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Author Topic: 30-Minute Head Start: Illustrated to Varying Degrees!  (Read 2394 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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30-Minute Head Start: Illustrated to Varying Degrees!
« on: March 31, 2013, 12:58:04 am »

My friend, you have been Exiled.

You do not know what time it is, but it is dark. You and your fellow Exiles were given 30 minutes to run as far from Nexsillen's borders as possible, when the sun was still in the visible sky. When those 30 minutes were up, the border guards were given permission to shoot you on sight. Not all of your group made it far enough away to be relatively safe. Since then, you've had to deal with nature, be it the wildlife being aggressive, the food being scarce, or the plants being poisonous. Some of you simply gave up and sat down, waiting to die. Others started fights and were either killed or left behind. The few of you remaining are hungry, thirsty, tired, cold, and scared. Heheh. Scared. The Iloial you are refuse to say it, but it's true. You're worried and scared. You've seen signs of previous groups of Exiles, especially corpses. Just now, you've come across a cabin. It appears old, decayed, unfinished, and carelessly made, but you can't be quite sure of its details due to the darkness. The lights are off if there are any, but there's signs of recent activity, such as the patches of land without grass. Nearby, you can hear water flowing and leaves rustling, but the animals make no sound. Not even an insect chirping. The air is cold and worse- flowing. The breeze chills you in your torn clothes. You think about who you are and what you did to deserve this.

You know you're an Iloial. One of the plantpeople. Each of you's got a color-coded caste named after an Earth flower. The yellow-petaled Daffodils, with the shortest lifespans are the ones with sector one jobs. Mining, farming, logging, anything about resource extraction. The blue-petaled Irises refine those resources, in addition to providing services and running companies. White-petaled Lotuses serve in the military. The final normal caste which is entirely female, is the Rose caste, with red petals. The make up approximately 5% of the normal population and rule the rest of the castes. Of course, there are mutant in-betweeners. They're usually Exiled for much more petty reasons than the normal. Mutants are always male and the mutants together make up another 5% of the population. They are not named after flowers. There are the Ibbs, the Daffodil-Iris caste, which are, along with the Iris-Lotus Bedubs, forced into the Daffodil caste roles and the Doberes, the Lotus-Rose Iloial who have work in the Iris caste jobs.

There are an infinite number of spots available. This game is somewhat serious, but insane behaviour is acceptable. The goal is to survive as long as possible.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 03:31:39 pm by Slayerhero90 »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 30-Minute Head Start: Illustrated to Varying Degrees!
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2013, 01:15:51 pm »

Not sure what the acceptability of bumping a Forum game that made it to page 2 on the list without garnering a single reply, but... should I shorten the First Post more?
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Re: 30-Minute Head Start: Illustrated to Varying Degrees!
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2013, 01:17:05 pm »

You should give people more instructions. People like it more when they know what to do in a game.

Otherwise, looks cool, and I'm going to watch this.


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Re: 30-Minute Head Start: Illustrated to Varying Degrees!
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2013, 01:21:46 pm »

I'll give it a go, maybe make a character later. 


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Re: 30-Minute Head Start: Illustrated to Varying Degrees!
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2013, 01:27:12 pm »

Eh, I'll make a character if someone else makes the first character.
A troll, most likely...But I hate not feeding the animals. Let the games begin.
Ya fuckin' wanker.   

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Re: 30-Minute Head Start: Illustrated to Varying Degrees!
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2013, 03:33:30 pm »

Updated the how to make a character naming system. Sorry for the length of what I added.
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Re: 30-Minute Head Start: Illustrated to Varying Degrees!
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2013, 04:42:52 pm »

Name: Philippis Jonassion Fray
Caste: Daffodil
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Strengths: Metalworking, Sociality
Weaknesses: Afraid of blood, a bit sdylexic
Appearance: Scrawny, wilting petals
Reason for Exile: Assaulting a higher caste-member
Other Useful Bits of Info:
« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 12:34:24 am by Dredonius »


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Re: 30-Minute Head Start: Illustrated to Varying Degrees!
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2013, 12:30:13 am »

