((You've got both, Xant.))
Alexander fires off a shell, but the bird swiftly rises out of the blast's way, soon swooping back down for a counter attack.
Silas, Mari and Filhurd exit the train car, thankfully just barely out of the bird's line of sight.
Marianne fires on the bird as it dodges Alexander's attack, faring quite a bit better than he did and doing 4 damage.Silas fires a shot, winging the bird's leg for 2 damage, but the recoil from his rifle makes him slip, banging his arm against the train's outside wall, doing 1 damage to him.-=-
Rhea manages to get a decent view of the bird and Alexander, mainly due to the bird's electrical glow.
Party StatusesHealth: 10/10
Clothing: Ruffled plain white shirt, trousers, leather boots, longcoat.
Inventory: First Aid satchel, hunting knife, Lockpicking Kit, rope, Train ticket.
Health: 10/10
Clothing: Plain white shirt, trousers, leather boots, holster, longcoat.
Inventory: Revolver [5/6], Hatchet, Lantern, train ticket, revolver rounds[6x].
Health: 9/10
Clothing: Plain white shirt, trousers, leather boots, gun sling.
Inventory: Bolt-Action Rifle [3/4], hunting knife, binoculars, train ticket, rifle rounds[4x].
Health: 10/10
Clothing: Plain white shirt, trousers, leather boots, gun sling.
Inventory: Double-Barrel shotgun [1/2], hatchet, rope, train ticket, shotgun shells[2x].
Health: 10/10
Clothing: Plain white shirt, trousers, leather boots.
Inventory: Case of Tonics[2 Vitality elixirs, Antidote elixir, Stone Skin elixir], Hunting Knife, Book of Matches, First Aid Satchel, lantern, train ticket.
Health: 10/10
Clothing: Cheap suit jacket, plain white shirt, trousers, leather boots.
Inventory: Case of Tonics[2 Energy elixirs, Sense Enhancement elixir, Vitality elixir.], Lockpicking Kit, First Aid Satchel, Book of Matches, Lantern, train ticket.
NPC Statuses