It is year G+2, Semester 1You've begun your second round of ships. Now, it's time to finalize your designs, and pitch for new contracts! Competition should be a lot more difficult, since the most profitable contracts are becoming exclusive.
Incidentally, fun fact: Since I copy-paste Ж so much, I've begun thinking of the currency as "control-vee's"in my head.
RESULTSYou all still have your old designs, which you can continue to market if you so choose. For now, you'll have to refer to my previous post for their stats though. Another note: I think I might start requiring you to actually specify what technology you're using, to better reflect your intents for the design. No more having me decide what technology best fits your design for you, they all have descriptions.
Also, from here on, I'm giving your ships embarrassing names if you don't name them.

Last note: Typically, you'll only be able to make one major modification in the final development phase. Occasionally you can get more, but you run an even higher risk of side-effects.
Kingfisher Ships, CEO Kingfisher1112 of the free planet CrudofFunds: Ж36,500
You attempted to design a heavily armoured, slow, large ship armed with coilguns.
You decided on liquid engines and a reinforced steel frame, and a single-pilot cockpit.
Cost: Ж7,000
Size: Large
Weight: Heavy
SPEED: 3 (Low)
ARMOR: 6 (Medium)
WEAPONS: Coilgun (3)
Mutations: Dude, you managed to cram 3 guns on! That's a lot of firepower.
This ship's pretty nice as is. You got some good rolls.
-Railgun: Nope. You think it might be feasible to develop, but you've failed to make useable progress this year.
War Finch Enterprises, CEO IronyOwl of the free planet Venom 8Funds: Ж62,000
You attempted to build a passenger craft with reinforced steel structure, liquid engines, two-person cockpit, long-range sensors, and luxury passenger space as well as TVs and long-range sensors.
Cost: Ж6,000
Size: Large
Weight: Heavy
SPEED: 6 (medium)
ARMOR: 5 (medium)
PASSENGERS: 20, Luxury
TOOLS: Televisions, Long Range Sensors
Mutations: This ship looks good! However, it's a massive gas guzzler, making it expensive to maintain.
You attempted to design a cheap, safe, large passenger ship with unspecified components.
You decided on a steel ship with ion thrusters, and solid thrusters to escape the atmosphere. You decided on a 2-person cockpit for reliability.
You attempted to improve the armor of the old ship. You decided to switch to reinforced steel.
COST: Ж5000
Size: Large
Weight: Heavy
SPEED: 6 (Medium)
ARMOR: 5 (Medium)
Mutations: Despite being large and heavy, the ship is good looking. You find and fix a dangerous fuel line issue!
-Luxury Seating: Turns out you don't need to spend any money to research this, but it takes more space than normal seating, naturally. Luxury Seating and Luxury accoutrements (TV's, modern art sculptures, videogames, etc) have been added to the public list. If you want an on-ship pool, THAT will require some research.
Raven's Ships, CEO scapheap of the Promian planet Gaia 1Funds: Ж87,800
You attempted to develop a light, fast scout ship.
You decided on a steel frame, liquid engines, a laser, and a single cockpit.
Cost: Ж3,000
Weight: Light
Size: Small
ARMOR: 2 (caution)
SPEED: 13 (Medium)
Mutations: It's downright spindly, but very fast. There seems to be something else you can't quite pin...
You think it could benefit from lighter equipment or materials, but those aren't available to you just yet. You might benefit from acquiring the coilgun technology, somehow.
-Jamming System: Ж10,000 to complete by next year. This will successfully block sensors and communications close to the ship, but long range sensors could still spot it.
Wraith's Riders, CEO Brood of the free planet JuraseFunds: Ж10,000
Reminder: Yeh can market in the second semester, but not the first.
You attempted to be build a new, fast scout craft with large liquid engines, an single cockpit and improved AI, two cannons and a tracker. You decided to use a steel frame, since everything else in the craft is rather heavy.
Cost: Ж6,500
Size: Medium
Weight: Medium
ARMOR: 3 (Low)
WEAPONS: Cannon (2)
Mutations: Moving that much mass that fast makes the ship dangerously flimsy...
You could try to reinforce the ship, but you'll likely add a bit of weight. Or, you could go to Titanium to make it stronger, but at notable expense.
You attempted a large, fast cargo craft.
You decided on a steel ship with liquid thrusters and a single-person cockpit to reduce weight.
You added an improved AI, Large Engines, and a tracker.
