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Author Topic: Great Victories or Fails thread  (Read 5197 times)


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Re: Great Victories or Fails thread
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2013, 06:33:46 pm »

In my first fort I was "neatening" things in the south end of a sprawling complex when a goblin siege arrived.  So I maneuvered squads into the fortifications as backup in case the various traps around the entrance (lots of stone falls, etc.) did not slow them up much. 

I noted a half-squad ( 8 ) trolls heading up the southern hill instead of around the walls towards the defended gates.  I then realized that in clearing out a few tiles and putting up a wall or two to make neater lines I had in created a unguarded path into the fort where creatures could climb the hill a few levels and then go on top of the wall in order to reach a door and open hallway that bypassed most of the defenses.

So I sent my available hammer dwarf squad to defend the unintended breach against all comers.  Only two of them turned up, but they took on the trolls as they broke past the one door that was slowing them up.  The fight worked it's way down a hallway for forty tiles or so, but the dwarves prevailed.  One dwarf alone got six of the kills (and was my first dwarf to get a nickname) while his wing-dwarf got two kills and generally helped protect his flank.

This same dwarf also did a solo fight against a rampaging forgotten beast shortly afterwards.  He held it away from the main stairway for a period of time until supporting squads turned up.  Another dwarf vultured the kill, but broke three of the beast's bones with strikes and had it seriously weakened.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 09:47:17 pm by Oaktree »
Armorer McUrist cancels forge steel mailshirt, interrupted by minecart

Dwarven War Boar

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Re: Great Victories or Fails thread
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2013, 10:17:56 pm »

well over 14009 dwarfs

I wouldn't have thought this possible, even on an extremely high-end gaming rig ???

Loud Whispers

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Re: Great Victories or Fails thread
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2013, 10:19:53 pm »

well over 14009 dwarfs
I wouldn't have thought this possible, even on an extremely high-end gaming rig ???
I... What? Are you NASA?

Urist Mc Dwarf

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Re: Great Victories or Fails thread
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2013, 06:13:07 pm »

 I modded all animals to be tameable and trainable. I modded cats so that when trained for war they don't adopt and they have iron covering certain parts of their body. 48 cats took down a goblin elite wrestler and three squads of archers or crossbowmen. The rest were killed by a simutanious ettin/ elf siege attack. 

Orange Wizard

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Re: Great Victories or Fails thread
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2013, 08:12:07 pm »

That's what 10000x force multipliers will do.
Please don't shitpost, it lowers the quality of discourse
Hard science is like a sword, and soft science is like fear. You can use both to equally powerful results, but even if your opponent disbelieve your stabs, they will still die.


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Re: Great Victories or Fails thread
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2013, 02:40:25 pm »

well over 14009 dwarfs

When I finally build my beowulf cluster, I wonder how well DF will run on that baby.
Or perhaps I can see about running it on the cluster set up in our research lab...

(If I get the chance, I will detail it)


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Re: Great Victories or Fails thread
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2013, 03:01:14 pm »

well over 14009 dwarfs

When I finally build my beowulf cluster, I wonder how well DF will run on that baby.
Or perhaps I can see about running it on the cluster set up in our research lab...

(If I get the chance, I will detail it)

That would work any better than on one a multi-core computer? My understanding of beowolf clusters must be worse than I though?
EDIT: Keas restricted to tropical forests where they belong.  Those evil, EVIL, foul little things.
Edit: The baby murderer became a friend of the fortress, which started a loyalty cascade, and now most of the squad is dead.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Great Victories or Fails thread
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2013, 03:26:01 pm »

well over 14009 dwarfs

When I finally build my beowulf cluster, I wonder how well DF will run on that baby.
Or perhaps I can see about running it on the cluster set up in our research lab...

(If I get the chance, I will detail it)

That would work any better than on one a multi-core computer? My understanding of beowolf clusters must be worse than I though?

Yes a multicore cpu will have slightly better performance than a beowulf cluster that consists of comparable single core cpu's, because of the delay in relaying data. But when you have 20 or so decent multicore cpu's, it tends to make a difference.

I doubt it would make a significant difference though. If my understanding is right, most clusters rely heavily on multithreaded programs. And since we know DF isn't multithreaded, it would end up just running on 1 cpu, just like in our computers.
I could be wrong, there could be scheduling programs that break down a program differently than separate threads, but I doubt it.

Urist Mc Dwarf

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Re: Great Victories or Fails thread
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2013, 06:28:00 pm »

 i killed an over-size goblin siege by using triggered war animal releases.  Over 100 metal covered war animals including:
3 Giant tigers
7 War cattle
1 Skelatel Elephant
2 Giant Desert Scorpiens
 They goblins were slaughtered.
Modding is beautiful


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Great Victories or Fails thread
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2013, 08:34:41 am »

  So I had been waiting for iron to come before drafting a full military, (actually I was just sidetracked doing other projects) and a full mounted goblin invasion arrives.

