Holy shit. I feel like sometimes I am surrounded by conspiracy nuts. Are they going to fucking occupy the neighborhood for 10 years? NO! They just lifted the cordon, and I just saw on the news that people have heard gunfire. Jesus fucking christ, you guys think this is Europe? No, this is 'Murica, home of big guns and fucking destroying anyone who fucks with it. Remember Osama? They launched a raid without ANY WARNING whatsoever into pakistan to the government just to fuck that guy over. The Government has a revenge fantasy with anyoe that fucks with it, and that won't change.
Real defeatism right there.
Just can't help but imagine some eagle there plucking a feather every now and then, deliberating whether or not America is free.
And then it is a bald eagle, and it cries at what it knows.
I was under the impression that the giant sewer systems that feature in video games were an artifact from places like London and Paris that decided to build sewer systems out of stone ages ago, and required pretty much constant on site maintenance. New ones are just pipes aren't they?
Not sure about Paris but London's were built from about 160 years ago and maintained built upon to this day by lots of skilled engineers, making a series of underground rivers, tunnels, sewers and other such things that end up with places looking like this:
And on the other end:
So it wouldn't really be that uncommon for any large city to have sewers you could get lost in.
Thank you very much for that Toady.
Now, anybody got any news since? Current medicate state?
Still alive as of two hours ago. Seems like he'll live.
And really?
It's sad that that's not satire. It really is.