The Scribe's Tally SheetSnuff Captain Ford White: Toaster
Light Dariush Green: Dariush, Onyxjew944, Ottofar
Snuff Dariush Teal: OttofarSnuff Dariush White: Ottofar
Light Nerjin Teal: webadict
Snuff Nerjin White: Dariush
Light notquitethere Green: notquitethere
Snuff Okami No Rei Green: Nerjin, Vector
Snuff Okami No Rei Teal: Vector
Snuff Okami No Rei White: Captain Ford, Nerjin, Onyxjew944, Toaster, Vector
Snuff Ottofar White: Dariush, Nerjin, notquitethere, Onyxjew944, Tiruin, Toaster
Snuff webadict Green: notquitethere
Light webadict Teal: webadict
Snuff Remuthra White: Tiruin
Light Tiruin Teal: webadict
Snuff Toaster White: Captain Ford
Candles with a Red flame cannot be changed
The Candles stand thus: Captain Ford: White Candle is lit, Green Candle is lit, Teal Candle is lit and its flame is red
Dariush: White Candle is lit, Green Candle is out, Teal Candle is lit and its flame is red
Nerjin: White Candle is lit, Green Candle is lit, Teal Candle is out
notquitethere: White Candle is lit, Green Candle is out, Teal Candle is lit and its flame is red
Okami No Rei: White Candle is lit, Green Candle is lit, Teal Candle is lit
Onyxjew944: White Candle is lit, Green Candle is lit, Teal Candle is lit and its flame is red
Ottofar: White Candle is lit, Green Candle is out and its wick is gone, Teal Candle is lit
webadicTeal: White Candle is lit, Green Candle is lit, Teal Candle is out
Remuthra: White Candle is lit, Green Candle is out, Teal Candle is lit and its flame is red
Solifuge: White Candle is out and its wick is gone, Green Candle is shattered, Teal Candle is lit
Tiruin: White Candle is lit, Green Candle is lit, Teal Candle is out
Toaster: White Candle is lit, Green Candle is out, Teal Candle is lit and its flame is red
Vector: White Candle is lit and its flame is red, Green Candle is lit, Teal Candle is lit
Day ends
~5pm Pacific Wednesday. There are 2 votes to
Extend the day. 4 votes total needed to Extend.
Meph, may I edit post #10 to include this stuff?
Sure, since that's not an actual game post it's fine if you edit it.