Griff: you say this, yet you have yet to claim yourself. Why? and why does my element matter exactly?
Your element is useful as your abilities will most likely be based around it: if they're not, we know you are lying.
My reason for not claiming will be obvious in a bit, I needed conformation from Webadict that I had used my one-shot.
-Claim-I am a Dreamwalker.
I would share my backstory (some of what I've learned is REALLY interesting), but I've been asleep and dreaming for so long I don't know anything about myself. At least my dreams are interesting.
I have four abilities one one-shot and three automatic abilities:
(Auto) I was not allowed to explicitly state ANY information I gathered due to my abilities, or any information about my abilities on pain of mod-kill. There were a couple simi-close calls, but I don't recall having to resort to lying outright... If you've any questions though about certain claims I shrugged off, let me know and I can be more complete now.
(Night; Auto) Each night I walked through other peoples dreams at night so I could see I see some of what the other players were doing that night, or in some cases what was happening to them. Almost all of the actions were claimed after N1, so the information wasn't really that useful.
N1: Zrk2 targeted Vector
ZU searched Soldier
N2: Ranger targeted Vector
Sheep gave someone voting power
TolyK poisoned someone
N3: NQT used an ability (I was given the name, but I don't think I should share that)
(1-Shot) I revoke my above abilities for the ability to claim information. I used this, and will not be getting more nightly information.
(Auto) I am your resident medium. Tiruin, I'm sorry, but people who were mod-killed were removed from the game and so are not in the dead chat; Ford has been EXTREMELY prolific though. I owe him a deal for pointing out several things I would have totally missed. So yeah: if you've any questions for Ford, ZU or Sheep ask away and I can relay you their answers; Ford is the only one who has posted most regularly though.