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Author Topic: Silentthunders - We have struck spoilers  (Read 24718 times)

Loud Whispers

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Re: Silentthunders - Year 17
« Reply #45 on: April 15, 2014, 07:19:44 am »

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And there we go, the set is complete.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Silentthunders - Megafortress Year 16
« Reply #46 on: November 08, 2014, 05:01:26 pm »

The computer in which I held all my DF saves was finally fixed; Silentthunders resumes. So far only 1 year has passed for the Dwarves.

I am currently debating on whether to destroy the 330 zombies in the raven bomb via military, or by ritually sacrificing them to the magma sea. There are simply too many, and Armok demands blood. Indeed, so formidable are Silentthunder's defences that the greatest tragedy so far has been the zombie children who died from infection after contracting horrific diseases from FB's, who were promptly shot and buried.
Votes are in on what to do with the Raven bomb:
4 voted for Stagnation (do nothing), 7 voted for Calamity (unleash the horde upon the world) and an overwhelming 16 voted for Sacrifice (send them to the magma sea via quarry).

A mechanism has been prepared that will cause a cave in, and also free every single undead. With any luck the falling debris should stop the flying corpses from escaping the sacrifice.
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Also couldn't miss the opportunity to plug in DF hack and get rid of all the useless junk in my Fortress. Apparently, there is a lot.
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The Dwarves decided to cover the gaping magma pool over with a mound of steel. It seems to be working well in stopping magma crabs from invading the forgeworks.

Little in the way of progress has been made on the superstructure, with the resources of Silentthunders being spread out amongst several megaprojects, namely the Tombspire (which has currently exhausted the Fort's entire silver supply, prompting the securing of more tetrahedrite) and a few sections of the greater walls/towers as Silentthunders readies itself to be raised by yet another z lvl.

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The efficiency of Likot House was doubled; two rooms per floor was simply taking too long and the Dwarven children growing up too quickly. The double-thick walls of the lower levels with their two incredibly spacious rooms were divided into four still rather spacious rooms, walled in by ornate gem windows. Currently demand for bedrooms has outstripped the Fort's gem-cutting capabilities and so many levels lack the windows young Dwarf adults will soon get to enjoy, but a room is still a room. The relative peace of the Fort has allowed for some wondrous wealth to be made, it seems fitting to have at least one skyscraper in the Fort to be truly ostentatious. There is the issue of security, namely that flying creatures can potentially give Dwarven inhabitants quite the scare! To that I can only answer with sentries from neighbouring fortifications as the efficient-housing section only serves to house and show off Silentthunders's wealth. It is not a defence point, making it the only non-militiarized building in the entire Fort. I am ignoring that it sits atop a barracks for technical purposes.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Silentthunders - Year 18
« Reply #47 on: November 09, 2014, 12:24:13 pm »

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The mechanism was activated and the sacrifices sent to the quarry, hundreds of undead plummeting through just under 50zlvls of cave in dust and boiling magma.
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The sheer force of the Quarry atomized many of the undead, reducing their whole form into a cloud of fine pulp arcing through the air.
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So dense was the mass of rupturing bodies that the initial gibbet cloud was 3 by 3 layers thick on all dimensions, a storm of fiery refuse.
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The molten deities that dwelled below threw back many of the offerings into the air.
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It rained body parts in the quarry all through the day, the offering appeared to have appeased the Earthen spirits. Some body parts even managed to reach zlvl 31, 12 full levels above the quarry's seabed - most parts were reclaimed by the fire.

I feared that the gods would not be appeased and that the flying masses of ravens would be able to escape their predicament and wreak havoc on the surface world.
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In part my fears were allayed.
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But there was also a bad omen: Many of the undead had survived and were burning angrily at the bottom of the quarry. 12 Elite Marksdwarves of the Sentinels stood watch in case the undead moved to attack; faced with this ever looming blaze at the bottom a new construction was hastily built to drop on the sea.
The gods were appeased and all the ravens killed, whether by bolt or pillar.
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Two year old Kadol saved the Fortress, his heroism would be remembered if anyone was there to see his heroic act of selfless sacrifice. His end was noble, but best left without description in detail. It is a good thing that his body was not recovered. Kadol was supposed to have closed the hatch behind him before the cave in reached him.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Silentthunders - Year 18
« Reply #48 on: December 13, 2014, 02:47:36 pm »

