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Author Topic: The Domain of Dawns (Succession Fortress)  (Read 3908 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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The Domain of Dawns (Succession Fortress)
« on: April 25, 2013, 07:22:34 pm »

Ok, I am new to DF, but I have been learning the basics.  I am teaming up with a friend who is more polished on DF than I am, and we are going to play a succession fortress. Feel free to ask for a turn or to be dorfed or both!

The name of the world is Zuza Sagus, "The Domain of Dawns".  I set it to largest world, very long history, largest amount of civilizations, medium beasts, medium savagery, and frequent ores.  I will try to document the story along the way and be semi-interesting along the way - here's for some fun DF-style!

Current game status:

BirdBrainf4 - Turn completed 1 2 3
Em3rgency - Turn Completed 1
ProfHockenbery - Turn In Progress
BanjoSnake - Waiting
evictedSaint - Waiting
? - Positions open

Dwarfs that can still be dorfed: 52
« Last Edit: April 30, 2013, 03:18:21 pm by BirdBrainf4 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Domain of Dawns
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2013, 08:00:09 pm »

Is it a community fort or a succession fort?
If it's succesion, could I get a turn?
And in either case, could I get a dwarf?

Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Domain of Dawns
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2013, 08:06:12 pm »

Possibly, I was talking to Emergency about doing a succession fort between me and him, but if he is open to the idea, I am open to it.  I did a pretty easy embark (since I am still a noob, I got a lot of learning to do  :P) with some soil, lots of woods, shallow and deep metals, and a river.  I am setting up the initial fort now, doing the first year.  I am sure when Emergency gets hold of it, it will have a boss trap setup.

Upon embark, I find some lovely spider webs hanging around on the surface!  Brown recluse to be exact...hello buddy, meet the Orkin man!

Got down to my second floor and began to make my shops, but forgot to make them in such a way that I could seal them off with a door - had to construct some walls.  Darn...lesson learned ;-)
« Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 08:48:41 pm by BirdBrainf4 »


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Re: The Domain of Dawns
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2013, 07:55:18 am »

Okay, working off of the Quickstart template, I had originally dug out 4 5X5 rooms surrounding my 3x3 central staircase to place my mason, mechanic, carpenter and jeweler shops.  This is based off of this design:

However, there is something in principle that I don't like about this setup.  It lacks a central avenue for travel, and for the ability to make this floor a floor dedicated to workshops.  I think in my next layout, I am going to go for a central 3x3 that extends into 3-wide hallways to the east and the west, and possibly later to the north and south.  This way, I can make a design of shops laid out like shops on Main Street, 5x5 rooms next to each other, with storage areas dug out in the back. 

The reason I was struggling with this last night was that I wanted a good place to put my craftdwarves shop last night without going too deep - I wanted the majority of my workshops to be in the same area, and I had already dug out -2 Z to place my still, kitchen, food stockpile and dining room.  I also dug out a temporary 1x3 area on this floor in between the still and the dining room to put a small office for my expedition leader/broker/bookkeeper/manager.  Come to think of it, I need a term for that - we'll call him my MBB.  So anyway, finally got that sections done. 

And man, constructing those walls was a PAIN last night!  The dwarves constantly were suspending the job due to "creature in the way" or something like that...I think the dwarf was calling himself the creature, because the units screen did not show any creatures in that area.  This absorbed a lot of stone constructing and then removing walls - I had not even built the walls, but every time that I set up a construction and then removed the construction that was never built, it spent one of my stones!

Finally, queued up some beds, cabinets, coffers, doors, barrels, pots...all kinds of goodies :-)  I am looking forward to working in the future with my new workshop floor layout.  I think it will be nice to have all the tradesdwarves working in a similar area, with the stockpiles all appropriately laid out as well.  I do have a temporary bedroom on 0 Z so that they can sleep, but I have begun the excavation of my bedroom layout that I have started using -

We have reached mid-summer, and I did get my first band of migrants.  I will be naming a dwarf after mastahcheese as well :-) I guess I should dorf myself while I am at it, I'll see if my partner in crime wants a dwarf named in his honor.

(BTW - those carp keep pestering my fishermen.  I remember seeing salmon in the river, but I have also read that carp eat dwarves...this might turn for some interesting fishing tales...)


