools available.

EDIT: I'll gladly dig through the masterwork files and make the fixes and upload them if I can figure out how to assign the arena creatures their own civ, or if I can assign them to another civ like warlock. This might cause warlocks to get pissed and invade you if you slay too many arena creatures though, I'm not clear on the factions mechanics.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2014, 10:21:30 pm by crp763 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [DWARF] - Bug reports and known issues.
« Reply #1975 on: April 06, 2014, 04:08:28 am »

EDIT: I'll gladly dig through the masterwork files and make the fixes and upload them if I can figure out how to assign the arena creatures their own civ, or if I can assign them to another civ like warlock. This might cause warlocks to get pissed and invade you if you slay too many arena creatures though, I'm not clear on the factions mechanics.
The colosseum spawning is done through the \hack\scripts\spawn.lua script. It already has a argument to make a creature the enemy of your civ.
Code: [Select]
Creature (ID), caste (number), name, x,y,z , civ_id(-1 for enemy, optional) for spawn.So you need to change the spawning syndrome in inorganic_zmasterwork.txt from
Code: [Select]
[SYN_CLASS:RAPTOR_DRAGON_COLOSSEUM]    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> add here
         [SYN_CLASS:0][SYN_CLASS:Arena Monster][SYN_CLASS:\LOCATION]
Code: [Select]
[SYN_CLASS:RAPTOR_DRAGON_COLOSSEUM]    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> add here
Since they are enemys now you can also remove the OPPOSED_TO_LIFE tag from the arena creatures in creature_zmasterwork.txt (and maybe keep it for the undead creatures)
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
PS: Changelings aren't used anymore for the colosseum spawning.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: [DWARF] - Bug reports and known issues.
« Reply #1976 on: April 06, 2014, 06:11:01 am »

The whole game (in dwarf mode) keeps crashing for no apparent reason, roughly every couple of months. Is there anything I can provide to make debugging easier?


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: [DWARF] - Bug reports and known issues.
« Reply #1977 on: April 06, 2014, 08:05:37 pm »

EDIT: I'll gladly dig through the masterwork files and make the fixes and upload them if I can figure out how to assign the arena creatures their own civ, or if I can assign them to another civ like warlock. This might cause warlocks to get pissed and invade you if you slay too many arena creatures though, I'm not clear on the factions mechanics.
The colosseum spawning is done through the \hack\scripts\spawn.lua script. It already has a argument to make a creature the enemy of your civ.
Code: [Select]
Creature (ID), caste (number), name, x,y,z , civ_id(-1 for enemy, optional) for spawn.So you need to change the spawning syndrome in inorganic_zmasterwork.txt from
Code: [Select]
[SYN_CLASS:RAPTOR_DRAGON_COLOSSEUM]    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> add here
         [SYN_CLASS:0][SYN_CLASS:Arena Monster][SYN_CLASS:\LOCATION]
Code: [Select]
[SYN_CLASS:RAPTOR_DRAGON_COLOSSEUM]    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> add here
Since they are enemys now you can also remove the OPPOSED_TO_LIFE tag from the arena creatures in creature_zmasterwork.txt (and maybe keep it for the undead creatures)
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
PS: Changelings aren't used anymore for the colosseum spawning.

Figured all this out last night except the changeling thing, looks like they posted the changeling change in the 4c changelog and never updated the manual.

Good news is the solution works perfectly, no more loyalty cascades and my mages familiars are stomping faces.

I have a harder problem now though, which is attempting to change the colosseum so that the person who activates a spawn isn't instantly mega-fucked by 5 baddies at once. Only civilians can activate the colosseum tasks, meaning their only defense against the spawns is dodging (civi's dont block). This gives me only a few options.

A) Script the person who activates the tasks to become a soldier immediately. This is probably the best option, and I'll explore this option and post results later

B) Only use mages who can hide, or soldiers with very high dodging abilities and good armor, to activate the arena. If they can survive the first couple frames and be given a station or kill order they'll be fine.

C) Dig through the dfhack scripts and see if there isn't something helpful in there that I could call with autosyndrome.

Once I discover a good fix for this or determine there's nothing I can do i'll upload the fixed files.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [DWARF] - Bug reports and known issues.
« Reply #1978 on: April 06, 2014, 08:30:18 pm »

If you are making changes maybe have a look at the portal from the warlock files. Allow building of one of the teleport portals, then from the other portal grab the teleport single unit INORGANIC, add this as extra product to the coleseum reactions and vola! When a civilian summon the monster they are instantly teleported to the safty portal. or just have it port the dwarf +5,5 squares without a target portal (e.g. to the corner of the colleseum) to at least give them a headstart.

 If you want to keep you activator safe without changes, try placing them in a military squad, set to be fully armored and make sure the wear equipment when not on duty is set, station them once to ensure they collect all there equipment. Now you dwarf will remain fully armored/armed at all times, even when performing civilian jobs. If you have spare armor/crossbows placing all dwarves like this his can majorly improve survival rates, just watch out that you don't slow them down sue to carrying too much (and make sure the militia weapon is a lower metal grade than the armor to prevent damage during tantrums).
« Last Edit: April 06, 2014, 08:32:31 pm by drayath »
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Broseph Stalin

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Re: [DWARF] - Bug reports and known issues.
« Reply #1979 on: April 06, 2014, 09:30:15 pm »

This is still an issue seems delightfully fitting though.
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