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Author Topic: A Game of Thrones: Every time somebody uses the spoiler tags take a shot.  (Read 205732 times)


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...which Lannisters think that all those on the other side of the wall are all rapists?

And does this mean Trump succeeded in building the wall? But wouldn't that make Trump Bran the Builder?

I was thinking it'd translate more into the Lannister's general contempt for the common filth than literally referring to the Wall.
This game is Curtain Fire Shooting Game.
Girls do their best now and are preparing. Please watch warmly until it is ready.

Loud Whispers

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Game of Thrones is actually GRMM prediction of America's future.
Or D&D have just adapted it for America's present
Spoiler: feast your eyes (click to show/hide)

Trump is basically a Lannister though. No thought or finesse, just bottomless piles of money.
Lannisters are intense finesse and far from having bottomless piles of money, their gold and silver mines are actually... Empty! :D
It is quite telling then that through the sheer skill and statesmanship of Tywin Lannister and then Kevan Lannister, the Lannisters went from being irrelevant to the dominant political force in Westeros. I think the Lannisters are more like the Bush family. It's not a perfect fit and there's Beorgia shit thrown in for good measure, but you start off with a calculative statesman, then you slowly begin degenerating until meltdown. I know it's LIDF and all, but you best be eating some Braavosi propaganda if you think they're thoughtless - it makes it all the more juicier when Cersei undoes all her family's done with such clever decisions as arming the faith militiant

If we're gonna do an analogue for Trump, Bran the Builder's too far in the past besides building a yuuuge wall (making the COTF pay for it). Closest analogue has to be then with Littlefinger:
  • Littlefinger descends from Braavosi migrants, Trump descends from Irish and German migrants
  • Littlefinger learns much from his martial training with Lord Hoster Tully, Trump learned much from his martial training at military school
  • Had more ambitions and plans than their fathers
  • Using small loans of a million crowns, expands reach everywhere by moving to the economic capital and expanding business there
  • Both are businessmen transitioning into gaining and accruing political influence, later direct political control
  • Are heavily focused in maintaining large networks of influential people to maintain their own power
  • Are considered unthreatening jokes by all of their opponents until it's too late to stop them
  • Funny hair / funny beard
  • Both got estranged from beautiful waifus who had become integral to running of operations
  • Both considered asserting the illegitimacy of the previous monarch (where is Joffrey's birth certificate?)
  • "Littlefinger... the gods only know what game Littlefinger is playing." - Varys
  • Littlefinger considered running the joint with Ned, ultimately beheading him; Trump considered running the joint with Cruz, ultimately beheading him
  • Littlefinger isn't concerned with Global Winter, Trump isn't concerned with Global Warming

Uhm... There must be some other stuff but I can't think of much else.

I do like Mace Tyrell in this ep, how he's a good commander but utterly clueless at politics. Marshals all his troops quite well but can't see he's lost without a fight - of note as well is that Sam's father is currently the best commander alive in Westeros due to Ned, Robert, Balon, Rob, Stannis and Tywin all being ded. Big Man Tarly notably is also the commander who defeated Robert in battle when they still fought for the Targys. Stealing his sword is a... Very bad move.


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Tarly doesn't seem like the kind who'd ally with the forces of good until it's too late. He's too far south that even if Jon or somebody else on the Wall could get a hold of him, he wouldn't take them seriously—that sword is better off with Sam, in whose hands it might eventually get back to the Wall and fight some White Walkers.

Hell, if anything, Tarly would probably get along with the Boltons as opposed to the Starks & co.; he might appreciate their vicious streak, if not the outright sadism.
This game is Curtain Fire Shooting Game.
Girls do their best now and are preparing. Please watch warmly until it is ready.

Loud Whispers

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Ha, I just realized even the spooky Roose is dead, and he was a well good commander. Same too to Doran, though of the armchair variety (no pun intended) That probably leaves in order of skill:
  • Brawly Tarly
  • Euron (when he's not being poorly written)
  • Kevan Lannister
  • Jon Snow
  • Mace Toplel
  • Berric Dondarrion (basically Robin Hood Jesus)
  • Blackfish the Frey remover
  • Tormund Bearbane
  • Littlefinger's hostage commander
  • Jaime Lannister
  • Dolorous Edd
  • Lord Frey
  • Davos, unless he's at sea where he's the second best naval commander in Westeros after Euron
  • Yara Greyjoy, unless she's at sea where she's the third best naval commander (might not currently be in Westeros) after Davos
  • Loras Tyrell. In his current state though... Sheesh.
  • Lancel Lannister, both quite young and inexperienced, Loras and Lancel make up for it with zealous desire for glory/gods and inspirational leadership
  • That one Lannister lieutenant who's seen some shit
  • Ramsay Bolton, unless he has his +20GOODMEN passive ability at which point he becomes #1
  • Theon Greyjoy, lacks self confidence
  • Littlefinger, cannot lead armies at all relying on his lieutenants, at least still gets grand strategy and funding gud
  • Tommen "Baratheon," is a diplomat and not a warrior, completely relying on his council

