Well, those are both tiles, not graphics, so I'm not sure what you were expecting there.
Anyway, here's some code that can change the pop cap while running, give the user an in-game prompt to do so, and send word to the mountainhome immediately:
local dialog = require('gui.dialogs')
-- Use max to keep at least some of the original caravan communication idea
civ_stats.population = math.max(civ_stats.population, ui_stats.population)
print('Home civ notified about current population.')
local function setPopCap(arg)
if type(arg)=="number" then
df.global.d_init.population_cap = arg
setMigrantNumbers("Only numbers go in there, silly!")
local civ_stats = df.historical_entity.find(ui.civ_id).activity_stats
if civ_stats then
function setMigrantNumbers(text)
local promptArg = "200" --if not string, will give error at bottom
text = text or "What do you want your population cap to be?"
dialog.showInputPrompt("Pop cap selection","What do you want your population cap to be?",COLOR_WHITE,promptArg,setPopCap)
--[[error report if promptArg is not set to string at first:
...\hack\lua\gui\widgets.lua:147: attempt to get length of local 'old' (a number value)
stack traceback:
...\hack\lua\gui\widgets.lua:147: in function 'onInput'
...\hack\lua\gui.lua:472: in function 'inputToSubviews'
...\hack\lua\gui\dialogs.lua:131: in function <...rtress\Mods\DFHack script tests\hack\lua\gui\dialogs.lua:119>
I would recommend hiding it in a subfolder so that people don't just use it, hehehe. Be warned that it'll reset if you save and reload, though.