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Author Topic: Armok's Blade, Bloodaxe- The Sky-Executioner of God (Community Fort/Project)  (Read 14378 times)


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Nazushilbash Anrizsombith Nòm

Bloodaxe the Sky-Executioner of God

(Community Fortress Edition)

Finally got me Commmunity Page established. Forgive me if I run this a tad clunky, seeing as this is my first Community Fortress I've run. I figure, unlike the previous project, I would let others in on the experience of building a more glorious ship, so post what role you'd like and all that other stuff.

I have a prologue setup below if you want an intro to this act of the Xah Xurko Sky-Pirate Saga. The Bloodfist was the previous act. Updates, unlike last project, will not be seasonal, but instead, annual or bi-annual. Save up on resources (saves) and time per-update. Plus, I feel with my improved skills in DF, I think some updates will be less detailed than others anyway.

Here's A working model I can use for construction, and review as I build and improve upon it's design as I see fit.

If you want to tell your own story, or try to build this monster as well, here's the pre-embark save of the world I'm working with, since my worldgen how-to may be a bit tough to work with:
Xah Zurko, Clean/Fresh Worldgen

Predecessor Bloodfist
Project Discussion Page

Project/Community Links:
Year-1 (Settling Down)
   Y1-A == Chapter 1: Let's Hit the Ground So Hard This Time, it Shatters
Year-2 (Establishing Fort and Dry-Dock)
Year-3 (Commence Production)

The first year or two will be spent on resource gathering and material processing as well as fortress establishment, seeing as I didn't do so (and/or properly) the first time around with Bloodfist's project site. As ‼fun‼ as that was, it was frustrating to the point of me nearly rage-quitting (actually, I did for a good month or few), and I don't want that to happen for a community fort. So I'm taking the time to actually establish a functional fort before I commence the actual project. In the meantime, the resource collecting and processing should speed up production of the ship and dry-dock itself. Plus, it should cut away any unnecessary filler with story-telling.

For anyone curious, this megaproject is currently under suspension. Real Life decided to be a dick, and give me little to no free time for the better part of the year, so as much as I would love to continue this, I'm stuck doing other things (mostly work, which I am intent on changing jobs from. It paid decently, but I want to enjoy my job. Job satisfaction>Income; just like my dwarves in both projects. Better to enjoy making even a pittance, instead of regretting the fortunes you make (Time-sink jobs, or jobs that go against your ways; winning the lottery, or doing something stupid for a million bucks at the expense of something valuable (ability to reproduce, self-respect, respect of peers, etc.; the list goes on)).).

Nonetheless, I DO want to return to working on this on a regular basis, but as of lately, I feel the universe has conspired against me finishing this, so until I can move on, this will have to wait. Thanks for the interest nonetheless.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2013, 05:49:36 pm by Itnetlolor »


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« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2013, 10:29:37 am »

Current Overseer/Foreman:
Remaining Survivors of the Bloodfist megaproject.
"Balthier" has decided to redeem himself since the prior failure. Took much convincing; but with an eye in the sky and prior data input from previous records, he wasn't too hard to track down.

====Currently Hiring====

Current Bay-12 Construction Team: Pending Arrival/Alive/Arrived/Injured/Endangered/Deceased
Yuli Vlasi

Current Losses (By Dwarf #): (Score to beat: 350)

Previous Overseers/Foremen and Team:
No notable losses

Survivors of the Bloodfist Project:
"Balthier" --Claimed, He wanted to redeem himself for his initial failure. Wasn't easy to find, but after seeing the completed Bloodfist, and hearing about what has happened in the capitol, he decided to do what he could to lend a hand.
"Mustadio" - May be a tad off-kilter since he did mine out the remaining redstone (cinnabar; a good source of mercury, BTW) for the Bloodfist before abandoning project a decade ago. But he's still alive, and might still know a thing or two about ship building.
Unclaimed from previously:

Airship construction progress:
No Notable Progress on Ship
No Drydock Built

Materials are being processed (Stone)
Materials are being processed (Wood)

Construction Site found

Fortress Progress:
Warehouses and Farms Built
Magma Forges carved out
Security Perimeter WIP

