Finished watching. So basically this is what the developer tries to say
She is dependent on him. That is how their dynamic works.
and this is what Anita hears
Women are dependant on men. This is how all dynamics work.
Once again, where a much better analysis of a problem could have been given, instead we are just told there is a problem and given example after example of anecdotal evidence. Being able to repeat "Your wife is murdered, and then you have to save your daughter" multiple times is an appeal to emotion, rather than reason.
Now what
is sexist is the idea that women
only exist to be victimized. That they
only exist to be beaten and broken so that the guy can have his little character development. This is a bit of a problem in the industry, but it isn't a problem that is highlighted through anecdotal evidence like we were given.
The mere existence of the tropes explored
is not a problem. There is nothing wrong with any single one of the examples given. It is the prevalence that is the problem. The fact that these are the only stories being told. Female disempowerment isn't a problem within a narrative, as long as you don't just decide that it must be the only way. The problem isn't the existence of this sort of narrative, the problem is the lack of anything else. As such, pointing out the existence of these tropes is meaningless.
It really is as if Anita wants video games to just not have "weaker" women, where
all female characters are strong and independent. Bullshit. I want a gaming industry where we can actually have diversity within our characters, and can actually play with power dynamics in narrative to tell an interesting story. I want strong women, but I don't want
only strong women, just like I want strong men, but I don't want
only strong men. Once again, Tropes Vs. Women seems to say that the problem is with the existence of certain tropes, rather than the lack of others.
Also, I thought that scene from Wreck it Ralph was pretty awesome, rather that humorous. Well the absurdly huge gun hidden in the wedding dress was funny, but as a scene it was more awesome.