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Author Topic: Roll to Dungeon Quest - It's not you, it's me.  (Read 191090 times)


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Re: Roll to Dungeon Quest - Chapter 1.58
« Reply #765 on: September 03, 2013, 05:33:50 pm »

"Wait, Foxglove, does that mean the groupies that were following me were groupies of groupies?"

Retroactively equip fancy clothes, and convince more serfs to worship me. Search for a magic/armor shop.

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Re: Roll to Dungeon Quest - Chapter 1.58
« Reply #766 on: September 03, 2013, 09:17:53 pm »

Tackov waves his various missing appendages at the gate guards. "Hi."

Assuming passage is granted, go attempt to beg people for money or payment to go away and not leer odiously at them.

By the way, I demand recompense for the missing class word in my description.  Such shameful omission is shameful!  Blimey!
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Roll to Dungeon Quest - Chapter 1.58
« Reply #767 on: September 03, 2013, 09:23:23 pm »

Bukkar had by now somehow acquired a whip, which he used to encourage his serf to pull his barrel faster. This made for an odd site as the serf trudged past, urged on by the whip.

Search for armor shop and attempt to procure badass gauntlets by legal or otherwise means.
If I have the time, intimidate some carpenters into upgrading my ride.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Roll to Dungeon Quest - Chapter 1.58
« Reply #768 on: September 04, 2013, 12:44:47 am »

"Ugly? You know, I've got a little curse that might help change your perception..."

Addendum: Enter the town and find ye olde pawn shoppe.
Girls are currently preparing signature, please wait warmly until it is ready.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Roll to Dungeon Quest - Chapter 1.58
« Reply #769 on: September 04, 2013, 01:18:26 pm »

"Excuse me, guards, but do you know of any people who utilize flying warsquids in combat, as strange as that sounds?"

Question guards. After that, wonder if I could safely reattach Tackov's face and arm with tools already available or if I need something else as well.


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Roll to Dungeon Quest - Chapter 1.59
« Reply #770 on: September 06, 2013, 03:37:53 pm »

Turn Fifty Nine

In the dead of night, a pair of strange lights approach the western gate of the small town of Bletchley.

Two guards look at each other.

The lights come nearer, steadily, bobbing up and down, occasionally disappearing and reappearing as if describing erratic and totally entirely deliberate circles. As they get ever nearer, further details become clear.

The lights belong to a ferocious flying warsquid; the squid belongs to a well-dressed Lady. Often behind and nearly always underneath this strange mount and its comparatively non-strange rider can be seen an assortment of further voyagers.

As they get closer, it becomes evident that not many of them could be described as... non-strange.

There is a heavily-bandaged what-seems-to-be professional messenger. He looks normal enough, apart from the blood-stained improvised turban. There is what is, very probably, a professional wizard, riding upon the shoulders of a devoted serf. Again, reasonably normal, and not odd enough for the guards to exchange anything more than a single raised eyebrow. Then there is a man – visibly angry, even from a hundred metres of darkness – who seems to have voluntarily chosen to travel in a barrel of sick. He pokes his head out from time to time to shout obscenities and whip the peasant who has, for the gods alone know what reason, decided that dragging the stinking red-haired abuse-factory is a perfectly reasonable career choice.

Perhaps his homeland is stricken with particularly bad drought and poverty?

Next come a man and a donkey. A mangy donkey. A mangy donkey being dragged along with as much happy cooperation as the above barrel, and filled with only slightly less sick. The man whose duty seems to be dragging the mangy bastard is clearly one of life’s unfortunates.

He has only one arm and even less faces.

The two guards exchange a look of repulsed pity, a look immediately followed by a look of bewilderment.

Is that a giant spider?

Made of bone?

Ten foot tall?

”Shite, Bill. Shall we just get inside and lock the feckin’ gates right now?”

”You don’t think that thing could just step over the walls?”


”Eh, is that that woman on top of the bloody thing? That blasted wench that conned me out of a dozen Yuros for that love potion that turned me toe into a gerbil last Thursday? I swear to the gods it bloody well looks like it…”


”Oh wait, no. I’m sure that cursed thief had ribs. Oh well.”

The life of a curse crafter is, it is said, often short, brutal, and filled with many happy hours of riding enormous bonespiders: Medha Correo has narrowly escaped what would not have been her first lynching.

…   …   …   …   …   …

The squidrider – the renowned adventurer and Glamorous Ravenhaired Crusader Lady Foxglove Vainglorious III, as it turns out – buzzes her trusty steed towards the guards, wheeling to a halt nearby in a manner which clearly suggests that she could, very easily, fly right over their feeble walls if she, or rather the squid, so desired, but that she was a well-bred lady and keen to demonstrate her considerable politeness.

"Make way!" she bellows, in a ladylikeish fashion.