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Re: The Domain of Dawns
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2013, 05:43:40 am »

24th Timber, 1051

Finally the outpost liaison, Ezum Itonrober shows up with her band of rag-tag merchants to see how things are going in our humble abode.  Kadol Rashgurgeshud, the fearless expedition leader, gives her a frigid stare.

"My dear Kadol, we must tend to business...the hour is late."
"Well, Ezum, I have more important matters to attend to that must be taken care of at the moment.  There is this frosty, frothy substance within this mug that MUST be addressed IMMEDIATELY."

Ezum waits patiently outside the office door as Kadol attends to her affairs.  I'm not sure Kadol really cares about what the liaison may be offering anyway - one look at Ezum gives her a sense of disdain.  After all, Ezum's appearance is weak - who ever heard of a weak dwarf leading the pack?

"My dear Kadol, perhaps we can settle up at the depot over a barrel of wine...what do you say?"

That suddenly caught Kadol's attention.  She slammed down her flask, and with a hearty smile, she stood up from her desk and had a change of heart toward Ezum.

"Well, I suppose you have a point Ezum.  Business MUST be attended to!"

And up the two went to take a look at the various knick-knacks and items at the depot.  In the meanwhile, as the dwarves hustled to carry various rock structures, Kadol noticed a few that were breathtaking.  She found Tun Konoszareth, the local stonecrafter, walking from the wine barrels with a big smile on his face.  She proceeded to slap him on the back and praise his efforts.

"I must say, Tun, those last batch of shale pots simply cannot be traded.  I think I'm gonna need to keep them on site for my personal stash of brew!"

Tun smiled and nodded, heading back to his station.  Was he in agreeance, or simply inebriated? 

The two dwarves began to stare at the stacks of goods laying before them in the depot. 

"Ezum, I must say, our first year has been a fine year of sorts.  These dwarves have slept in harsh conditions and I think I have even seen a few munching on rats that were scurrying round the food stash.  They believe in protecting our food supplies at any costs."

"Well, Kadol, I can see you've handled your own quite well.  I look forward to seeing Idokrigoth grow into one of the finest outposts Kadol Nunur has seen over the next few years."

With that, they smiled and laughed and began to drink the next batch of wine as they discussed transactions.  Ezum begins to take a look at the pots and crafts brought for trade.

"I must say, I am impressed.  Within your first year, you have demonstrated fine efforts in your crafts!  I think you owe your stonecrafter a raise!"

"Well then, we'll give him two barrels of wine next time!"

They both let out a hearty chuckle and Kadol begins to sort through the goods from the Mountainhomes.  She immediately eyed the foods - her dwarves had been living off of raw plump helmets for quite some time, and she thought some hearty foods would do their spirits well. 

"I'll take all your cheeses, an iron pick, and a few barrels of rum for the lots of these pots.  These are exceptional pots after all - they would look good in your storage."

Ezum suddenly looked up from her flask, wiped the froth off her upper lip and began to think.

"Well, I'm not sure we've got enough here to give you the cheese, the pick and the rum.  Let's see if we can renegotiate."

Kadol thought for a moment.  Rum would be no issue to make in the coming months, with the new farm plots coming ahead. 

"Okay, fine.  Throw in the cheeses and the pick and you've got a deal."

The two dwarves smashed their cherished brew containers together in agreeance, and the workers scurried to put the new materials in their respective areas.  Kadol wondered if the cheeses would ever actually make it down to the food pantry...

As the merchants prepared to make their trip back to Kadol Nunur, Kadol watched Udil Lorbamlilar put together four new farm plots.  "What you up to, Udil?"  He looked at her with a mischevious grin.  "I have been tired of drinking the same old booze lately.  Time to shake things up a bit!  Bit o' cave wheat, some pig tails, and some sweet pods ought to do the trick."

Kadol smiled with satisfaction.  It had been a good year for sure.  Yet, in the back of her mind, she wondered what the future might hold.  It would only be a matter of time before the pesky creatures of the area discovered her fort.  She began to eyeball the traps that were prepared for placement, as well as the current ore stockpiles.  The dwarves were going to need to do a LOT more digging.  It was already 19th Moonstone, and a lazy dwarf is a dead dwarf, as she was always told as a young girl.  It stuck with her through all these years. 