Not sure if the Night King counts as in Westeros, but if he does we haven't really seen him properly command a great big battle. Mostly just troll the warmbloods, though given his generations of experience in warfare that predates many of the civilizations alive in the show - he's probably pretty all right. Brienne might also get her chance to marshal an army soon. I wonder where the people in Essos would fit into this, namely Daario, Danaerys, Tyrion, Jorah and Greyworm. I'm sure Dany still has... Or had her bloodriders? I mean, she had 3 bloodriders but either they've been quietly shuffled out or they're getting a promotion since the whole damn khalasar are bloodriders now. Dothraki aint get no love :<

Tarly doesn't seem like the kind who'd ally with the forces of good until it's too late.
I'd like to say there are no forces of good in AGOT but yeah, we've reached that point, there are good guys with infinite plot armour and there have always been those good guys with infinite plot armor

He's too far south that even if Jon or somebody else on the Wall could get a hold of him, he wouldn't take them seriously—that sword is better off with Sam, in whose hands it might eventually get back to the Wall and fight some White Walkers.
The Tarlys serve the Tyrell, and Lord Tarly is a loyal soldier. All you'd need is Mace Tyrell's decision, and for that all you'd need is Lady Olenna Tyrell's approval - Mace will do whatever she thinks is prudent, and off Lord Tarly goes to fightan WW. That's a question of who could get the Reach to go North, given that Mannis is blammed then that pretty much just leaves Jon... This will all most likely be irrelevant when Dany shows up with living toasty lizards of mass destruction

Hell, if anything, Tarly would probably get along with the Boltons as opposed to the Starks & co.; he might appreciate their vicious streak, if not the outright sadism.
Tarly would get along with Roose Bolton, not Ramsay Bolton. Roose Bolton was a ruthless and cunning strategician (a fact oft overlooked is that a lot of Rob's victories are the result of spooki Roose Bolton, such as the capture of Jaime Lannister or the outmaneuvering of Tywin Lannister). Similarly Tarly offers sound advice to Renly and when the Reach switches to the Lannisters, begins rekin the Northlanders.
Tarly respects soldiers, respects ruthlessness, but is no fond of sadists - executing them without much deliberance. Given that Ramsay killed the one person who could've earned Tarly's respect, Ramsay would be a bit fucked. The way Tarly operates is that he doesn't care what you've done, whether you're a saint or a ruthless murderer - as long as you're capable of earning his respect. That's why of both his sons, who morally are possessed of the same duty and honour, he favours the youngest (more martial, fierce and commanding) over his eldest (who just wants to be a maester).

Stealing the Valyrian Greatsword Heartsbane is an incredibly foolish decision. If Samwell left with just his sister's dress and some food and just never returned to Horn Hill, Randyll Tarly would still be salty as fuck, but he'd be content in the Reach. By stealing Heartsbane, Samwell is stealing the 500 year old ancestral relic of House Tarly that should be going to Dickon, is Randyll's personal greatsword he wields in battle, and Lord Tarly will try to hunt and kill Samwell to retrieve it, and even if he retrieves it will likely still kill Samwell anyways out of anger.
The greatest issue of course being that Randyll Tarly knows where Sam is going to be, he's going to be at Oldtown. Even if Sam manages to evade Tarly's men all that time, and Gilly and her son too, Tarly knows Sam will have to go back to the wall and so he only has to be at Oldtown or the Wall to get back Heartsbane and kill Sam. This is after his Father nonetheless offered to raise Sam's child as his own grandson and give a working place for Gilly - with the consequence of course being they will live prosperous and stable futures (and the best possible future for their son)... Yet most likely never to see Sam again. Or they could just leave Horn Hill to visit him but whatever, it's important for the drama.
Anyways, what is Sam's mission? To find the weaknesses of the WW, something that can completely stop them. Obsidian is good, but there's not enough. Valyrian steel is good, but there's not enough in the world even if they managed to get all the owners to fight at the North - the production method is lost, and all that remains are ancient heirlooms.
Simply put one more greatsword is not much help at all for the Northern cause, one barely noticeable. Yet if Sam is able to find the information he needs, the kryptonite of the WW - the war is won. Yet by taking the heirloom just to spite his father, he puts his life at risk, his family at risk and the entire world at risk. His father will not believe any word Sam says about being important against a threat he considers a fairy tale, so if he gets killed over such a petty issue, the North may never find this magic bullet or critical piece of information (perhaps even a way to negotiate or undo the magic), thus dooming everyone.