"Lady Foxglove Vainglorious the III! has graced your tiny town with her presence."


”I've got a letter of free passage here from Lord Nirila himself, and I know the exact color of his undergarments-hunter green! We're here for a short stopover and a hearty meal, then off to heroic adventures in the morning, while you stay here watching this rotted gate for the rest of your lives."

”I see.”

"Yes. Indeed. Oh, and, make way for my servants as well-ahem! The skinny one is Gervedder the Letter Eater, the tall one is Whizzard the Whizmatic Whiznificent, the one without a face is Tacky the Odious Flatulamancer, the drunk one is Bukkar Vomitguts Von Ragingut, and the ugly woman is Medha Nohope the Boneless. We're adventurers, of course. Well, I'm an adventurer, they're following me-sort of like groupies, you know? It's sad."

”So, uh, milady, what exactly is it you’re after?”

"Hey, Foxy, or, Ge-eh, Messenger Guy. Can one of you just let us in? I kinda gotta find a pawn shop soon. Like, really soon soon, and frankly this is taking far too long. Do we have to be polite? Can’t you lot just stay here while I… attend to important business and just walk over the bloody walls on Hermit?"


"Even bonespiders have names you know. And feelings. A bit like Curse Crafters, in fact, Foxglove. You might want t-"

"Wait, Foxglove, does that mean the groupies that were following me were groupies of groupies?"

"Oi! I was busy threatening the milady here in a not-overly-aggressive-for-an-adventuring-companion kinda way, Whizface. As I was saying, Foxfeatures, you might want to watch who you call ugly, if you don’t want doors and walking to become your mortal enemies..."

Tackov defuses the rising tension by waving his various missing appendages at the gate guards.

"Hi," he vomits, wildly, "Tackov Cedtry at your servvvvvuuuuuuuurrrrrhhhhgg."

”Oh good gods. Come on, get the feck through the gates before I’ve got even more to mop up. Holy Sef, that stinks. And what in the name of the forty eight hells happened to your face?”

…   …   …   …   …   …   

A short while later, having looked about the small hours-empty town square, Gervedder Vietzo walks back towards the gates, a question playing on his mind.

He passes Medha the Ribless But Definitely Not Ugly, squatting against a nearby wall putting the finishing touches on a strange looking cylindrical device. Her bonespider is asleep in a pile next to her.

She looks up.

”Oh hi. A new invention. It explodes idiocy. I'd like to make a joke about it being kinda superfluous with you lot around, but I'm too pleased with myself. And I guess you're ok.”


Gervedder walks on, exiting the small town, and turning to the pair of guards still on watch duty – and, for one of them, vomit-mopping duty.

"Excuse me, guards, but do you know of any people who utilize flying warsquids in combat, as strange as that sounds?"

”Er yeah, matter of fact. There was this nice looking woman come through oh... about fifteen minutes ago. Flying warsquid and a big sword. Now I come to think of it, weren't you with her? You know, you look lost mate – nearest and best inn's just off the town square, innit. Probably shut at this time of night though, eh...”

The guard with the mop gets back to moving lubricated bits of cubed vegetables from one side of the road to the other; the guard without gets back to studiously ignoring the bothersome visitor.

When Gervedder wanders back to the town square and past where Medha was squatting, she's gone.

…   …   …   …   …   …

He finds her soon enough.

It's mostly the sound that attracts him, in fact.

”Bugger orf!”

”Stop that bloody banging!”

”Quit that bleedin' racket this minute or I'll come down there and cleave your bleedin' head from your bleedin' shoulders!”

”Oi! This is a feckin' pawn shop, not a feckin' all night 'ostel! Bugger off and come back in the morning, yer great bleedin' eejit!”

”Oh. Right. Erm. I er... you know... time flies, or something...”

…   …   …   …   …   …   

Unlike the locals, Tackov Cedtry, Faceless Flatulamancer, is quite grateful for the noise.

It's bringing confused punters out into the street, where they're being confronted by his hideous... headfront, chased by his ferocious vomit, and leered at by his, well, just, this kind of aura, you know?

One or two of them have been touched by pieces of human gut where they probably never wanted to be touched by pieces of human gut.

Tackov Cedtry's pockets are jangling.

Oh yeah.

Suddenly there comes a man who is not repulsed by seeing bits of brain through where a man's face once was. Who is not afraid of speckles of half-digested carrot on his tunic. Who is not perturbed by being tickled under the chin by bits of small intestine.

This man is Gervedder Vietzo, World Famous Damaged Messenger, and this man is a damned liar.

As a bit of human small intestine accidentally brushes against his lips, he puts on his bravest face and holds back a tiny retch. He can take this no more.

”Come, my friend, if friend is an adequate word for someone who has shared such experiences as we. Your wounds may fester; we must attend to them. I have several bits of string, and no spare change, so stop waving that bloody hat at me.”