No proper housing or dining built
No safe water source found/made

« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 12:59:34 am by Itnetlolor »


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Prologue and Fort/Worldgen Info
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2013, 10:29:54 am »

Has it really been 10 years since we completed and ran off with the Bloodfist? I had this sudden urge to look back on the events of the past as I look at a scale model of our old ship we salvaged from the old work site. The model had got me thinking about our exploits since we reclaimed what was rightfully ours, headed off, and started our own settlement, with me beginning the new nobility, in honor of the Lucid in the Sky of Diamonds. We were ordered to finish what Cid has started which was a flagship of our dwarven empire, labeled the ARMOK'S GAUNTLET or Nazushdur Anrizgeshud Nòm aka Bloodfist the Sky-Fortress of God. It was to be a symbol of ultimate power, not only telling the world that dwarves had conquered the ground, but the sky as well. Well, the path was extremely rough for our civlization's kingdom, to the point that doubt was cast amongst the many residents of the kingdom. Too many lives were lost to a poor leadership that continued to plunge many poor souls towards a deathtrap in effort to complete his monument.

All things considered, our king did not deserve the ship, with all the lives that have been lost, sending them to such a deathtrap of a place, in order to set sail a monument. I've seen sea-faring ships more glorious than this; although, I'll admit, having a ship that can sail the skies is still nice. But the point is still the same, lives were wasted for a "monument" no bigger than a mere frigate; and it's rather under-armed for such a vehicle. I want something that can pulverize towers as we crash into them; armed with more teeth than a dragon; more cargo capacity than the gut of that sloth of our king, and who can forget, more power?

In honor of you, Cid, and the rest of those whose lives have been sacrificed for this ship, I'll top off with a better design, and a greater purpose (Aside from cramming it full of as many refugees we can nab from our homeland that can fit in the ship without overloading the engines). The Bloodfist has been refitted from a small frigate into a long-range scout craft. Thanks to it's capacity and capabilities, and a bit of retro-fitting, we can achieve in a day, what would normally take others weeks to travel. First thing we did when I did that while it was docked in the royal  aerodrome was to set sail, far, far away from our homeland, and the site from which this accursed ship was born in.

Now that we have found a suitable land to produce something that can out-rank this little ship, we're collecting materials and otherwise, as well as producing ourselves a well-packed wagon to deploy out of the Bloodfist for the volunteers and refugees that are willing to get things started for the rest of our teams we're willing to deploy from afar.

The site is adequately far enough away from our new home, where we still continue to traffic more citizens from our homeland that are feeling opressed by our king, since we took on a new career of sky-piracy. Of course, since 10 years has passed since we last been citizens of our homeland, chances are that another "Bloodfist" may have been produced. If that is the case, we really need to get this new ship built and deployed. I don't think our scout can take on the opposition if it finds us (We made a containment expansion pod that linked to where the ballistae once were). Fortunately, I have been developing ways to refine our process, and maybe even as a side-project, develop and deploy some mass-producable gunships (Armok's Fingers or Bolts, if you will). We need as much of an upperhand as we can get, and chances are, our past king is paying out the mouth for anyone and anything to hunt us down. I fear he's befriended goblins to serve as mercenaries to hunt us down. We can't let that stand. Fortunately, the Outlands of Xah Zurko are rather expanse, and they'll have a hard time finding our new home, as well as the project site.

After much scouting the Outlands, we have come up with this that we can work with:

It didn't take us long to scout the location out. We just had to travel a considerable distance to get out of range of the old kingdom this ship was originally built for. We did a broad-range scan of the Outlands, and the computers worked overtime, but have done a glorious job mapping things out for us. The Outlands are huge, and our world is suspiciously volcanic. However, the upgrade project (now Project: Flagship) sort-of demands a much greater use of a volcano to suit our processing needs.

Here's what was generated for us to patrol with. (Caution, Big image. Red box is the general area the work site is.)

