Ford, assuming Avos gives you Strength because your Green Candle is lit, any idea why so many of us have Green Candles lit, but do not claim an ability?
Also mentioned this before. Tiruin claimed an ability while also claiming skepticism about the idea, so I said this:
Hmm ... well my PM isn't phrased the same way. Is it possible that your power isn't affected by the candles but mine is?
The candles may not affect us all the same way. If some of us are affiliated with light and some with darkness, it makes sense, even if the white candles work the same for everybody.
But then, Tiruin has a green candle lit.
Ranger: I feel like I've been talking to an empty room. I'm getting frustrated enough to feel like quitting already. Nobody seemed to be listening to me, so I got louder, and louder, and LOUDER, AND
So no, apparently, I couldn't. Nobody was listening when I was being polite.
Vector: Fuck you. Where do you get off pretending to know every facet of my playstyle? I discovered in M&M&H that I fit in a similar vein to Dariush, actually, which I carried through into VLR. More recently, you've been seeing my anxiety-ridden, overburdened-with-work and paralyzed-by-indecision side, but that isn't how I always played. Hell, just look at KotM3. You see any wishy-washyness anywhere but round 4? I don't. I fucking wasted three kings without batting an eye. I picked out UI correctly with less than a half-day of content to go on, when DS hammered day 2. My record of picking out scum was flawless until a dozen things in real life converged and I didn't have enough time or energy to play the game properly anymore.
PPE: Damn it. So many posts. This feels really out of line after all the talk about being calm.
...fuck it. I'm not calm yet. Maybe I will be tomorrow. But anger makes me aggressive. I can use that.
As for you, you jumped on me when I started questioning why we were lighting your green candle. I think you see me as an obstacle that you're trying to get rid of. Why else would you have totally ignored all the questions I asked and all my requests for more feedback and simply used me as a scapegoat? Why were you more interested in advancing your own personal interests than participating in discussion?