Gather up Squishy. Talk to James:
"Um, how did you intend to get back up?

As SQUISHEE makes his way up to his place as your BEARD, you ask JESSE how he/we intend(s) to ascend back to the surface.
He replies that with two WIZARDS, there should be enough magical power to float at least one person up to the top.
And if that doesn't work, he supposes he could just climb up manually using his hammers. Or throw the STONEFLESH up and have it get help.
And that's assuming the DUNGEON doesn't have a SECRET EXIT near the back, as DUNGEONS usually do.
Push deeper into the tunnel.

You move down the hall, and encounter a rather large number of SPRUNG TRAPS.
Most of the traps display evidence of having been triggered violently, rather than having been passively disarmed. The blood is dried; at least a few days old, probably more.

Further along the hall you encounter a corpse, or at least some of one.
The blood is dried, but the body isn't rotting and there are no carrion-consuming insects. There is a smell that reminds you of mothballs.
A trail of dried blood leads onward.

The trail leads to JAMES, who is inspecting a TRANSPORTATION CIRCLE with his THIEF-SENSE.
There is some light here, which shines from a side path. The light is soft and white.

You turn off your MAGELIGHT and ask JAMES about the circle.
He says thus: the circle was drawn with blood, the same blood as that of the remains behind you; it was charged with only enough magic to power it for a single use; he cannot determine the exact destination point, but it is within six KRTCHUTS of the circle. (You assume krtchuts are a KOBOLD unit of measurement.)
He also tells you that he took the liberty of looting the body, like any good ADVENTURER.
All that he found was a JOURNAL, which he cannot read.