Chapter 1:Disoriented
Turn 3
!(-it's huge) You merely turn you glare at it and it freezed, seem like that worked. You then rush next to it and ! Vs !(-stunned) but you miss the beast somehow. It ! Still in terror of you.
Name: Agrios Aureus
Gender: Male
Race: Navar
Class: Stalker
King(Those at low ranks are more likely to follow your order)
Skill trees:
Terror(What is that smell?)
-(1/5)Killing intent(1 stamina per use, paralyse your foe with your happy thoughts, better chance per level)
Embodiment of strength(And you rip off it's head)
-(1/5)Mighty charge(10 stamina per use, close the distance between you and your target and hit them for good measure, need space to preform this move, more damage per level)
A conqueror's presence(No need to worry about your friends, I will send them with you)
-(1/5)Slaughter(Passive, every kill give the witnessing enemies a penalty due to how you ripped their friend apart, more of penalty per level)
Augur's fang sword
A human's head
Fangs necklace



Health: healthy

Skill trees:

My planet need me(Dariush, jaass)
Vefox send out his drone to look around and Graxel says some things to the group. Delan suddenly disappear with a pop, saying “Oh crap!”. You two just stare a little at this.
! The drone finds a small band of people heading toward you
Name: Graxel
Gender: Male
Race: Dark elf
Class: Shadowmaster
Jinxed(his enemies has his failure chance as well)
Skill trees:
One with the shadows(I'm number one)
-(1/5)Spying shadows(1 shadow uses, may use a shadow as a scrying pool to look out any shadows in (level) miles)
Coming night(Afraid of the dark? They will be.)
-(2/5)Crows(2 time the number of crows made, summon one or more shadow crows to attack your enemies, stronger crows per level)
Embrace of darkness(Darkness is my protector)
-(0/5)ebony wall(0.5 times the number of squares meters size wall(s), summon a wall or walls to block your enemies attacks or paths)
Leather armour
Black cape
Name: Vefox
Gender: Male
Class: Technomancer
Tinker(bonus with machines)
Skill trees:
Overcharged(I recommend not standing in that general direction)
-(2/5)Shotgun mode(5 power per shot, toggle, gives your current ranged weapon an area of effect, larger area per level, damage is not reduced)
AI(No souls, but they just as good, no better then flesh and blood soldiers)
-(1/5) make drone(1 power per use, make a small drone(s) with weak range attack, best for scouting, more drones per use per level)
Mech suit(What is this 'walking' you speak of?)
-(0/5)Assisted targeting(1 power per turn, increase hit chance, more of a bonus per level)
laser piston
lab coat
Turnaround(Sorcerer Kail, javierpwn)
!(-!(getting used to it) light pain) vs !(-still ! Actually not dazed) Yattruk start this round off with a thundering charge that ! Vs ! Still hit Kuroto despite his well executed dodge attempt. ! 25 damage plus !(heavy) (!,!,!,!)(-cutting on armour to all) 32 damage due to siding through the field of spikes, !(-well made carapace) sound like something broke(no counter check because Kuroto far away). Shaking the stars from his head, Kuroto leaped into the air and fly toward his prey. !(Angle of attack) Vs !(-!no more pain) His prey blocks the group of blows(a miss only take 10 stam) and ! Bring the hammer once more !(hammer:negate armour) Vs !(armour negated) But the hammer just misses Kuroto's head.
Name:Kuroto Muroto
Status:Broken carapace(half defence bonus)
camouflaged(Hide better)
Skill trees:
The hunt is on!(You go lovely in a stew)
-(2/5)Flurry of blows(10+5 per blow stamina per uses, deals random number of blows to a target, more blows per level)
Up in the air(It not superman)
-(0/5)Slient flight(Passive, make less noise while gliding, more noise reduction per level)
Unkillable(Try again! Maybe this time you can put a dent in it!)
-(1/5)Guarding stance(0 stamina cost, toggle, increase your defence by halving your attack, more defence per level)
Name: Yattruk
Gender: Male
Race: Artificial bear-human hybrid
Class: Hextech user
Strong(bonus in strength)
Skill trees:
One man army(outnumbered, outmanoeuvred, but never outfought)
-(1/5)Bullrush(5 power per use, barrels through a group of targets, can be used on one target, more force(thus more knockback and damage) per level)
Forbidden power(What was that!? Can't hear you over the screams!)
-(2/5)Field of spikes(10 mana per use, turn an area to spikes that continuous hurt(darkness) people on top for 3(+1 per level) turns, you are immune to your spikes, more damage per level)
Hextech(I think this is flux capacitor.)
-(0/5)Shockwave(2 power and 5 mana per use, unleashed a wave of electrical energy around you, can paralyse targets, more damage per level)
Hextech hammer
Leg booster
Jaapi hat
Leather bag(Food and water)
A loud bang and several people appear. Most of them then drop dead leaving five standing. ! They are underground in a ruin of some kind.
Name: Stormhunters:Stormy/Smiles/BlindShot/Bloody/FireBall.
Gender: Male/female/male/male/male
Race: humans-demons ratio vary
Class: Battlemages
Health: (60/60)/(40/40)/(50/50)/(40/40)/(60/60)
Mana: (10/10)/(15/15)/(5/5)/(15/15)/(5/5)
Stamina: (10/10)/(5/5)/(10/10)/(5/5)/(15/15)
Team spirit(dead party members will resurrect a little while(depending on number and who survives) after combat)
Skill trees:
Mage's path(I hold the world in my hand)
-(0/5)Sparks(2 mana of Stormy's per use ,spell, lighting element, short range, more damage per level)
CQC(we were wresting...the normal kind!)
-(0/5)Toss(2 stamina of Stormy's per use, Grab and throw a target, touch range, more throwing range per level)
Unity(They are my team, flaws and all)
-Unfocused hatred(Smiles)(What a petty colour! I must kill it!)
--(0/5)Shattered(1 mana of Smiles per use, spell, mid range, just damage, more damage per level)
-At arms length(Blindshot)(I'm behind you, way, way over here)
--(0/5)Seeing ahead(1 mana of Blindshot's a turn, small bonus to most things, more bonus per level)
-Circle of life(Bloody)(...)
--(0/5)Boost the fading light(2 mana of Blood's, spell, small heal, touch, more healing per level)
-Unstable(Fireball)(To your right, a little more, Smiles. Boom!)
--(0/5)Small bomb(2 stamina of Fireball's, fire/sonic elements, short range, more damage per level)
power armours 5 sets, 3 damaged.
Steel blade
Energy sniper rifle
Two energy pistols
Energy assault rifle
Throwing knives
I'm not counting the first turn so hope someone dies next turn, kj1225.
I hate Brood's sheet, but I can't think of a better way. you have 7 skills points
Minor buff to Mighty charge.