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Tower Likot has finally expanded enough for the Fort to be allowed to give residency to our human guests. The guests are currently mostly all naked and I am yet to find out how to clothe them.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Silentthunders - Year 20
« Reply #49 on: December 16, 2014, 04:59:25 pm »

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Construction has continued unabated by siege and megabeast attacks; besides elf corpses there haven't been that many undead attacks and most of the undead on the map are in the 2nd cavern layer being destroyed by a fire-breathing forgotten beast. The Fort is entering an era of unprecedented peace on account of many of the Fort's fortifications being fully functioning and much of the construction work done being for civic projects or just extensions of existing fortifications.
This column is steadily being built up from atop the Hive; a spiral rampway rests in the centre. It's not of much use.

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The roof of the Memorial Broke is roughly done; still need to get rid of some stuff like the odd patch of marble ramp and am still considering on whether to add some stained glass windows or not.

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The Tombspire is also being built up, it only needs 3 more tomb sections before I can stop spending metal and finally ensure the hallowed starting 7 are immortalized in the heart of Silentthunders when they die.

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The Moose Pit has undergone massive extensions as the foundations of a grand tower have been placed upon it; it looked a bit unstable so I added four supporting struts.

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Tower Likot rather dramatically is beginning to resemble a proper tower. Windows are still being produced out of schist gems but the masons continue building onwards regardless; Tower Likot currently has 66 Grand Bedrooms, 1 Grand Dormitory housing the Fort's guest humans, 1 Royal Tomb where Likot rests, 1 Army training gym and 1 shooting floor for Marksdwarves to shoot down anything that flies and speaks ill of the Dorf Fort.

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One of the patients injured from the Moose Pit expansion (or more accurately, the deconstruction of scaffolding around the moose pit) went berserk from a lack of sleep and attacked another one of the patients. Fortunately through the habit of having had many killer patients or having had dead patients come back to life as killer cadavers I've kept hospitals right besides barracks, so a team of three squads was on hand to respond immediately.

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A fealtycrafted Dwarf killed a fealtycrafted Dwarf and the fealtycrafted parent Dwarves were a part of the response team that ultimately killed the berserk fealtycrafted Dwarf. Not a good day for their family. They still have their eldest daughter alive though.


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Re: Silentthunders - Year 20
« Reply #50 on: December 16, 2014, 05:39:32 pm »

Meanwhile, I was feeling impressed at having a three z-level dining room with a balcony.

Quote from: Rodney Ootkins
Everything is going to be alright


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Re: Silentthunders - Year 20
« Reply #51 on: December 17, 2014, 10:09:44 pm »


Loud Whispers

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Re: Silentthunders - Year 20
« Reply #52 on: December 18, 2014, 12:53:35 pm »

Found two of my USB sticks which both had older copies of Silentthunders on them; it's amazing how much has changed.
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In the year 413 seven Dwarves from the Coincidental Portals set out to construct the outpost Silentthunders on the south-eastern border of the Spidery Forest. This would place the Fortress in between two mountain ranges on a flat plain and on the frontlines of the cursed forest. Even better was that it was a direct challenge to a Necromancer tower which had plagued all the human hamlets in the West and Dwarven towns in the East for 350 years. A brook running through the area provided water from Spring till Autumn and the land was abundant with trees (or in the case of the Spidery Forest, dead trees). It rained Dwarven blood, always a good sign that the land was favoured by Armok.

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Less than half a decade after embark the forest was almost completely conquered. Much of it had already been cut down and burnt to charcoal in order to fuel Silentthunder's fledgeling metalworking industry; spears, swords, hammers and axes, picks, crossbows and a plethora of bolts, all were made to arm every Dwarf with metal in their hands to survive the endless attacks by murders of undead ravens, goblin raids and undead sieges. The foundations of the Fort's fortifications were set, the initial plans for the ditch was carved out and the Quarry dug deep into adamantine with absolute haste. Great monuments were built, gatehouses guarded the approaches of the overworld and a corridor from the caverns to the surface was made. A massive effort to pave over the surface world to stop trees from ever growing back was begun; if ever there was a time where the Fort could fail in a day it was this time.

