"I'm with you man. We need to spread this enlightenment to the masses, man.
The blind dealer puts his arm across your shoulder and directs you to his apartment. It's rather squalid and barely furnished, but he has this one rug that really ties the room together.
By feeling the wall, he finds his way over to a chest, from which he produces two satchels of some sort of blue herb and two magical clockwork bongs of seemingly made of gold and glass.
"Alright, this stuff will give you a pretty good high, but, like I said before, you gotta pace yourself. Also, if you take too much at once, some hyper-dimensional demons will come out of nowhere and start harshing your mellow. With their claws.
"Also, these bongs are pretty cool. They never run out of water, and, if you push this button right here, they light themselves.
"Alright, we want to make sure we arrive together, so when I say 'one, two, three, go!' we light one go. Ready? One, two, three, go!"
You light up and inhale. Nothing happens at first. Then you notice blue smoke rising from the ground. The blue smoke spirals around you, the spirals growing tighter and tighter together until they form a solid curtain of smoke all around you, and you are all alone in this solid column of smoke.
Then an enormous eye pokes through the curtain. It studies you for a while, then closes. Two incredibly bony arms with three-fingered hands burst through the smoke. They open the eyelids, revealing that, where there was once an eye, there is simply white empty nothingness.
The right hand beckons you in, and you enter the nothingness inside the eyelid. Then...(continued later on in post)
Grab the torch, run down the tunnel.
Follow the dick-tunnel group to keep their light going.
Xorg grabs Cyrni's torch and runs down the tunnel; Cyrni chases after him to try to get her torch back. Albrecht, though he hasn't submitted an action, presumably chases after them to make sure they don't kill each other.
As they all run past the growling side tunnel, the growling grows louder. Twenty feet past the side tunnel, they hear a roar, and, from the edge of the torch's light, the can see claws and fur, and teeth that almost reach the top of the tunnel.
They all quicken their pace considerably, but the monster easily matches it. They continue running for several dozen yards, narrowly avoiding claws and teeth many times, when they see a dim light up ahead.
Nearly out of breath, they emerge into a mediumish room. Ahead of them is a large metal wall covered in blinking lights. The wall to left and right are just rough cave, with no immediately obvious exits. The monster is just about to the entrance.
Suddenly, a metal door slides out the tunnel wall, and the party hears a loud *CLANG!* from the other side. As they stop to catch their breaths, they notice a small slip of paper sticking out of a slot in the metal wall.
Before any of them can examine it, however, some blue smoke rises out of the ground and materializes as a hippy and some drug dealer (Alam and the blind drug dealer).
Enter tunnel with three mushrooms and pitchfork.
You go down the tunnel and enter a rather large cavern. Lights dance around at about head height, and as one of the lights gets near you, you are able to tell that it is a candle atop somebody's helmet. In the dim light, you're just able to tell that the owner of this candle helmet is a female elf.
"Howdy, stranger. If you're looking for Fungeon City, that's back out the way you came and to the left. This here's just the mushroom farm. Unless you're here to help with fertilization, I'm afraid there's not much here of interest.
"Oh, hey, this may be too much to ask, but I'm afraid I might be stuck here longer than I'd like. When you get to the city, could you ask around to see if my boy Adele made it back from the Squid Lake okay? He went fishing today and hasn't stopped by on his way back to see me, so I'm a bit worried about him."
Churar: Critically Accelerate and run in the same direction you've been running.
Okay, you got a Spell Malfunction. (*Rolls*) You managed to cast your spell successfully and stay above water, but you took on another curse: (d10000=794
(the first one that was applicable)) You develop an intense phobia of fish and marine life.
Suddenly, a colossal squid pops out of the water in front of you. If you weren't too busy shitting yourself in terror, you might have noticed that it is missing one of it's tentacles, and that it's other tentacles seem to have scars forming rings around their circumferences at various points.
You go down the tunnel some ways, then come across three smaller tunnels that open up on its side, two on the right, one on the left. And, of course, there is still the rest of the well-lit stone brick tunnel ahead of you.
The first tunnel on the right has a stone brick floor and rough ceiling and walls, along with torches placed far enough apart yet also close enough that some parts are dim, yet no place is in total darkness. The symbols on the wall are of a pick with what looks like an egg below it.
The second tunnel on the right looks just like the tunnel you're in, bricks all around and well lit. The symbols next to it look like a t-shirt with a pinecone below it.
The tunnel on the left is like the first tunnel on the right, bricked floor, rough sides and top, lit enough that everything's at least dim. Next to it are a symbol of three mushrooms together with a pitchfork below it.
Go to the second tunnel on the right, and in the future, always go in the most well-lit tunnel.
The tunnel leads to a kiosk that seemingly built into the tunnel itself, with a man sitting behind the counter. Some t-shirts are hanging from a wire above the counter. A certain shirt that catches your eye has these symbols on it:
Going from left to right: First there is a circle, with a symbol of two smiling faces together. Then there is an arrow pointing left. Then there is an archway full of darkness with a broom underneath it. On the next line is a solitary line, followed by a blank face, then an arrow pointing to a circle, then an arrow pointing down with a circle beneath it, and finally a t-shirt with a pile of feces under it.
Attached to the t-shirt is a tag with a pinetree, another pinetree below that, another pinetree below that, three pinecones together below that, and a single pinetree below that. All these symbols are sideways.