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Domain of Dawns
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2013, 05:49:26 am »

mastacheese, I have hereby dorfed you as one of my miners!  I dorfed myself as a miner as well, so now we have 'mastacheese' Medtobdoren and 'Birdbrainf4' Sterusmafol.  I must say, you are more proficient at the job than me, it appears.  My lazy dwarf is a measly Great Miner, while yours is a High Master  :P.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 06:44:15 am by BirdBrainf4 »


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Re: The Domain of Dawns
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2013, 07:06:02 am »

Kadol took her hands and wiped the dust off of them.  The militia had just came back from a quick run.  Turns out a kobold had been harassing the woodcutter, and she had quickly ordered half of her crew to chase it off.  Also turns out that kobolds are smart enough to get out of Dodge when they see ten hell-raising subterranean warriors with homemade butcherknives coming at them!

"This is only the start..." she said.  She began to look at her entrance - they would need a bridge and an alternate entry, but it would have to be established quickly.  Her miners had just breached a cavern below looking for stone and ore, but that job would have to wait - this one was more pressing. 

And suddenly, a new wind blew upon her wrinkled skin...spring was in the air.  A look of triumph crossed her face, and her jade eyes began to glow.  A new year was upon them - they had, they had conquered the first year.  The fortress was already beginning to be a success, and she could not take all the credit.  No, she had been only the mouthpiece to lead her warriors along the way.  Day and night, her crew toiled without complaint, digging out rooms, preparing food, brewing drinks...she looked forward to the challenges down the road.  With a crew like this, she could take on anything.  ANYTHING.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Domain of Dawns
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2013, 05:36:38 pm »

Highmastah Minah
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread


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Re: The Domain of Dawns
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2013, 10:55:14 pm »

masta, let me know if you want in on the next turn - I have passed it along to Em3rgency for the 2nd year, and if you want, I will let you do the 3rd.  I will give you a day or two to respond to me - if not, you can still get in on year 4 probably.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Domain of Dawns
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2013, 04:02:34 am »

1st Granite, 1052
Gold! Don‘t you just love the way it sounds? Gold. Feel it roll off your tongue. Magnificent! All my life I spent looking for it, yearning for it, working for it and, dredfully, spending it. As a consequence I‘ve gotten pretty bloody good at managing all things gold related. I suppose thats why they‘re sending me to supervise Idokrigoth. Apparently the dregs there ran into native gold veins while digging out their bedrooms!
I took 20 more volunteers with me, an operation like this will need the dwarfpower. Problem is, this doubles the outposts population. I had to move ahead and come 3 weeks before the migrants, so I can get a proper grasp on things and prepare for their coming.


The embark
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Dining Hall
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Living quarters
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Status screen
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First thing I do is get someone to sketch me a quick plan of the whole outpost, to get an idea of whats what (and to use it as a map later on). The layout is... different than what I‘m used to. After thats settled, I gather everyone up in the main dining hall (if you can call it that). The labor assignment is non existant. Everyone just does whatever the hell they feel like at the time...

“The miners are no longer going to do any more hauling jobs. Their job is too important to be hauling furniture around.“
I was greeted by blank stares from all. Has this lot been sniffing magma fumes?
“Well, what are you two waiting for? Get to work! Find us some more gold!”
To which mastahcheese and BirdBrainf4 promptly respond by making for the staircase, their picks in hand. It seems these dwarfs aren’t used to getting direct orders like that. Explains why the place is so poorly organised. A dwarf dreg with his own idea how things should be run is a dangerous thing.

“We got a legendary stone detailer? Well congradulations, son, no more farming or hauling for you either, engraving is your life now. Get to it! Does anyone else have stone detailing assigned? You two? No, no you dont. Carpenters, show of hands. Damn, four of you?  Which two are the better ones? You‘ll also have the privelage of chopping down trees. *mocking voice* But I‘ve never touched a live tree in my life. *mocking voice*  Do I look like I care? You‘ll learn.“
Lets see, two miners, an engraver and two carpenters. Five settled, fourteen to go.
“Does anyone know how to make rock crafts? Ooh you‘re a legendary crafstdwarf!? Then why aren‘t you in your workshop? I don‘t want to see you leave that workshop. Ever.“
Six. Bloody hell all those blank stares. They really do seem half brain dead. Maybe its the food? Which reminds me...
“I need five, at least semi-competent dwarves at either farming, brewing or cooking. Good, you five will do. You guessed it, no more hauling, just food and booze production for you lot.”
Eleven. Right, looks good. As I‘m about to step down and go inspect the premises, the remaining dwarves put two and two together and I see the horror in their faces. I smile.
“That’s right. Nothing but hauling duty for everyone remaining. Should’ve picked useful professions.”.