Name: Henderson OhGodNotThisGuyAgain Gark (While he wasn't liked for being a mutant, he was especially disliked and made fun of because of his weird-ass name. Those who made fun of him were later found tastefully arranged in a bouquet left on a random gravestone. He is a weird piece of cheese.)
Caste: Mutant
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Strengths: Unbelievably lucky.
Weaknesses: Generally unlucky to be around, spontaneous bouts of hyper-violence, and a bit creepy.
Appearance: Tall, Blood-Red petals, browning stem, disconcerting look on his non-existant face.
Reason for Exile: Theft of many a person's sanity, treason, vandalism, being a mutant, and assault on public decency.
Other Useful Bits of Info: Wherever he roams, people randomly dissapear or recieve fruit baskets.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 12:59:13 am by Jbg97 »
Quote from: NW_Kohaku
DF doesn't mold players into its image - DF merely selects those who were always ready for DF.
Quote from: Owlbread
Everything will burn. Everything must burn.
Quote from: Girlinhat
The science of burning innocent children could be perfected into clockwork.
Quote from: Insanity X
And that is how Jbg97 saved dwarfmas


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Re: 30-Minute Head Start: Illustrated to Varying Degrees!
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2013, 02:41:43 pm »

((Based on the petal color being red, I'll assume you're a Dobere, Jbg. Also, don't expect whatever gel you've got that holds your hairpetals up to last long. Soon they'll fall to the sides and back of your head like anyone else's, which brings me to a question. What do you mean by having no face? You need one to eat and drink. And breathe. Also there are no gravestones. That will be explained in the following post. Other that that, Jbg, I am glad you brought your brand of insanity. I'm expecting four in-game days or so before you start screaming like madmen while wearing wooden masks and start shanking eachother up or something. Which may or may not actually be a holiday.))

While you people collect your thoughts as to who you are, you think of what you've been taught since birth. The other Iloial in Nexsillen, one of the major countries Iloial are the majority population, told you not to trust a Nyelrrithic, a species which could be summed up as "Russian-Speaking Scarily-OCD Militaristic Catpeople". Multiple wars between your collection of mostly-Iloial countries and Medved'zemlya, the biggest country dominated by the Nyelrrithics. Your countries started wars because they did not believe in Xolqexiqast, the religion that is mandatory in your country. Two deities, one of combat and day, the other of sleep and death supposedly work together to guard the Iloial from harm in their campaigns. An infinitely large swamp-like land with good air, water, and lots of creatures to hunt and kill for eating is where all Iloial followers go, while non-Iloial followers are sent to a twisting hellscape of winding metal corridors and massive caverns. To survive, the people sent there must find and kill the others sent there for food. For forty-seven years, about a third of a Human or Daffodil Iloial's lifespan, they must continuously stay alive, as it takes forty-seven years of dwelling there to change from whatever you were to an Iloial fit for entry to the heaven-like swamp. Dying resets the process. Non-followers have their souls deleted with no chance of redemption. The reason for the wars is to keep the Nyelrrithics from converting, so as to delete their souls from existence. The Iloial do not tend to like the Nyelrrithics.

Your kind also practice cannibalism. While the Demonbloods started practicing it because of a massive famine happening to them when they first split off from Humans and tried to settle down in the Kest and Voshor regions, a tragedy that made almost all of their cultures consider wasting anything to be unthinkable, you do it for both intimidation value and to not waste space on a graveyard or cemetery when it could be used to construct a factory or an apartment building.  Slavery is tolerated, as long as the slave is a Nyelrrithic. Theft, vandalism, assault, treason and not fitting in, of course, are causes of Exile.

You value strength, being desensitized to violence, and tactical thinking over kindness, appearance, and fairness. Raising large animals, mining iron and aluminum ores, and farming higher-yielding crops are the jobs Daffodils prioritize, while Irises prioritize the manufacturing of weapons, armor, ammo, and/or building material or the processing of resources. All citizens are trained in basic combat, but the Lotuses get the best training. To keep the other castes working, Art is something seen as useless to anyone but the Roses.

Mutants are held to much higher standards. They can get Exiled much easier and the mutants who are not exiled are prohibited from breeding. They are given jobs of the caste lower than their lowest caste. Life is generally the most difficult for the mutant castes, but still livable.