I think it's time I wrap things up here, and start breifing our specialist team before we touch ground... what little there is we can land on. I suspect we'll have to hover a bit and let the wagon out the side alongside the cliff edge here. If anything, at least there's more wood to work with, and a far less hostile landscape here than we used to work with. Considering my new plans for our counter-attack ARMOK'S BLADE or Nazushilbash Anrizsombith Nòm aka Bloodaxe the Sky-Executioner of God, they, along with the help we'll be deploying every once in awhile when we're in the region, will need every advantage they can get. Naturally, since we don't want to expose our work site from our frequent visits, we'll have to park at least a good region's distance away from the work site when we deploy our volunteer parties; call them "migrants" if you will; seeing as they're refugees from the old kingdom, they might as well be, especially if they make the site a new home for themselves like we did with the previous hell-hole.

--Ex-Chief (Pyro)Technician and Present-Day Pirate-Queen, Weaponsmith, Captain Kel "Lucca" Stigazkadol

Here's the Worldgen info as well. After the near-600th-odd reject, it'll prompt you whether or not you want to continue anyway, due to volcanism issues. Just accept it (ignore warning, even if it gives legends only results), and accept the site that comes along with it by the next dozen resets. It should eventually look like mine.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I kept the name of the world (And ended the worldgen year 9 years after the events of Bloodfist so that the embark begins at the 10-year marker) in order to keep the world and story canon. We may need to head off to a new worldgen (if it can't be imported into the next version) for the next edition, if/when that happens. I kinda like how the world just decided to expand past the smaller nation that was previously existent. If possible, I hope I can go One Piece with this, with the expanding of the world.

If you want to serve as other ex-crew members of the previous project starting off their own ship in other parts of the land, feel free to scout out other locations and set yourself up some ships for adventures of their own.

Seeing as my Worldgen instructions may be a little rough around the edges, here's the pre-embark save for anyone to mess around with:
New Xah Zurko World
« Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 11:06:39 am by Itnetlolor »


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So, now the project page is setup, and any takers; anyone wanna be hired for helping build this? Anyone want to be part of the embark team?

I referenced the previous project site, and realized just how much smaller this new site I selected was by comparison. I compensated by expanding the area by 2x2 region tiles, but still covering the same general area.

Seeing as I still couldn't come up with a good naming theme, it seems I recall there being 2 prior survivors of the last project that might be willing to volunteer again; with much motivation to get back to work with Lucca's help with the final product in hand, along with much safer work conditions to use. Other project leaders may also have been gathered for assistance in the future.


Oddly enough, my test embark allowed Bauxite (Fixed it; but still not supplying myself with it; but I have a source of another red stuff again, at least). This time, not so much. It may have something to do with my starting civ; but I'm good with this, because if I read correctly, obsidian is magma-proof, so Bauxite is not necessary to have on hand, provided I make obsidian mechanisms and floodgates to control my magma-based production centers. Fortunately, we have more than enough naturally-occurring obsidian on-embark to be able to supply ourselves aplenty with that glorious magma-proof pretty black material.

The supplies given (Based on the 1st Mayday (mainly dwarf) setup) should provide us with all the necessary equipment and replenishable supplies we need to get a rapid establishment phase to setup (should go far quicker than my 1st-year test run), along with a decent enough set of capable dwarves for the setting up phase. We should be able to get an adequate supply of capable migrants in due time, especially with this skilled workforce and a good supply as provided by Lucca. War dogs for initial defense (wildlife and kobolds), cats of opposing genders to have an ample supply of vermin hunters, and turkeys for egg production (seeing as they're the most optimal producers).

Our starting Civilization is the aptly named Chamber of Swallows. Rather appropriate title as to name one of the most common downfalls of many a dwarf in the Bloodfist work site. They live in a nearby enough region that has plentiful supplies of bauxite we can ask for.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 02:13:59 pm by Itnetlolor »


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Okay, Bi-Annual update is somewhat ready. So far it's played. I just need to upload the initial DFMA and the current, as well as refine my notes into story format.


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Re: Armok's Blade, Bloodaxe- The Sky-Executioner of God (Chapter 1-A)
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2013, 11:09:00 pm »

Got story, but I'm having some trouble with the maps. I'll upload them later. Fortunately, this story bit addresses that already. Didn't think it would be consistent with what's actually going on right now.