…   …   …   …   …   …   

Around the corner is a man. A very angry man. A very angry man in a barrel of sick, who is being very sick. He thinks he is in an armoury, talking to a blacksmith.

He is not.

Bukkar Crangrom is, of course, very, very drunk.

He has had his barrel impressively modified – impressively, that is, from the point of view of the serf whose destiny it is to drag the barrel across plain and up mountain and through dungeon.

Bukkar Crangrom has had the lid nailed down.


Even being in a sealed barrel cannot stop poor Bukkar from hearing what now transpires, for what now transpires is a great cacophony of cries, shouts, screams – of rage, of anger, of virulent religious fanaticism.

Within three, maybe four seconds of the noise becoming audible, a naked man is being carried past where, if he wasn't sealed in a barrel, Bukkar Crangrom would have seen him.

Whiz the Whiznificent, carried on the shoulders of his faithful serf and one true believer, is being pursued by several dozen, no, several score equally naked cultists – rival cultists – brandishing hot irons, burning torches and particularly sharp-looking agricultural implements.


”Yeah! Burn the imposter!”

”He's not the bleedin' Whiznificentist! He's bleedin' naked!”

Whiz's serf suddenly comes to a halt. He seems to be face to face with a suit of armour – a suit of armour that is, if not magical, very much imbued with some form of life force.

A form of definitely hostile life force.

It lurches towards the whizzard and his serf.

”Crikey,” comes a voice not far away, ”Perhaps we should just leave the guts for now and get the hell out of here?”

”Hmm, yes. Shame really. I think I'd nearly managed to fit most of them back in. Oh well – how about you keep this twine and spit for next time and we'll try again?”

Spoiler: GM’s notes (click to show/hide)
Current Players:
Spoiler: Tackov Cedtry, Toaster (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Whiz, Chink (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Medha Correo, Errol (click to show/hide)


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Re: Roll to Dungeon Quest - Chapter 1.59
« Reply #771 on: September 06, 2013, 03:59:40 pm »

Arm!   Face!   Yay!
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Roll to Dungeon Quest - Chapter 1.59
« Reply #772 on: September 06, 2013, 04:05:45 pm »

Saw a little hole in the barrel that I can poke the whip out of.
Continue whipping the peasant on my quest to attach bling and spikes to my barrel.

((I have plans, oh yes.))
« Last Edit: September 06, 2013, 04:25:30 pm by Xantalos »
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Roll to Dungeon Quest - Chapter 1.59
« Reply #773 on: September 07, 2013, 03:55:59 am »

Lady Foxglove bucked and whirled in the direction of the inn she had heard described. She had learned to make the swooping and spinning motions look completely intentional. Controlling her mount was not unlike trying to ride an ocean wave on a long piece of wood-you just had to make sure you blundered in the right direction, whilst looking as cool as possible.

Once there, she floated down and tied her Squid to the hitching post-it immediately rose and tried to float away, but the post held firm.

*bang bang bang* She bangs. On the door.

"Open the door Mr. Awkward! Your cousin Engle sent me!" She said, making it as she went.

Action: Abscond toward ye Shining Sweetcock. Behold, I Knock!
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."

Harry Baldman

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Re: Roll to Dungeon Quest - Chapter 1.59
« Reply #774 on: September 07, 2013, 07:50:15 am »

"Very well then, let's get back to business."

Search for any medical manuals describing treatments for particular diseases, putting special priority on finding a cure for The Vomiting.


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Re: Roll to Dungeon Quest - Chapter 1.59
« Reply #775 on: September 07, 2013, 01:02:55 pm »

"Thanks, good sir Gerdevver!"  Now... to find a nice magic shop.

Look for a nice magic shop- I need a cool magic robe.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Roll to Dungeon Quest - Chapter 1.59
« Reply #776 on: September 07, 2013, 09:35:16 pm »

Have my serf put the living suit of armor on.


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Re: Roll to Dungeon Quest - Chapter 1.59
« Reply #777 on: September 08, 2013, 10:31:18 am »

Get back to banging on the door. Emphasize the 'great and powerful curse crafter with a ravenous skull spider that will curse your bloodline for a thousand years if you don't open and buy right now' aspects.
Girls are currently preparing signature, please wait warmly until it is ready.


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Roll to Dungeon Quest - Chapter 1.60
« Reply #778 on: September 09, 2013, 06:46:48 am »

Turn Sixty

Get back to banging on the door. Emphasize the 'great and powerful curse crafter with a ravenous skull spider that will curse your bloodline for a thousand years if you don't open and buy right now' aspects.

*bang bang bang* bangs Medha, on the door of the local pawn shop.

”Feck off, I said!”

”I’ve got a ravenous skull spider, you know!”

There’s the sound of a window shutter opening in the night.

