Bit of a mismash of bugs and minor suggestions from the my changelog (many of these are repeats from previous posts), but though wuld be useful to get in one location.
[SYN_CLASS:\RESET_DURATION_IF_ALREADY_AFFECTED:2] to fountain of life (i.e. get the full heal transform only once)
make special castes immune to transforming into themselves (e.g. lifemancer) so can't get double effect from things like damage force reduction.
changed several reaction to only effect one unit rather than all in location (e.g. warbeast armoring)
remove contact/inhale from all auto syndrome reaction (not required)
removed reaction_index from all auto syndrome reaction (not required for any of the existing reactions)
# - inorganic_zmasterwork.txt (fixed tags, removed unneeded, added immunity to double tranformation (e.g. being 3 times lifemancer). TODO: issues with female transformations at temples.
# - inorganic_dfhack.txt
# - inorganic_guild.txt
# - inorganic_z_orcfort_magic.txt
# - inorganic_z_orcfort.txt
#some archeology (relics) give single units of ammo instead of stacks of 25
#superior dagger
#bifrost bar usage
#temple building requirements
#copy blueprint missing (reations missing from entity file)
#blackpowder should be of type INORGANIC:GUNPOWDER (allows stockpiling)
#bricks missing BUILD_COLOR (prevents floor/wall color showing in stonesense)
#rock grinding reaction fix
#used copper bar instead of any bar to make bullet turret
#missing library reactions,
#itemsyndrome end times from 200->2000 for permenent while worn effects (stream armors, flamethrower, netthrower)
#itemsyndrome not applying (i fixed with modifed itemsyndromes script, instead of raw changes but can do in raws instead)
Some smelter reactions dropping slag bars instead of slag tools (due to slag ore chance on minerals?)
#Production of special pets (toolkit, sprite, changling) for if dwarven civ is dead/have no trade.
#toolkits - Added female caste (20%) (Dog sized clockwork automations: moves, vermin hunting, cleaning, breeding)
#toolkits - Added reaction to artificer to 'Upgrade' pet+steel mechanism into a clockwork automation (25% automation, 75% toolkit)
#spirits\changling - Not breeding as immobile? Added reaction to warpstone lab to convert any any pet+warpstone into one of these (todo: add 1% failure convert dwarf also?)
#Changed steam-armour to have stat:1%:+5000 instead of stat:5000%:+0
#make coal reaction not require fuel (removed fuel requirements from all, basic smelter had output dropped by 1 to make up for it).
#rust removal slag reduction
#all collususes + guardian of armok got [NATURAL_SKILL:MELEE_COMBAT:6][NATURAL_SKILL:GRASP_STRIKE:6][NATURAL_SKILL:STANCE_STRIKE:6] as were not hitting in combat.
#add reactions to make bolt/arrow_4 in stacks of 45 (small size, small contact area but very low penetration depth ammo, intended to )
#added poison reactions for stacks of 45 ammo (don't make in stack size of 50 as can then poison bullet stacks)
#NOT TESTED: add rune smithing stuff
#NOT TESTED: add multi-rune (e.g. apply rune x, y, z to item in single reaction, done in batches on 3 simular runes. adamite/orcium not included in batches)
#NOT TESTED: add poison coating stuff
#add relic archelology result to produce runes.
#add rune chance to expedition results
#Cannon ammo seems too cheap (per shot cheaper than musket ammo!, and better in every way). Change from 2 steel->25 ammo to 2 steel & 2 blackpowder->25 ammo (vs large bullets 2 metal & 1 blackpowder->50 ammo).
#Removed all read essay reactions (to tidy up libraryies), make essays library supplies to stock near scriptouium
Golems from temple don't get any combat skills (retain origional dwarves, but seem to learn from fighting. Is this intended)
CONSIDER: Muskets should probably be 2 handed weapons for all dwarves (e.g. pistol + shield or musket) [from my reading most dwarves are large enough to use single handed]
CONSIDER: vanilla smelter is 1 ore to 4 bars (after rock drop changes)
CONSIDER: cold hammer is sometimes more efficient (1->1) than crucible. (particuallar for rare minerals)
CONSIDER: toolkit are extremly delicate, if you start an embark with several animals can end up dead before have a chance to move them.
CONDISER: NOT TESTED: think cannon ammo/imported bullets (e.g. stack size 25) can be poison coated, intended?
CONSIDER: Need to mine 400 squares, cart 120 stone, and do 24 archeology reactions to get 1 relic, fossil and treasure. This seems a bit high (can it change since the reduced stone drop). Trying reducing stone requirement to 2 or 3.
CONSIDER: special effects boost skills gain rates from workshops (e.g. tanners stink), intended?
CONSIDER: changing castes completely resets attributes (e.g. i got 2500 of 2500 strength to 200 of 4000 when becoming a legionair)
CONSIDER: woking as a bard for a month appears to give a complete heal (limb regen), do the guild transforms do the same?
CONSIDER: pet healing (from war kennel) seems to have almost no effect, suspect that the duration needs upping to at least 1 month range. same likly of golem light repairs.
