Reina immediately returns from guard duty and bursts through the doorway to her Lord's chambers.
"Lord Funsaikido!"
Barely fazed by this, Lord Funsaikido himself a loud and boisterous person, he welcomed Reina. Reina was one of the few Samurai under his command he could remember.
"I have something for you! Here!"
Reina handed over the bunches of rare flowers she found, noticing for the first time their sweet smell. No wonder they were so valuable...
"Ah, you found these on patrol? This is a very good day! Come back here in two or three hours, and I'll return your gift! How does tea sound?"
Reina happily accepted, before suddenly remembering she was supposed to bow. Funsaikido chuckled to himself and dismissed Reina. "You needn't be so polite, you know, it's not a diplomatic mission or anything!"
(Funsaikido was like that in my head before people even applied- it was a good match
Afterwards, Reina tried to find ways to pass the time while waiting for a few hours. Deciding to train, she practiced on some straw dummies, as most other samurai were either out on patrol or had already heard of her "training." She wondered if that guy was still in the medical ward.
After tiring herself, Reina figured she still had time she needed to wast- err, use. She wandered about her lordship's market, finding some nice ricecakes and some kind of soft, chewy candy... After all, patrols cut into lunch.
Returning to Funsaikido's office, she sees him with a group of nobles and a fresh, steaming cauldron-ful of tea.
"Ah, it's Reina! You found the flower for the tea, you should join us!
So, Reina attempted to put on her best "I am not somewhat ADHD and can be completely noble and polite" face and joined the group.