COST: Ж6,000
Size: Large
Weight: Heavy
SPEED: 11 (medium)
ARMOR: 2 (caution!)
CARGO: 50 (very good)
Mutations: None
The AI added a bit of weight, but the large engines still made it faster.
-Lighter material: Titanium is strong like reinforced steel, but a little lighter. Aluminum might do as well, but it's not as strong as reinforced steel.
-You, unluckily, don't succeed in researching a jamming system.
(Just going to say, you got some good dice rolls here)
-Particle Laser: While it will cost Ж10,000 to complete, you've successfully managed to come up with a design for a particle laser! This is similar to a laser- more powerful, without being heavier.
-Improved Ion Engines: You've stumbled across a design for more efficient ion engines! These are similar to Ion engines in most ways, but can keep up with liquid fuel engines. They will cost Ж10,000 to complete as well.
Unless you find some extra money, you might have trouble with manufacturing this year! Consider selling technology or something.
V.N.C., CEO 10ebbor10 of the free planet VraxusFunds: Ж30,200
You attempted to create a cheap, ultralight drone with Ion engines and a mining laser.
You decided on a steel structure.
Cost: Ж2000
Size: Small
Weight: Light
Speed: 3 (Low)
Armor: 2 (Caution)
Speed: 3 (Low)
Weapons: Mining Laser
Mutations: None.
-Distributed AI: You determine that you can make a host AI and receivers. The receivers are a bit lighter than a normal AI and have the quality of the host. Ж15,000 to complete.
-Heavy Docking System: You determine you can make a Hangar for Ж10,000. You decide, however, that modular ships wouldn't have a lot of a point to them.
You, too, are a little short on money at this point. Fortunately the drones aren't expensive to manufacture.
Unity Shipyards, Inc. CEO Nirur Torir, of Swadian planet Achilles IIFunds: Ж37,500
You attempted to design a large mining ship with Ion engines, reinforced steel structure, its own cargo, and a cannon for protection. You decided on a one-man cockpit.
You attempted to reduce the price by cutting down on armor and removing the cannon.
Cost: Ж4,000
Size: Large
Weight: Heavy
SPEED: 2 (Low)
ARMOR: 4 (medium)
CARGO: 40 (medium)
TOOLS: Mining Laser, Scoop
Mutations: The honeycomb structure is unusually heavy for what it is, slowing your ship.
Between cutting out material and a little extra engineering, you cut the cost of your ship without inducing problems.
You attempted to build a light, two-pilot steel ship with small engines, a small passenger space and a TV.
Cost: Ж3,000
Weight: Light
Size: Small
Speed: 9 (Medium)
Armor: 3 (Low)
Passengers: 10
Tools: TVs
Mutations: This ship's frame includes a bit of empty space that could be used for so-call "smuggler's compartments".
-Improved Mining Lasers: You get a design going for some more powerful mining lasers. It'll cost Ж10,000 to complete.
-Ship-based refineries: This doesn't seem like it could be more efficient than shipping mined ore planetside, so you decide not to waste money researching it.
SHIP PERFORMANCEKingfisher-1 (Kingfisher1112): These armed drones have mixed results against Space Banditos, usually winning or losing by numbers. Their lack of speed makes them fairly vulnerable. Nonetheless, they're fairly well received.
Raven-1 (scapheap): Your space taxi style ship is more expensive for passengers than the competing Warfinch, but faster, so becomes favored by high-spending types despite its relatively cramped quarters.
Vraxian Mining Station, Vraxian Spacetug (10ebbor10): The mining station and tugs prove good for handling large asteroids, except for the occasional downtime (but no accidents) due to AI faults. There are instances in which a space tug was seen in a group of space banditos, who attacked ships and used the tug to retrieve scrap and cargo. The guns are reassuring, but miners have seen few bandito attacks.
WraithRider-1 (Brood): The WraithRider becomes somewhat popular, despite its price, as the ship capable of moving the most cargo the quickest. However, some are easy prey for space banditos due to their low armor- fortunately, they're faster than most bandit ships.
Unity-1 (Nirur Torir): The Ultor corporation finds the Unity ships to mine more ore on a per-spacedollar basis and be more reliable than the stations. They're also suitably solid for the job of being near lots of rocks they might collide with.
WarFinch-1 (IronyOwl): This, despite its cost to buyers, becomes a relatively economic transport solution for passengers and there's growing interest in this and similar ships. However, there's an incident where a WarFinch violently exploded during refueling. While there wasn't anybody on board, it's still a subject of controversy.