CONSIDER: ink does not appear to be stockpilable.
CONSIDER: add (if possible) toolkit, sprite to gnome trade goods.
CONSIDER: add (if possible) changling to human? trade goods. (avoid elves/drow as already have a massive hard to find things in pet list)
General Changes
# Add dfhack scripts
# dumpusedammo.rb
# showunitsyndromes.rb
# medic.rb
# marriage.rb (complete testing)
# modified itemsyndromes.rb
# Add dfhack plugins
# autostockdump (test version)
# modified autosynrdome
# Is it intended that only a couple of metals are strandable (silver, gold, adamantium, mithril), added generic standable (control with workflow/stockpile)
# - If balance issue may want to just add stranding ractions for the extra metals you see enemies wearing clothing made of (e.g. wielded mithril).
[NAME:extract metal strands]
# Make bayoneted guns use material type of bayonet (same as other bayoneted weapons)
# Add ability to remove bayonet, give gun + large dagger of appropiate material (i.e. for silly gold/silver guns captured from enemy so can add back a proper metal type with a new bayonet)
# - Note: could add for other ranged weapons but consider make bone crossbow, add high tier metal dagger, remove dagger, melt high tier metal crossbow. Not such an issue with guns as need min 2 steel to make anyway.
[NAME:add dagger to musket]
[NAME:add dagger to flint-lock pistol]
[NAME:remove bayonet from musket]
[NAME:remove bayonet from flint-lock pistol]
# NOT TESTED: Provide a way of keeping a safe store of seeds that can't accidently be used (e.g. preseve backup, or preserve some and research lab convert the rest)
# - Not tradable (can't restrict seed type)
[NAME:preserve seeds]
[NAME:hydrate seeds]
# Add reactions to split gem crafts (note there is now rather a lot of reactions on gem forge)
# Allows small scale import of gems (order crafts, split gem based ones)
# A higher level gem cutter produces a higher % of crafts, means that high level gem cutter now produces more cut gems not less.
# - TODO: not so sure about the automatic tag (particuallr on large gems as have some other uses).
# - TODO: add in right location so end up at the end of the gem cutting section.
# In inorganic_blob_reward.txt, inorganic_stone_gem.txt replace [IS_GEM: with [REACTION_CLASS:SPLITABLE_GEM][IS_GEM:
# to support gem splitting of crafts (needed for all except large gem spliting)
Split gem reactions
[NAME:Split Large Gem]
[NAME:Split Crown]
[NAME:Split Scepter]
[NAME:Split Figurine]
[NAME:Split Earing]
[NAME:Split Amulet]
[NAME:Split Ring]
[NAME:Split Bracelet]
# Pet convertion reactions (UNTESTED!!!!)
[NAME:Mutate pet to changling]
[NAME:Mutate pet to sprite]
# Once you have at least one male and female will breed by themselves, why quite expensive.
# for best chance of a results have 2 pets in the workshop.
[NAME:Build Clockwork scavenger (requires pet)] #TODO: better name?
Items and material for new reactions
# New tools to support above
[NAME:preserved seeds:preserved seeds]
[TILE:240] # TODO:
[NAME:poison resin:poison resins]
[TILE:240] # TODO:
# New ammo type, small and high chance for armor penetration but low damage. Desiged to be poison coated in the toxicologist.
# Created in stack sizes of 45 for same materials as normal bolt/arrow.
# need to add new toxicologist reaction to apply poisons to stacks of 45 ammo (dont use stack size 50 as could then apply bolts to bullets)
[NAME:poison bolt:poison bolts]
[NAME:poison arror:poison arrows]
# Trasformation materials to support above (UNTESTED)
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL_SOLID:blinding flash of light]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:LIQUID:blinding light]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:GAS:blinding light]
[SYN_CLASS:/COMMAND] autosyndrome command begins here
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL_SOLID:blinding flash of light]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:LIQUID:blinding light]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:GAS:blinding light]
[SYN_CLASS:/COMMAND] autosyndrome command begins here
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL_SOLID:blinding flash of light]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:LIQUID:blinding light]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:GAS:blinding light]
[SYN_CLASS:/COMMAND] autosyndrome command begins here
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL_SOLID:blinding flash of light]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:LIQUID:blinding light]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:GAS:blinding light]
[SYN_CLASS:/COMMAND] autosyndrome command begins here
# New toolkit cast
# need to move skills and immoble from core to male caste, and pop_ratio=80
# TODO: should clean units ideally would add a way to clean floor tiles if this is possible)
[DESCRIPTION:Scavenges your fortress for refuse to build toolkits and copies of itself.]
[NAME:clockwork scavenger:clockwork scavengers:clockwork scavenger]
[CASTE_NAME:clockwork scavenger:clockwork scavengers:clockwork scavenger]
[CHILDNAME:incomplete clockwork scavenger:incomplete clockwork scavenger]
[BODY_SIZE:0:0:30000] - at age zero will be this size.
[CDI:VERB:clean:cleans:clean each other]
# Ensure all new reactions in entity file.