  I had three dwarves in my military. All were legendary warriors, groomed from embark to be future captains.  (I'd had 4 such units, but an ambush from a previous season caught them in copper gear and one of the warriors was pincushioned from the first volley of bolts) Each posessed a masterwork steel short sword, and iron armor of middling to low quality.

  The battle started as you might expect, my men entering martial trances, sneaking hits in here and there, lopping off limbs, blocking errant bolts, (only enemy ranged units were three captains) and, mostly, dodging and rolling out of the way. As in real life, an out-skilled attacker usually resorts to tackling their enemy to the ground, and this is what those cowardly cave crawlers and goblins did. From the combat logs, my men spent most of the initial fight stunned and on the ground getting back to their feet. I knew they would tire out before this battle was over.

  Steadily, they caused casualties to the invaders, whose numbers were growing. Trolls then arrived, fresh, while my men were covered in sweat and blood from head to toe, having butchered only half of the first two mounted goblin squads. What had started as a tight battle in the open fields in front of the fortress entrance had dispersed into three seperate melees, one finding my militia commander backed into a rampless hillside corner, a swarm of enemies surrounding him. The other two swordmasters were also surrounded waging their own one man wars.

  At this point I assigned the war dogs of the fort as pets, 10 in all, among my desperate men. They would be a while getting to the fight, as they were 15 z levels below in the dining hall. (I don't seal the fort)
  A few more invaders go down before the first injury happens on my side. A swordmaster has lost his foot, and is now retreating south away from the entrance, a gaggle of invaders following him, to his benefit perhaps, as the space provided by his retreat has enabled him to more easily single out and slay individual persuers. Not to be outdone by their comrade, the other swordmaster and the militia commander also give up a lower leg and a hand, respectively. The swordmaster does as his brother and commits to the retreat and slay tactic, while the commander finds himself suddenly with room to breathe.

  See, apparently the invaders considered this battle won; after causing such grevious wounds to my pitiful numbers, they began a mass charge of trolls and mounted goblins towards my fortress entrance/barracks alcove. The commander, finally able to move at will, is in lingering persuit, hacking down stragglers with his good arm while leeching enemies from the desprate legless Swordmaster to the west and my barracks alcove to the north, which is now being destroyed. 

  The barracks having been successfully overturned, the remaining trolls and cave crawlers attempt to gain passage to the fort entrance. The timing of the dogs of war could not have been better. More than half of the dogs were immediately slain, but two of the more robust individuals succeeded in extending the melee, getting a kill or two. All of the dogs succeeded in buying my commander time to mop up from behind. Unfortunatelly only one dog lived. 

  Seeing the failed attempt at gaining entrance to the fort, the invaders began to retreat.

  Both swordmasters had lost one leg and the other foot, effectively fighting almost half the battle on bloody stumps. They would not move, but any that came to finish them off were beaten back or slain. Each had sustained massive bloodloss; I feared for their lives greatly. The rest of the commander's arm was chopped off as well, and I think he also lost a foot before the battle was over.

  In the end, none of the three recieved medical attention, (my doctors were on coffee break) but all lived. My fortress would succumb to a tantrum spiral about 4 months later, since I started a mass draft of 37 dwarves and accidently set their uniforms to replace clothing, before I had time to forge all their copper armor. It would have been the end anyway, since another full invasion of goblins led by an elf general arrived while the naked recruits were outside beating each other to death.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 08:44:58 am by mobucks »

Dwarven War Boar

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Re: Great Victories or Fails thread
« Reply #25 on: April 16, 2013, 04:32:57 pm »

well over 14009 dwarfs
I wouldn't have thought this possible, even on an extremely high-end gaming rig ???
I... What? Are you NASA?
As it happens, yes, the physical embodiment.

Dwarven War Boar

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Re: Great Victories or Fails thread
« Reply #26 on: April 17, 2013, 01:40:06 pm »

well over 14009 dwarfs

Am I the only person who wants to see a screenshot for this?

Orange Wizard

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Re: Great Victories or Fails thread
« Reply #27 on: April 18, 2013, 03:37:55 am »

well over 14009 dwarfs

Am I the only person who wants to see a screenshot for this?
Yes. The rest of us think it's a typo.
Please don't shitpost, it lowers the quality of discourse
Hard science is like a sword, and soft science is like fear. You can use both to equally powerful results, but even if your opponent disbelieve your stabs, they will still die.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Great Victories or Fails thread
« Reply #28 on: April 20, 2013, 10:48:54 am »

I... What? Are you NASA?
As it happens, yes, the physical embodiment.
That was more directed at 14009 Dwarves and a barrel of sewer brew.

Dwarven War Boar

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Re: Great Victories or Fails thread
« Reply #29 on: April 25, 2013, 03:15:56 pm »

I... What? Are you NASA?
As it happens, yes, the physical embodiment.
That was more directed at 14009 Dwarves and a barrel of sewer brew.
I realised, but thought it was funny that you quoted me.
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