Why are women exempt? Because they are deemed unfit, or that they have a DUTY to give birth or raise children. Such privilege.
Yes, being exempt from selective service is literally a privilege. I'm glad you acknowledge that even sarcastically.
And yes, the reasons for that exemption are lousy and based on a culture of sexism - that doesn't somehow make men privileged for having to sign up.
The fact is that laws and scholarships directly benefit women and minorities. The legal system itself still persecutes minorities, but also men in domestic disputes... I don't feel like supporting that claim right now, so I don't expect you to believe it if you haven't witnessed it.
This affirmative action is generally a good thing, because it's helping to undo centuries of legal and cultural oppression. I know our culture is still very sexist, racist, and homophobic. So it's fine that white males are literally disadvantaged by the law, I guess.
See, it's hard to support that wholeheartedly when I've seen family members get shafted by it. Unable to get scholarships or jobs due to being white males. Some of us understand why these quotas are necessary to undo stuff that, in very very broad strokes, people of our color did to people of other colors. Others throw in with conservative ideologies because, right here and now, they are hard working yet poor and financially persecuted and those ideologies let them be outraged.
The "patriarchy" doesn't send these people a check, in fact it keeps them poor. And millions of dollars are spent convincing these people that minorities and women are the problem. It's not a hard sell, particularly when those groups are whining about how "privileged" all white male people are.
But the truth is that these policies ARE necessary, even though they punish people who had nothing to do with the problem. They're the only way to combat the unfair financial imbalances between racial groups.
It's a burden though, a real actual financial burden on people who did nothing wrong, so I'll thank you to check YOUR privilege.
I didn't say men have no problems. Address what I say, not what you think would be nice to respond to.
Oh come on, you keep accusing people of denying sexism altogether when nobody is doing that. Weren't you leaving?