nosre: I think its more of a feature then a bug.
fricy/CheeseHolePete: thanks, is noted. A simple copy+paste error.
fungus: That can happen if the way to the depot is extremely long... but they will always finish unloading, they cant start packing before... even if its just 1 tick in between. But usually trading is the same as in vanilla, except that you might have several caravans arriving at the same time.
werdna: The siege-behaviour is intended normally, but not for the batmen. That is indeed a pathfinding bug, nothing I can do about it. I thought about replacing the batmen with the Skaven anyway. Either them or the Gremlins.
Corundum: Thanks, its noted. I talk to the author of the dfhack script, its nothing I can affect.
Chaz85: I think they are actually extracts, no? They are definetly not alcoholic drinks, and dwarves wont use those.
lukstra: Babys can be possessed as well, lets just leave it with 'magic'. I cant mod it better. ^^ About the battlecries: I can reduce the range to 1-2 tiles, that should help a lot.
vastaghen12: Wow, thanks... that is really bad, actually. I will have to give elves another metal then, or an 'elven mithril' or something like that. Or back to the previous ironbark/steeloak. I will talk with smake about it.
westamastaflash: Has been reported before, but I think I found a solution for it.
I can definetly fix it.
Anything I missed?