I already make other's lives miserable for my benefit. Every dollar that I earn could have gone towards someone else. Every meal I eat could have fed another person. I am quite happy to allow the wholesale slaughter of innumerable animals so I can enjoy a variety of meats on demand at my local supermarket. I freely use pharmaceuticals that are developed using animal testing methods designed to cause the creature's death. If you want to talk about pain and suffering don't just include the barbaric treatment of humans as our only source of sin.
Humans are an apex species, and we've climbed over every other form of life on this planet, including our own, to get there. Morality is an ethical framework designed to prevent mutual destruction by equal powers, not an absolute and unshakable Truth. We define our morality by our circumstances and constantly change it to suit our needs.
A lack of compassion is not a crime. Indeed, it's a core aspect of our primal survival instincts. It's tempered by our instinctual herd mentality that wills us to value certain people around us for the protection and skills they can provide towards our mutual survival. That line between the Us of our group and the Them outside it create everything from our families to our nations.
Suggesting we increase our migrant intake is well and good, but who? We want the maximum return for investment. The people most likely to have marketable skills and financial security. In other words, the 'plane people.' We get to cherry pick the best in that scenario. Is it right to do this? From a purely economic and primitive survival aspect, absolutely. From a moral perspective? That depends on the definition of morality by the national herd, as shown in the results of the election.