”Oh yes, so you have. Another reason, besides its being two in the morning, for not opening me fecking door, yer big piddling eejit!”

”Hmm. Good point.  Er, ok then, how about I’m a great and powerful curse crafter that will curse your bloodline for a thousand years if you don't open and buy right now?”

”Hmm, that’s a bit more convincing. Buy what right now?”

”Four lumps of solid gold the size of human feet? That I’m willing to sell for a good price ‘cos I have a long way to travel and by the gods they’re heavy?”



And then a scrabbling of bolts and latches, and the local pawn shop door opens a few inches. Eyes seem to peer round the door.

”Leave that buggering spider outside. Tea?”

Look for a nice magic shop- I need a cool magic robe.

Equally unlikely success is occurring elsewhere at the same time. Tackov, walking along fondling his own face in joyous amazement, isn’t naked, but he isn’t exactly properly dressed, either, he feels.

He turns a corner, and finds a nice magic shop. The sign on the door says open; he knocks gently and walks in.

”Hello, colleague! Magical garments of all sorts and styles, sizes skinny, corpulent or bearded. What can I do for you?”

Search for any medical manuals describing treatments for particular diseases, putting special priority on finding a cure for The Vomiting.

Ignoring the raging mob chasing his companion Whiz a few feet away, Gervedder searches about for any passing medical manuals.

He searches high; he searches low; he searches where the drunkards go.

It’s odd, he thinks to himself, back home nearly every gutter and street-urinal has a significant library of medical manuals… Damn this ridiculous place…

Action: Abscond toward ye Shining Sweetcock. Behold, I Knock!

Not far away at what was actually a typo by the cousin Engle and is in fact called The Shining Sweetening Cock – a mariner’s term – another door is banged upon.

"Open the door Mr. Awkward! Your cousin Engle sent me!" cries Lady Foxglove Vainglorious III.

The door opens. A portly fellow stands in the lamplight. He looks her up and down.

”Crikey! I wasn’t expecting you so soon, nor so late, nor so pretty. Come in, come in. You can stay in the back room at the top; you can start working tomorrow night if you fancy. You’ll work from 7 till closing time, paid in food, drink, lodgings, and whatever coins the punters manage to stick down your hopefully very limited clothing whilst you gyrate round what is, I think you’ll agree when you see it, the finest pole in the Eastern Marches of Nirila…”

"The finest what?"

Saw a little hole in the barrel that I can poke the whip out of.
Continue whipping the peasant on my quest to attach bling and spikes to my barrel.

Also not far away – Bletchley is not a large town by any means – there is a barrel. A barrel which menaces. A barrel which menaces with spikes of solidified menace.

It is also a barrel which shines – a barrel which shines with such bling that it hurts the eyes to behold.

In the body of the barrel there is a hole, and through this hole there peers an eye, and this eye looks distinctly pleased with itself. A short distance from this hole there is another, larger hole, and out of this hole there pokes an arm, attached to which is a whip.

The whip whips a nearby peasant, and the barrel is set in motion, clanging noisily above the clamour of the nearby religious hatemob.

Have my serf put the living suit of armor on.


Last but not least.

The nearby religious hatemob.

The nearby religious hatemob are chasing the heretic Whiz, who claims to be the most whiznificent of all.

They disagree. They think another is the most whiznificent of all.

It is uncertain what they wish to do to the poor Whiznificent Whiz Wizard, but it may involve the farmyard implements and burning torches that many of the mob are carrying.

And yet suddenly the chase halts.

There, before the wizard, and before the serf upon whose shoulders he rides, stands a malevolent animated suit of full plate armour.

”Put it on, serf!” commands the Whizzard.

Between serfs there is comprehension; there is politeness; there is a sense of shared pity.

The whizzard’s serf turns to the flock of serfs chasing him and his master.

”’Ere,” he seems to say, for it is difficult to penetrate his thick imbecilic yokel accent, ”Me master says I have to try this on, so I can’t carry ‘im, so if you could stop chasing us with pitchforks for a second that’d be mighty right kind.”

”Okay,” they seem to say, for reasons already explained above, ”That sounds very reasonable. Good luck.”

”’Thanks, friends.”

Whiz’s loyal serf puts Whiz down and advances gingerly towards the suit of armour, which bats his head off with one swipe of his steel plated fist and swallows the body whole.

Whiz turns to the baying but temporarily silenced mob as the severed part flies off in a dripping arc.

”Oh, um. Hello.”

Spoiler: GM’s notes (click to show/hide)
Current Players:
Spoiler: Tackov Cedtry, Toaster (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Whiz, Chink (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Medha Correo, Errol (click to show/hide)


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Re: Roll to Dungeon Quest - Chapter 1.60
« Reply #779 on: September 09, 2013, 07:07:45 am »


Search for a transmuter mage.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))
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