Download: of all you need dfhack 34.11.r3 since this is an updated version of the zone plugin plus some new stuff. Extract the archive somewhere, then copy the folder "hack" into your DF folder. Or copy the files manually, see installation.txt for details. Currently this is only for Windows as I can't build Linux or Mac versions. You will also need to add a new keybinding to your dfhack.init:
keybinding add Shift-B@pet/List/Unit "gui/autobutcher"
Assignment filters:
When assigning creatures to pens/pastures, pits and cages you can filter out certain conditions. In additions to the filters Falconne added it's now possible to filter for caged, male and female. Caged will only show creatures which are in non-built cages to make it easier to assign those animals you bought from a caravan or those goblins you just caught in cage traps to their new home without listing all those which are already in zoos or built in bedrooms etc. Male/female helps with stuffing males into cages (they are mostly useless and spread their spores even if caged) and pasturing only females in case you want to get some breeding going (caged females don't get pregnant anymore).
Autobutcher GUI:
Autobutcher helps with managing livestock in your fortress. Basically you set target quotas for races and genders (seperate ones for kids and adults) and when the plugin is running it will periodically check your stock and try to flag animals which exceed that quota for butchering. For more details check the documentation here: Readme for the GUI:
GUI for autobutcher - How to install:
1. You need to have dfhack 34.11.r3 installed, this will not run on older versions.
2. The three files need to be copied to the following destinations:
zone.plug.dll - copy into the folder dfhack/plugins (overwrite the existing zone plugin)
autobutcher.lua - copy into the folder dfhack/scripts/gui
zone.lua - copy into the folder dfhack/lua/plugins
You can either do that manually or just copy the folder "hack" which contains the same files
in appropriate subdirectories into your Dwarf Fortress main folder.
3. Add the following command to your dfhack.init (or write manually into the console):
# autobutcher front-end
keybinding add Shift-B@pet/List/Unit "gui/autobutcher"
How to use:
If you followed these instructions you can press Shift-B in the Animals screen
(press z from the main screen, go to subscreen "Animals" to enter it) and the GUI for autobutcher should pop up.
Hotkeys are as follows:
f - set desired maximum of female kids for the selected race
m - set desired maximum of male kids
F - set desired maximum of femals adults
M - set desired maximum of male adults
x - delete selected race from the watchlist
w - toggle watch/unwatch without forgetting the max values (i.e. pause monitoring this race)
R - Set whole row, i.e. the same value for fk, mk, fa, ma.
This makes it a bit easier if you don't care that much about breeding details.
b - Remove butcher orders for the selected race. This is intended to help with the case when you accidentally
set the target quota too low (for example by using the "ALL RACES PLUS NEW" row) and want to undo that.
Please note that in such a case you also need to set the target quota to the value you want, or the butcher
orders will be given again then next time autobutcher runs.
B - Give butcher orders for all unprotected animals of the selected race.
This is a manual command and will be executed once, it does not change the target quota for this race.
If you want to automate butchering all animals of a race, set fk mk fa ma for this race to zero.
A - start/stop autobutcher. On start it will add all unmonitored races to the list (if autowatch is active).
Also the watchlist will get sorted alphabetically each time you restart autobutcher.
W - start/stop autowatch. If autowatch is active all unmonitored animal races (brought by migrants, bought from
caravans, ...) will be periodically added to the watchlist using the values from "only new races" at the top
of the list.
S - Set the sleep timer in game ticks. The plugin only runs every x ticks. 1 ingame day = 1200 ticks.
If you edit target amounts on the top row of the list ("!! ALL RACES PLUS NEW") it will affect all listed races.
If you edit amounts on the second row ("!! ONLY NEW RACES") it will affect races which get added by autowatch.
Protected animals:
To avoid accidentally butchering animals which you probably don't want to be touched autobutcher considers the
following conditions to exclude certain units:
- animals trained for war
- animals trained for hunting
- animals inside built cages which are rooms (i.e. zoos)
Please note that animals inside cages on your stockpiles will get butchered.
Animals inside built cages which are not rooms will get butchered as well, you can place such cages
right next to your butcher shop and fill them with kids to avoid them pathing around (for example male poult)
and with the appropriate settings they will grow up in that cage and get butchered once they grow up.
- animals which have names
Nicknames count as names, too. So if you want to protect specific animals you can give them nicknames
using dfhack. If you are using the default dfhack.init the hotkey for nicknaming is CTRL-SHIFT-N.
- animals which are marked as "available for adoption"
If the number of protected animals exceeds the target quota then the quota value will be colored red in the list.
(Autobutcher won't let you cheat but that way you know that there are some candidates for atom-smashing in your fort)