Personally, I prefer Plasma to Disruptor guns, simply due to the accuracy of the Plasma. Disruptors are inaccurate as hell, which really limits the effectiveness I can get out of them, whereas Plasma loses out on a bit of damage and the infinite ammo thing. Plus, plasmas are one-handed, which means no minuses to your aim if you don't have a spare hand. (It's entirely possible Disruptors are also one-handed, but I'm not sure on that). Oh, and the plasma has better sustained damage while you have the ammo for it; Disruptors can run out of charges and start firing very slowly as they recharge, whereas a Plasma gunner fires at full speed until he's got no ammo left, and I've never had one run out of ammo anyway.
Also, I agree on Apoc being one of the easier ones. The only thing that gives me any problems is late game explosives.
Good Luck!
EDIT: Just finished watching, and I thought you might be interested to hear that your Repair Bays are also entry points, and as such might want security posts around them. Also, stripping vehicles of their stuff before selling them makes more money, and it's totally worth having a 3-4 man sniper squad, consisting of the guys with best accuracy with a laser sniper rifle each. Oh, and dual-wielding is only of any use in real-time, so if you're planning on playing turn based, don't bother giving me two guns.