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Author Topic: Toon Mafia VII - But I Don't Want To Re:Love! [Game Over]  (Read 180511 times)


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Re: Toon Mafia VII - But I Don't Want To Re:Love! [Day 2]
« Reply #885 on: June 14, 2013, 06:05:09 am »

PFP Query to those voting Ranger: "How would a claimed Third-Party (despite his antics) be seen as scum due to his flippety-jumpyness? He also has an inspect--something of which would be fairly deadly in scum's hands, but if he flips scum (wherein I read flailing non-mafia), then it would prove that bullies attack via houses--Is that mainly the case on Ms. Cado?"

Ranger "I'll ask you a simple question. Why are you flailing around, and pointing at others along with giving a comparison of their posts according to activity, recently?

"Why are you not voting? Your allegations onto those who're voting you seem pretty much along the theoretical line of suspicion, right?

"Lastly, I get the feeling that you're being picky on your answers. Many statements have been issued against you, and you pick and answer those which seemingly stand out as a generalist answer. Why so?"

"...How does that make sense?"
It made more sense in my head.  :P
"I'd love to know what sense that made."

Birdy51: "Though I cannot hold you for Nerjin's...actions, which most of my idea on him is based on, I'd like to simply ask you what was your own take on his deeds in the previous day, and your viewpoint of what's going on today."

It's just occured to me: could we meet up in pairs/threes to prevent mafia members from taking any action?  IE, randomly pair up houses and get all of the occupants of the selected houses to meet somewhere.  Then, if anyone's not where they should be their partner/other people in the trio would know.

We wouldn't need to really claim anything to do this plan, we could effectively anonymize it via house numbers and only claim later if a mafia member chooses to go against the plan (there's no real way to hide your silhouette since someone else would be able to contradict you).  The only issue would be mafia members being paired up together, but if we go in threes that would be extremely unlikely.

I wouldn't want to crowd too many people together though in case of an ability that kills everyone in a single house.
This...makes a lot of sense when you see it in a protective way, actually. I'm with this strategy.


How does the bolded portion make sense?


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Re: Toon Mafia VII - But I Don't Want To Re:Love! [Day 2]
« Reply #886 on: June 14, 2013, 11:02:28 am »

Tiruin: ...Okay... I'm flailing because i'm panicking, thats rather simple. Not sure where i'm comparing peoples activity though.

I'm not voting because i was trying to figure out who of the three seems the scumiest to me. And i have found one, though OMGUS will be called despite any points i make.

And i'm answering questions somewhat generally due to the fact that i'm getting band wagon'd by people for saying what first comes to my mind, so i'm thinking about my answers more, however scummy that sounds.

Toaster: You've made no attempts to figure out my alignment beyond, he's backtracking get him. What is your opinion of me now? Who besides me do you think is a bully? Why haven't you contributed anything to the day besides pokes at me?

Dariush: Your being an idiot. You think i'm scum, fine, but your playing like i'm the only scum player there is. I said to search for others because no one thinks there is just 1 bully, and yet you continue to bluster and yell at me. Your not hunting for anyone else when there is other people around and there is obviously atleast a second bully. Your arguement is based off of 1 self contradiction when i forgot something i had already said at midnight when i was too tired to remember. Since then, you've called me a lying scum, giving almost nothing to argue the point with because you don't care. Your not helping the town, your going for a band wagon lynch.

Solifuge: If drawing pictures is keeping you from posting content stop. and stop lurking.
The best ship is the one where one of them is literally allergic to the other~
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Re: Toon Mafia VII - But I Don't Want To Re:Love! [Day 2]
« Reply #887 on: June 14, 2013, 11:05:34 am »

Scholl has taken over my life... EXTEND. Bloody hell I'm busy. I shall embrace summer with open arms. Also, Unvote. I'm not going to vote anyone again until I have enough time to make a case against them that they can defend.
"When the first living thing existed, I was there waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave"
"Death is not a hunter unbeknownst to its prey. One is always aware that it lies in wait. Though life is merely a journey to the grave, it must not be undertaken without hope. Only then will a traveler's story live on, cherished by those who bid him farewell."


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Re: Toon Mafia VII - But I Don't Want To Re:Love! [Day 2]
« Reply #888 on: June 14, 2013, 11:10:32 am »

*School. God damn it.
"When the first living thing existed, I was there waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave"
"Death is not a hunter unbeknownst to its prey. One is always aware that it lies in wait. Though life is merely a journey to the grave, it must not be undertaken without hope. Only then will a traveler's story live on, cherished by those who bid him farewell."


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Re: Toon Mafia VII - But I Don't Want To Re:Love! [Day 2]
« Reply #889 on: June 14, 2013, 04:05:32 pm »

Vote Count

(0)Griffion -
(0)Leafsnail -
(0)Captain Ford -
(0)Toaster -
(0)Tiruin -
(1)Dariush - RangerCado
(0)Zombie Urist -
(0)Phantom of the Library -
(0)Shinigami_King -
(4)RangerCado - Toaster, Dariush, Deathsword, Leafsnail
(0)Deathsword -
(2)Notquitethere - Zombie Urist, Birdy51
(0)Solifuge -
(1)Birdy51 - Tiruin

(6)Not Voting: Giffion, Captain Ford, Phantom of the Library, Notquitethere, Solifuge, Shinigami_King

Day 2 will last until Friday 6/14 at 11 PM EST or in about 6~ hours

RangerCado, Notquitethere, Zombie Urist, and Shinigami_King have request an extension, if three more people request an extend the day will be extended until Monday 6/17 at 11PM EST.