Though obviously this is noblebright thrones so Sam's gonna win, get the girl and save the day whilst espousing the values of studying hard and friendship
tbh I'd r8 the show 8/8 if everyone died because of Sam's daddy issues. If they planned this from the start with Gilly and Samwell's daddy issues combining into one multi-season spanning daddy issues series I'd rate it gr8/8


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I suspect the High Sparrow would be on that list too, maybe later on.
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


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Tarly comes up to North after Sam, sees White Walkers breaking the wall and realizes that "holy shit, they actually had it right, Snarks are real, fuck family heirlooms if there won't be any family ever to fight for, I need to tell everyone to get their arses here THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE SURVIVAL OF MANKIND" or maybe "this is my moment I am going to save Westeros gib me that sword back boi we're going to stab." He's horrible father but he's proably going to forget about the sword once he sees some White Walkers and zombies, and he may be just the guy (the other being maybe Tywin Lannister but he's dead now) that people will finally fucking believe that Winter is coming. Sam is actually fucking genius.
Of course he might still kill Sam out of anger once he mops up the White Walkers, but that's okay, Sam was never really important and he should be proud that he indirectly saved the world.
Kot finishes his morning routine in the same way he always does, by burning a scale replica of Saint Basil's Cathedral on the windowsill.


  • Bay Watcher
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Thing is, Sam is probably going to Old Town. As a sort of neutral territory, Sam may be protected by the maesters - undoubtedly there will be huge political pressure on them to give Sam up, though, and I can see them giving in fairly soon. Assuming the series wants those magic candles in it, which I'd say they do, and considering the long journey Sam made to get there it seems unlikely that he'll turn tail for the Wall.

Plus, convincing his father obviously wasn't the motivation - he just wants to stay with Gilly and Samwell Jr. The motivation for taking the sword is either to prove himself a man to his dad/the series to prove that Sam can stand up to his father even in a silly way or it's to study the sword at Old Town and unravel the secret of its creation (I'm guessing something with dragons, so Daenerys is probably going to be important.) Either way the sword Heartbane is almost certainly ending up at the Wall at some point in time.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2016, 08:38:45 am by Th4DwArfY1 »
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I'm fearing a cringe-inducing "Well, now that you've proven yourself by stealing the sword, you're my real son, you can keep it" moment.

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came
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I assumed it would be a "I have a grudging respect for what you did, but I'm still mad as hell you stole the sword meant for Dickon and am probably either going to hurt you, take the sword, or kill some of your friends and possibly you."
Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination
  TD1 has claimed the title of Penblessed the Endless Fountain of Epics!
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  • Bay Watcher
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The sword stealing seems just so fucking random to me. What does it even prove? That Sam is not only a coward but also a thief? Eh.
Kot finishes his morning routine in the same way he always does, by burning a scale replica of Saint Basil's Cathedral on the windowsill.

Loud Whispers

  • Bay Watcher
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Tarly comes up to North after Sam, sees White Walkers breaking the wall and realizes that "holy shit, they actually had it right, Snarks are real, fuck family heirlooms if there won't be any family ever to fight for, I need to tell everyone to get their arses here THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE SURVIVAL OF MANKIND" or maybe "this is my moment I am going to save Westeros gib me that sword back boi we're going to stab." He's horrible father but he's proably going to forget about the sword once he sees some White Walkers and zombies, and he may be just the guy (the other being maybe Tywin Lannister but he's dead now) that people will finally fucking believe that Winter is coming. Sam is actually fucking genius.
Of course he might still kill Sam out of anger once he mops up the White Walkers, but that's okay, Sam was never really important and he should be proud that he indirectly saved the world.
Assuming Tarly doesn't kill him at Oldtown - which is also in the Reach, where he is the top commander of the Reach's forces. This is a major, major poor life choice.

I'm fearing a cringe-inducing "Well, now that you've proven yourself by stealing the sword, you're my real son, you can keep it" moment.
Eek... Hope not. Maybe instead he'll be charged for theft, and instead of being sent back to the wall or having his fingers chopped off he demands a trial by combat where he takes out all his daddy issues with a spotting round of ultraviolence?

The sword stealing seems just so fucking random to me. What does it even prove? That Sam is not only a coward but also a thief? Eh.
It proves that Sam's a man who can say FU DAD in front of Gilly

If sword = penis
Valyrian greatsword = legendary penis


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If I wanted to create a new weapon against the White Walkers I would definitely start by examining existing weapons that work. Maybe it only needs to be 1% Valyrian to work or maybe you just need a tip, so you could reforge that one largely ornamental blade into hundreds of effective weapons.

It's a risky move for sure but I'm not convinced his dad will launch a military campaign just because his son took a sword that was his by birthright. I imagine there will be some conflict though.


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If your padre is Lord Randyll Tarly, then taking a big dick sword in front of a girl to impress her is a very shitty way to die.
Kot finishes his morning routine in the same way he always does, by burning a scale replica of Saint Basil's Cathedral on the windowsill.


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Could probably make atleast five spears out of that sword.


  • Bay Watcher
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The sword stealing seems just so fucking random to me.

And so stupid, I hate when they cut-scene to hand-wave away the logical repercussions.  Seriously, how does Tarly not send out riders to get it back?  Are we supposed to believe Sam, Gilly and a baby can outride them?
ProvingGrounds was merely a setback.
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