This is actually eye opening. Remember the advice with the two games? He cathered to the anti gamer crowd, and now hop, 180° "Everywhere You Look, Sex Is Being Regulated and Sanitised. We Should Stop This Nannying Puritanism" he title.
Of course at the time, gamer were left wing and he is right wing.
As for the #notallgamers first I do find that indeed the #yesallmen campain is largely misguided and largely intelleectually dishonest. Like most American political initiatives, it's aiming at making anyone that oppose you look bad.
#yesallmen is dumb because that was a case of insanity like so many other, and it as blended with an ideology like so many others. But take the case of Richard Drum, he wrote similar letter and he was left wing, socialist and pro Palestinian. He shot a town hall reunion to stop being a "looser" and "more like hitler" since he preffered being "fear and hated than pitied". He chose to do the oposite of everything he stood for to get noticed...
So yeah, the opportunistic smear campain that pass for activism in your beautifull country tend to attract haters, and inevitably an equal and opposite smear campain.
The issue is particularly clear with guns rights. Your current laws are disasterous but what are democrat doing about it? Raising FUD about "weapons of war" and "high power rifles". No one actually look at the problem, the merits of the arguments raised by the oposition, or potential solutions. The extremes have the mics, and the masses follow.