Right, now lets go have a look at those farms…

16th Granite, 1052
The farm plots are a tribute to dwarven engineering. And I mean that literally. Oh, we have rock floors not suitable for farming? Lets irrigate them with the murky pool nearby! Nothing but dirt just a few steps towards the direction of the said pool? Farm THERE instead? Are you crazy?! Thats not dwarvenly at all!
In either case, thats what I did. The new proper farms are set up. I‘m in the process of moving the kitchens and stills closer to farmable land, as the same farmer dwarfs will be managing those.

Meanwhile, the miners are being kept busy. They begun calling themselves legendary now.

21st Granite, 1052
The migrants I “came with” have arrived. This brings the forts total population to 40. Out of all of them, only 2 masons got picked for jobs, the rest I assigned to hauler dregs. Volunteers, what can you do…

1st Slate, 1052
I‘m beginning “Project gold hungry“.

17th Slate, 1052
So there I am, re-organising the workshops into something more manageable, and this crazy-eyes bursts into the halway, beelines it for the gemmers workshop and locks himself in! One Bomrek Astlor, so I‘m told. I ordered the doors locked and bolted from the outside if anyone hears... unsatisfactory noises.

22nd Slate, 1052
I take back everything I said. Bomrek is a true dwarf! An artifact crown! Udeshuthir Nirmekstizash ‘Defensive kindling’. No doubt an innuendo to my superior rule.

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23rd Slate, 1052
Miners discover an undeground cavern, with a deep pit, with another cavern that can be seen at the bottom of the pit. Continuing to dig down.

1st Felsite, 1052
Hot stone! This is it. We‘ll have the industry up and runing in no time.

3rd Felsite, 1052
Tragedy! OH great tragedy! Those poor, poor miners. I TOLD them the lava is probably all around and not underneath! I begged them to stop! I pleaded, but they didn‘t have it. It was probably gold fever or something... Yeah... Thats right! Yeah, it was gold fever! They went mad with it. Completely NOT my fault! Memorials! Memorial slabs must be engraved to commemorate the heroic effort of mastahcheese and BirdBrainf4. No ill shall be spoken of them while I’m here!

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18th Felsite, 1052
The carpenters working outside report an elven caravan is on the way.

22nd Felsite, 1052
Grabbed some cages, beer, cloth, thread, seeds.  Sent them packing with tripple what they asked for. Maybe next year we‘ll have more goods to pick from.

14th Hematite, 1052
Its unmistakable. There is a forgotten beast lurking in the deeper caverns. We can hear its bellows. Sometimes it even scratches the walls. Our noise must attract it. We are not yet ready to handle such a thing, but luckily we don‘t need to. Those who have heard of it say it matches the description of Osmat Smestheustba ‘Osmat the Afflicted Fragments’ from our folk tales.

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4th Malachite, 1052
Decided to put that legendary gem setter to work. He should learn cutting them too. Additionally, I’ve set up a bridge at the entrance, linked to a lever in the dining hall. Also the main hallway has cage traps set up. That takes care of any immediate dangers.

11th Malachite, 1052
Memorials for dead miner heroes have been completed. Digging out a burial level for any future dead to be buried.

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16th Malachite, 1052
Ten migrants, total population now forty-eight. All migrants designated as hauler dregs.

3rd Galena, 1052
Mistem Ozoluthir has been possessed! We were forced to build a bowyers workshop for him.

5th Galena, 1052
Project gold hungry, the magmaworks, has been completed! My ingenuity truly has no bounds. Additionally while piercing the magma from above, we have spotted what we call candy in the mountainhomes! Praise be to the *new* miners!

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7th Galena, 1052
Ngure Roastedsears the Frothy Juice has come! No doubt he wants our candy!

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11th Galena, 1052
The battle with the minotaur rages. Nelasvunom, The Flickering Lung, an ashen blowgun has been completed.

12th Galena, 1052
Captured the Minotaur. A maze must be built to commemorate this great achievement! Two brave dwarves dead, several more injured.
Human caravan arrived. Wagons were forced to bypass because there is no route through the thick forest. Future overseers should consider a road. Additionally, you can see the new farm layout.

