14. Design the Hunter submarine, modified on our previous submarine design. The torpedo tubes should be lengthened in order to allow the useage of electric torpedos. Enlarged versions of current torpedos are also on board. The hull should be modified for this, so take that opportunity to fix the flaw. Addition of hydrophone allows our submarine to find enemies from under water, while a snort (submarine snorkel) allows the submarine to take in air and use the diesel engines while remaining submerged. If needed, Tonnage will be freed by the removal of the deck gun, and a reducing the electrical engines to 2, as well as cutting battery reserves. Also ensure that this submarine has a greater depth allowance than previous models. Optimally, it should be capable of dropping to the bottom or below the thermocline, or at least out of range of the enemies depth weaponry. Add a basic chemical lifesupport system.
15. Commence design of a Radar Airship, based on the earlier enlarged airship design. As expected, it carries a RADAR and long range radio equipment. Addittionally, some machine gun mounts are added for basic self defense. Ideally, the Radar system is a seperate gondola from the main engine gondola, and can be replaced by a cargo gondola or a carrier gondola. ((It's intended capacity is not large enough to do both))
16. MMR Launcher. A very simple, lowtech rocket launching system. Should be capable of launching at least 20 unguided rockets at once. Needs to be light enough to be mounted on the back of truck. While capable of launching the already designed rocket, a new artillery rocket should also be developped. It should have a far larger range, and a slightly larger payload. Accuracy is not that important.
17. Rocket design: Have some chemists and such try out new rocket fuels and propulsion methods. (Hoping for: Improved gunpowder, or alternate solid fuels)
O. Construct a submarine dock (IE, submarine production installation)
P. Construct a factory dedicated to the production of Radar installations (and airships, or course)
Q. Construct a rocket factory. (Also does MMR, but facilities for much more)