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Re: Toon Mafia VII - But I Don't Want To Re:Love! [Day 2]
« Reply #890 on: June 14, 2013, 04:19:09 pm »

Birdy51: "Though I cannot hold you for Nerjin's...actions, which most of my idea on him is based on, I'd like to simply ask you what was your own take on his deeds in the previous day, and your viewpoint of what's going on today."


In a word... I would describe Nerjin-san as a bit erratic.

He just didn't seem to have his heart in the game. His first real post was asking for a replacement, a request that he then pulled a mere thirty minutes later. The RPing was also doing him no favors unfortunately. Luckily, he seemed to pick up on his game a bit later, and started asking questions that seemed to matter. Then, immediately afterwards he would let them fall to the wayside without ever touching those arguments ever again, and proceeded to sink his teeth into Lenglon until she was bullied away. Without any justification or reasoning behind it.

In short, I do not blame you for suspecting Nerjin-san. I can honestly say that I am not quite able to follow his reasoning. I can get into more detail if you would like, but I want to address your second question right now, as the matter is pressing.

RangerCado may be a fool, but he's not scum.

In the last game that I had played with him, I made the unfortunate mistake of tunneling him on the First Day. RangerCado roleflipped as the Town Cop to get me off his back. Needless to say, very few believed him, including myself. We made much more out of the situation than we should have, and we unceremonially lynched him.

Due to having that experience with him though, I have absolutely no reason to believe he is not telling the truth now. As before, he saw perceived benefits from flipping his role early. And once again, RangerCado is on the brink of paying dearly for it.

For now, I shall tender an Extend vote. This lynch is being rushed to the table far too quickly without due consideration.

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


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Re: Toon Mafia VII - But I Don't Want To Re:Love! [Day 2]
« Reply #891 on: June 14, 2013, 05:12:32 pm »

I don't think this has been asked so directly before, and I don't have enough time right now to check, so...
What were you trying to gain by role-claiming?
What are your reasons for voting NQT?



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Re: Toon Mafia VII - But I Don't Want To Re:Love! [Day 2]
« Reply #892 on: June 14, 2013, 05:25:11 pm »

Pup: I saw only one disadvantage to claiming at the time and that was everyone lynching me... again. My win-con is completely luck based without claiming.
The best ship is the one where one of them is literally allergic to the other~
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Re: Toon Mafia VII - But I Don't Want To Re:Love! [Day 2]
« Reply #893 on: June 14, 2013, 05:28:22 pm »

What are your reasons for voting NQT?

Hah! I am an utter failure... I forgot, that you only needed to say Unvote.

I don't know why IG voted for NQT, so I had meant to unvote as I don't hold the same sentiment.

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


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Re: Toon Mafia VII - But I Don't Want To Re:Love! [Day 2]
« Reply #894 on: June 14, 2013, 05:29:35 pm »

So you claimed to make it more likely you'd win, but you didn't tell anyone your house number...  Explain to me how this works.

And thanks birdy, that makes more sense.


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Re: Toon Mafia VII - But I Don't Want To Re:Love! [Day 2]
« Reply #895 on: June 14, 2013, 05:38:47 pm »

Didn't say it was good logic, just that i thought i stood a better chance than trying blindly to work with a group that might kill me if somone got a third party read from a better inspect than mine. Better to come out clean immediately too as i'll mostly likely end up playing in a self-preserving game later.
The best ship is the one where one of them is literally allergic to the other~
Quote from: NakaTeleeli
"A room ain't messy less you can't find nothin!"


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Re: Toon Mafia VII - But I Don't Want To Re:Love! [Day 2]
« Reply #896 on: June 14, 2013, 05:45:23 pm »

You were worried about a cop claiming to tell everyone that you're third party and should be lynched for it?  Wouldn't it be better for said cop to wait until they find mafia?


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Re: Toon Mafia VII - But I Don't Want To Re:Love! [Day 2]
« Reply #897 on: June 14, 2013, 06:14:54 pm »

You were worried about a cop claiming to tell everyone that you're third party and should be lynched for it?  Wouldn't it be better for said cop to wait until they find mafia?
When have you ever seen me think logically? and yes, probably.
The best ship is the one where one of them is literally allergic to the other~
Quote from: NakaTeleeli
"A room ain't messy less you can't find nothin!"


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Re: Toon Mafia VII - But I Don't Want To Re:Love! [Day 2]
« Reply #898 on: June 14, 2013, 07:15:52 pm »


Tiruin: ...Okay... I'm flailing because i'm panicking, thats rather simple. Not sure where i'm comparing peoples activity though.
Why @ bolded part?


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Re: Toon Mafia VII - But I Don't Want To Re:Love! [Day 2]
« Reply #899 on: June 14, 2013, 07:19:34 pm »

Well, i'm about to be lynched on terrible grounds and unless someone (such as you) gives the last extend vote, i will be.
The best ship is the one where one of them is literally allergic to the other~
Quote from: NakaTeleeli
"A room ain't messy less you can't find nothin!"
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