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14th Galena, 1052
As expected, the human caravan had many more items we need than the elves. I can only curse at the thought of what other useful goods couldn’t reach us in those wagons. Bought every metal item they had. No weapons grade metals of our own, so until we strike goblinite, melting trade goods will have to do. Got some raw glass, leather, wool and silk cloths and threads for the mad and possesed. Obviously took all their food and drink. Damn that turtle looks tasty.
Gave them only 200% of the desired price for the goods, as this was a much larger transaction than that with the elves. And if anyone reading this journal believes I’m an idiot and I could’ve easily gotten away with a mere few percent above what the goods are worth, jump into a lava smelter and die. I know what I’m doing. I want these bastards to come here next year with their wagon wheels half way into the mud. I want their bloody mules to pull and strain at the wagons. We need to get their merchant guilds attention. If a representative comes we can ask for metal.
(used DF hack to make elven and human diplomats come next year)

15th Limestone, 1052
Constructed two more magma forges with the anvils I bought from the traders and assigned dwarves to them.

4th Sandstone, 1052
Ten more migrants. Some are actually useful this time.

15th Timber, 1052
Outpost liaison. Damn, no wagons. We really need that road.

21st Timber, 1052
Dodok Mozibiden, administrator withdraws from society

22nd Timber, 1052
IS THIS FORT FULL OF NIGHT FIENDS??!?! Who’s the lunatic that placed the order last year? Why would anyone fulfill that order? Half of what the traders brought are blood barrels, a third are ichor barrels, and only the remaining 17% is useful! I’m GLAD the wagons didn’t come on this one. FUCK THAT.
For next year ordered everything and anything that’s made from metal. Plus some food and seeds. Also gave an offering of 30 000 DB to the moutainhomes. Seeing as one gold crafts bin comes in at 20 000 DB, and we had plenty of those, it seemed appropriate.

7th Moonstone, 1052
Libash Nugreth, The Axe of Weather. A right. I suppose it will look nice with my crown.

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13th Moonstone, 1052
We sure have a lot of gold piling up…

14th Obsidian, 1053
I’ve… I’ve been busy. There were some giant rat and elkbird attacks, there's blood in a few levels, I think we caught one of them, but who cares about all that? It doesn’t matter, don’t you see??! All that matters is that its finally finished! And oooh how beautiful it is! When you look at it… it… it mesmerizes. It makes you want to never look away, to never leave… And its MINE!

Solid gold everything!
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So that's my year. A very active beginning, some fun in the middle and very mellow at the end. mastahcheese I suggest you PM BirdBrainf4 if you want a go, as it would now be your turn. Anyone else, feel free to ask for your turn. If we get more people, BirdBrainf4 should edit the first post to show the roster :)

For future overseers:
There is no military. I'm not much for military, so I never bother. Also consider setting up a hospital. A road should also be on your priority list, as we cant get wagons now. Uhh... what else... Some walls and fortifications above ground maybe? Oh and we have a caged minotaur and giant rat. I see the beginning of a zoo/arena.

Final note: I used a texture pack on my turn, but re-converted the save file back into ascii.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2013, 09:18:22 am by Em3rgency »
A Song of Glacier and Magma: Game of Socks.
Jaime Lannister cancels noble bsns: Needs a helping hand.


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Re: The Domain of Dawns
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2013, 09:08:57 am »

Title now edited  8)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2013, 05:09:41 pm by BirdBrainf4 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Domain of Dawns
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2013, 02:24:55 pm »

I wouldn't mind taking a turn.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Domain of Dawns
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2013, 04:41:00 pm »

Yeah, I'll take a stab at a year.
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
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Re: The Domain of Dawns
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2013, 05:04:16 pm »

Ok, I will pass year 3 along to Mastacheese - PM me your skype so I can send you the file.

ProfHockenbery, you will get year 4.

If anyone else would like in, please post here - thanks!

1. BirdBrainf4
2. Em3rgency
3. mastahcheese
4. ProfHockenbery
5. Open for now...
« Last Edit: April 28, 2013, 05:08:18 pm by BirdBrainf4 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Domain of Dawns
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2013, 10:33:19 pm »

Ok, I will pass year 3 along to Mastacheese - PM me your skype so I can send you the file.
But I don't use skype, I don't trust it.
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread
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