Again, it is cold and dark out here. You may want to go inside.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 30-Minute Head Start: Illustrated to Varying Degrees!
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2013, 03:22:19 pm »

What do you mean by having no face? You need one to eat and drink. And breathe
((Wait, these plant-people have faces?! Well that is gonna give me nightmares for a little while. Great, now I'm imagining a field of faces, screaming because I'm stepping on some of them... actually, that sounds kinda nice. Nevermind then.))
Might as well go inside, the dark is filled with horrors, and murderous beings beyond mortal comprehension... and whatever is outside.
Quote from: NW_Kohaku
DF doesn't mold players into its image - DF merely selects those who were always ready for DF.
Quote from: Owlbread
Everything will burn. Everything must burn.
Quote from: Girlinhat
The science of burning innocent children could be perfected into clockwork.
Quote from: Insanity X
And that is how Jbg97 saved dwarfmas


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Re: 30-Minute Head Start: Illustrated to Varying Degrees!
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2013, 05:44:45 pm »

What do you mean by having no face? You need one to eat and drink. And breathe
((Wait, these plant-people have faces?! Well that is gonna give me nightmares for a little while. Great, now I'm imagining a field of faces, screaming because I'm stepping on some of them... actually, that sounds kinda nice. Nevermind then.))
Might as well go inside, the dark is filled with horrors, and murderous beings beyond mortal comprehension... and whatever is outside.

You look just like normal people, except you have petals for hair and a strange, close-fitting leafy material for skin. Your teeth, naturally sharp and often bloody, in addition to your bones, are half-made from a dense wood-material and half a genuine bone. Your muscles are like that of vines, and blood a transparent amber, like sap. Your organs, on the other hand- your heart, your guts, your brain- are all composed of animal matter. Another difference of note is the eye structure. You do not need to blink as often as a Human would have to. You have a protective lid over your eye that merely needs an occasional cleaning. That lid is like a one-way window. It is a solid light blue in color and completely opaque to an external viewer. Through autopsy of some Iloial corpses, it would be shown that all Iloial have eyes much like ours, but with red, yellow, or orange irises. At about a quarter to a third of the eye from the nose bridge side, a slit curves down to the sentor of the eye, which can end up opened during expressions of anger or shock. It is often used for intimidation value, like many things, in addition to exposing more of the eyelid to be cleaned.

You came from humans, as did the Demonbloods and Nyelrrithics. Very wealthy people made your first ancestors. There were others, but they didn't come out right. Heheh. Once, it was attempted to make elves. The Shudovaij came from that, vicious and ravenous they are, swarming. All animals and all plants on this planet either came from a lab or evolved from one in the previous category. Most of them didn't come out right. Fear the wights, the lodocriiarij, and the clips. But, back to the topic of your kind. Your kind was an experiment, really, in seeing what would happen if the most basic of plant-like aspects were applied to an animal. Luckily, someone had the money to fund human testing. Unfortunately, it seems the first Iloial were quite mentally ill. Due to differences in chromosome count, the Iloial, along with every other species, can only breed with its own. So the Iloial couldn't breed the crazy away.

Well, the second oddly named Iloial tries to open the door an finds it's locked, like anyone's house would be at night in the woods of an uncivilized region near a country of Iloial.
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Re: 30-Minute Head Start: Illustrated to Varying Degrees!
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2013, 05:47:07 pm »

Break the door. Just break it.
Quote from: NW_Kohaku
DF doesn't mold players into its image - DF merely selects those who were always ready for DF.
Quote from: Owlbread
Everything will burn. Everything must burn.
Quote from: Girlinhat
The science of burning innocent children could be perfected into clockwork.
Quote from: Insanity X
And that is how Jbg97 saved dwarfmas


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Re: 30-Minute Head Start: Illustrated to Varying Degrees!
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2013, 09:53:07 pm »

Quote from: NW_Kohaku
DF doesn't mold players into its image - DF merely selects those who were always ready for DF.
Quote from: Owlbread
Everything will burn. Everything must burn.
Quote from: Girlinhat
The science of burning innocent children could be perfected into clockwork.
Quote from: Insanity X
And that is how Jbg97 saved dwarfmas


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Re: 30-Minute Head Start: Illustrated to Varying Degrees!
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2013, 07:12:48 am »

The door has not been maintained or possibly even used in a long time. The first time you ram your shoulders into it, the locking mechanism bursts through the doorframe on the other side, opening the door and leaving a multitude of wood slivers on the floor. The room inside is just as dark as the forest outside, but not as cold and more quiet.

((Next update will have a picture.))
« Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 07:15:21 am by Slayerhero90 »
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Yeah no I don't haunt here anymore. Peace


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Re: 30-Minute Head Start: Illustrated to Varying Degrees!
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2013, 09:02:05 am »

this game deserves more attention.

Name: Xâôtlaim Sacrinia Aquina
Caste: Rose
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Strengths: Brave, intelligent, stoic
Weaknesses: Physically average, no martial skills, careless
Appearance: Think a beautiful red rose in very attractive female human form.
Reason for Exile: Treason, not behaving within my caste.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 09:08:58 am by kahn1234 »
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