Firstly, it's as much the principal as the thing; why should someone need everyone else's OK before changing their world? Do I need to ask the city council before buying a couch?
you're using the example of asking before buying a couch to justify not needing to ask before making a warbot. you're asking for too much leeway.
A warbot that's only useable on yourself. I'm still unconvinced that there's a danger of people abusing this danger to make absurd superweapons. Besides, again, this comes up if we have direct control over
anything--and if we're never allowed to do
anything without waiting a while for it to finally come up for voting and be voted on, ever, I'm probably leaving. I didn't come here to play "Bureaucracy the Game."
Secondly, it will allow us to be quicker to respond when something goes wrong.
why not just build safeguards into the design, and have your avatar respond if the safeguards start to fail?
1. I highly doubt any design is truly safe against failures. Make it foolproof, they'll make a better fool.
2. Avatars aren't omnipotent. You'd probably need to be able to adjust your avatar's abilities, again on the fly...which leads to the exact problem that you're trying to avoid by opposing my idea, only avatars are a lot more mobile than moons.
Thirdly, there are so many queued petitions and so few we vote on, that it takes a while to get ANYTHING done.
that's why we're going to be able to vote on them in groups in a moment. right now we're waiting on jass to vote. then we will move on to his game-phase-changing petition. then when that is done, we'll be back to voting on them in groups.
The problem is that we shouldn't
need to be waiting on jass unless it's something that jass needs to be involved in.
Fourthly, I'm starting to get a bit tired of "Petition to Do Anything: The 'Game'". I'd like to be able to do more than vote and submit a few petitions that will probably be voted on in a week or two.
once we have a livable world to play on, then i'm expecting all the avatar petitions to be voted on soon after. after we have game pieces to play with, things will get more interesting.
Not if the avatars can barely do anything...
Quick edit to the Gaiaweapon thing.
They can only use their god-like powers when the ten Deities and their Champions agree to work together, but they are all legendary weapons in their own rights (for example, the whip might be able to slice a man clean in half on its own, but could cut down a mountain with its true potential, or the raptoract could be 3-d and release a single beast on its own, and go 4-d and homing-beasts when fully powered).
the ebony ring is kinda an all-or-nothing deal. and it is pointless if it only works when we agree with it. therefore i need the ring to be an exception to this.
Yeah, that's an odd "weapon".