Chapter 1: Let's Hit the Ground So Hard This Time, it Shatters

Spoiler: Y1-S1 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Y1-S2 (click to show/hide)


« Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 11:48:50 pm by Itnetlolor »

Loud Whispers

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Isn't making your Trade Depot your front entrance a tad bit risky? :P


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Isn't making your Trade Depot your front entrance a tad bit risky? :P
Not usually, especially considering that I'm forcing a longer trek to my base overall right now, so i won't have to worry about amping up my security at the door. Plus, I prefer to keep everything as straightforward as possible. You'll get a better idea of what I'm getting at once you see the uploaded DFMA map.

Loud Whispers

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Ah. It just takes one injured merchant to spook the pack and they set off though. Or Kobolds. Always Kobolds.

Yuli Vlasi

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That's some amazing storytlling here, have some compliments! I'd also like to join you in your plan to construct... that. The blueprints look promising, may I ask what programm you used to render the site in your second post?
Take command. Lead your men. Hide in booze stockpile. Weep, and everyone weeps with you.
Maybe we could export Yuli: "Succession fortress too stable? Too boring? Just get our Yuli VlasiTM!"


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That's some amazing storytlling here, have some compliments! I'd also like to join you in your plan to construct... that. The blueprints look promising, may I ask what programm you used to render the site in your second post?
Thanks. I'll see who will be suitable from the next wave of migrants (Any roles in particular you want? Fortress care, or building team? and so on... Sign up at the Trade Depot on Deck-2, otherwise your job will be decided for you.). As of now, we're at 11 dorfs. The migrant input will be relatively low, I suspect until I gain a much higher value, import/export-wise, along with fort fanciness value. Until I complete my security cordon, I'm keeping the fort rather cheap and necessity-oriented trade-wise, and the migrants few, until lockdown is complete. I worked with my other fort (managed to completely cordon off a 5x5 embark no problem like that within less than a year so I can safely build big projects).

Blueprints were crafted in Paint.Net (and composed for animation in Photoshop), and the work site was just a luck of the draw with worldgen and my extremely limited understanding/knowledge of altering them, along with using Japa's Isoworld program to render the embark zones. How I got the other renders, I read the instructions and hit [SPACE] to toggle between tilesets/viewing modes, relevant to the data input to the program (bioome detail, basic, and elevation/relative cliff heights). Credits to Japa for making such a useful program for embarks, and continuing to work on it even more.

Wait until you see the initial DFMA upload of the site, then you'll wonder how I managed to that. Upload will be a bit later (gonna enjoy the weather while it's still nice out).
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

First map (Initial "Before" Map) is uploaded.

Second map (Y1-A) is uploaded.

Stay tuned next week for the next update.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 08:38:44 pm by Itnetlolor »

Yuli Vlasi

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I'd prefer being part of the building crew and if possible with some military skills so my dwarf can defend Armok's Blade if needed. Choose any dwarf you find fitting and nickname him or her 'Vander'.
Take command. Lead your men. Hide in booze stockpile. Weep, and everyone weeps with you.
Maybe we could export Yuli: "Succession fortress too stable? Too boring? Just get our Yuli VlasiTM!"


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Re: Armok's Blade, Bloodaxe- The Sky-Executioner of God (Chapter1-B)
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2013, 11:47:59 pm »

Got more done with the fort.

Spoiler: Y1-S3 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Y1-S4 (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 01:06:20 am by Itnetlolor »

Loud Whispers

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Dry dock? What are you going to fill it with? Air?

So... It's a vacuum dock?!


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Dry dock? What are you going to fill it with? Air?

So... It's a vacuum dock?!
The Dry-Dock is more of a mooring station that can also setup as a repair/reloading station.

More familiarly, dry-docks, where seafaring vessels are concerned, are more for construction and maintainence of ships. In the case of airships, they don't flood with water before departure. It's more a removal of all the docking cables and cranes that keep the ships in place. Alternatively, if dropping from a literal sky-fortress or a floating island, it's more like a literal drop of the ship. Naturally, all the passengers on board will have to buckle up first.

« Last Edit: April 20, 2013, 11:18:23 pm by Itnetlolor »
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