All right. Do you know of any trans female main characters outside of dating games? I don't.
I'm fairly certain there's been a couple of text-based ones along those lines. I mean, like one or two. Then a single-digit amount of experimental stuff related to it. From what I remember at least one or two of them were pretty specifically done by the MtF trans game developer whose name I've forgotten. One of her games was that female-protagonist upward scrolling jumpy thingy from a few years back. Pretty damn rare stuff, though.
Color me impressed =) Also, I wouldn't take Persona as a dating sim, no--I'm really trying to specifically eliminate characters who solely embody fetishism.
Corruption of Champions is one such text game: with the right potions you can genderswap or become just about any imaginable trans / straight / gay / bi combo you like.
Corruption of Champions is a hugely-fetishistic erogame about intersex demons and animal-people raping and gangbanging one another. I wouldn't call it trans-friendly either, since the character-creation process was all about your physical sex-organs, and how massive and amazing they were.
So yeah... if you step back a few yards and ignore how it completely fails to represent intersex people in a light that doesn't embody them as a fetish, how it discards the notion that physical sex and gender identity are two very different things, and glossed over the rape overtones and other deeply-squicky shit... you could argue that it's a sex-positive game featuring hermaphroditic characters? At best? Instead of a deeply offensive piece of glorified rape-fiction?
Also, consider this a piece of advanced warning. It was gross and it pissed me off, as an ally and even just as a person. And those are not easy things for fiction to evoke in me.