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This effort continued. The walls were built higher, the miners dug deeper. Underground the caverns were being tamed, aboveground developments were made with incredible speed with never a month having a single idle Dwarf in the entire Fort. Great battles are fought in the Magma Forges as creatures from the magma sea emerge and attack the masons and metalworkers desperately trying to meet the needs of the overworld projects. Fortress complexes encompass yet more Fortresses; everyone sleeps within a tower with their armour on and their weapons at the ready. The ditch is widened and holes in the defences sealed shut.

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After a first decade of Fortifications the Fort begins to place more emphasis on civic and engineering projects. A direct path is dug from the Grand Stockpiles to the Magma Forges, the Rodendome is constructed and flooded, the Memorial Broke is at last roofed and the Tombspire once more elevated by another level. A magma piston and pump system is constructed to raise the Earth's blood into the Fort's ditch to raise the temperature a bit. The great gardens of tetrahedrite are well and fully in use and completion by this point, yielding hundreds of logs each time it is drained. Most importantly Likot Tower sees its first segment structurally completed, with the only thing holding it back being the inadequate supply of schist cabochons for window production. Despite some levels lacking windows entirely Tower Likot manages to solve the housing crisis caused by the Fort's children steadily growing up and joining the Fort's adult workforce. The Moose Pit sees major aesthetic refurbishment as the foundations of a gargantuan tower is built atop its lower dome. Half of the outer wall is covered in wall spikes. Construction efforts go vertical.

In other news...
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A flying Earthworm Beast was shot down on the Fortifications of the Magmaforge parapet. I've noticed that their wounds actually heal (I've got one FB in the moose pit covered in scars that were once mortal wounds in life) unless they begin rotting, at which point they cease to heal. Still, no idea what to do with it as it's dead in the water and there's no point killing it if I can't get rid of the body.

Oh and the last surviving daughter of the Fealtycrafted couple? She died of dehydration.
Not a lucky family.

Meanwhile, I was feeling impressed at having a three z-level dining room with a balcony.
Thanks. On the topic of balconies... That is a great idea, actually. I could see where a balcony could be used hanging over an audience room or something, or maybe over the Fort's entrance or into the merchant caravan. But how do you stop a balcony from being used as a helicopter pad into your Fort? Downward hatches work, but a staircase to a balcony isn't as nice as it being on the same level as a private dining room.

And on a private note I think I should scale back on the metal use in my megaprojects. I've just checked and Silentthunders army is equipped with everything from adamantine and steel to copper and nothing.


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Re: Silentthunders - Year 21
« Reply #53 on: December 20, 2014, 12:03:34 pm »

This fort is unbelievable. Congrats!

Loud Whispers

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Re: Silentthunders - Year 21
« Reply #54 on: December 24, 2014, 10:08:06 am »

The following contains a major spoiler for DF; basically the only DF spoiler of any note. Do not read unless you already know what the spoiler is or if you don't care about the Fun of surprises!
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Oh, and we also caught a minotaur who thought it'd be a smart idea to attack a Silentthunders Dwarf armed with a crossbow. One broken arm and a poor attempt at attacking a sentry pig later and it's now in my stockpiles. I already have one arena, but perhaps I need a Colosseum to go with it.


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Re: Silentthunders - We have struck spoilers
« Reply #55 on: December 24, 2014, 01:23:45 pm »



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Re: Silentthunders - We have struck spoilers
« Reply #56 on: December 24, 2014, 02:52:25 pm »



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Re: Silentthunders - We have struck spoilers
« Reply #57 on: December 24, 2014, 04:19:55 pm »

Regarding the above spoiler:
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Awesome fort, by the way. Definitely an inspiration to anyone who wants to make fully-developed megaforts. I don't think I could take the FPS :P


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Re: Silentthunders - We have struck spoilers
« Reply #58 on: December 24, 2014, 04:32:08 pm »

"Nevermore, you pansy-ass creature."

-Edgar Allan Dorf, just before violent pecking of the greatest spoiler incursion the fort had ever seen.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Silentthunders - We have struck spoilers
« Reply #59 on: December 24, 2014, 04:37:21 pm »

So... got a plan to retake that chamber and deanimate everything in it? Because you're sure as hell going to need to if you want to see FPS above 10 again.
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